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 I am sorta...ish back from my little break but at the same time the whole corona virus epidemic that's been going on lately kinda ruined my plans before i got to actually do anything so i didn't really get the break i was planning for but oh well lol
anyways thanks to IamCringe for remaking Matt with updated textures and actual clothes!! the new eyes were heavily inspired by @ZoeyIsTooSmall's style on twitter!! definitely one of my favorite mcr34 artists :))

the rest of the gals are next for overhauls but they'll come eventually in time i presume. he's actually really fun to play with and i hope to make more stuff with him in the future :)

where i've been at:

if you're also wondering where i've been at on discord i've been away from my computer as a means of taking a short break (refer to above). but i'll be kicking it back into gear here when next month rolls around i also got a couple of treats for you guys involving new VA's :eyes:

i am still active on twitter but on discord not really until next month rolls around. i might pop in before sometime but probably for not that long. sorry this supposed break didn't go as i planned so all i can really think of for now is to just go afk 




Take as much time as you need Slippy, were all here for you!


Honestly I'm jelly slip. I've been working from home for the past week no thanks to this stuff. You have no idea how bad I wanna go AFK myself right now... lol


Minecraft bara tiddy