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 This month we're gonna focus on... Jenny! :]

*Each animation idea is intended to be at least 1+ minute long*

Option A: Jenny is out by a campfire and so happens a creeper is near her. The Creeper notices her and starts to slowly approach her but nervously. Jenny notices a twig break and hears the creeper right behind her so she turns around and hits the creeper on the head with the hilt of her sword and knocks him out. Moments later the creeper wakes up with Jenny crouched down studying him all curious like because she's never seen a creeper close up before. She notices the creeper's dong but doesn't say anything just blushes. the creeper wakes up and looks spooked because she's crouched next to him with a sword in her hand. she doesn't look hostile but more... curious. The creeper notices she's not wearing any pants and slowly his dong rises and Jenny notices it too. She blushes and giggles and puts her sword away and says how she's never done the dirty with a creeper before. Then I'm sure you can figure out the rest lol. Cum filled tum at the end

Idea is mostly inspired by this image a friend of mine drew  :)c

TL-DR: Campfire. Creeper wants Jenny's puss puss. Jenny accepts. Creeper does an explosive cum shot in her (non lethal lol) and fills her tum a lot. Creeper lost it's head but is super satisfied

Option B: Jenny is out and about and see's Bia walking around. She walks over to her and asks her if Marie has any more of that thicc potion juice. Bia has no idea so Jenny asks her if she can grab the thicc potion for her and bring it to her. She's kinda nervous about it but Jenny insists and starts saying "pretty please" and all that. Bia agrees afterwards. Cuts to Bia in Marie's potion room looking for that potion and see's it. She's about to grab it but Marie is calling out for Bia so she freaks out and without looking grabs a potion but doesn't realize she grabbed the wrong one that's right next to it labeled "DO NOT DRINK". As she's walking back down to find Marie, Marie is there looking at Bia suspiciously. Bia quickly hides the bottle behind her back nervously. Marie notices the bottle and reads the name on the potion without her noticing but doesn't say anything because she doesn't really like Jenny that much. She asks what's the potion behind your back for and Bia starts sweating and blushing and starts studdering and all that. She say's that "J-Jenny really wanted to t-try out your thicc potion again and she wanted me to steal it from y-you!" while being scared and crying. Marie still noticing it's the wrong potion looks at her kinda confused then realizing she probably grabbed the wrong bottle without realizing then Marie kinda smug about it says "it's okay, just ask me next time and I'll just give it to you. That's the 'thicc' potion right?" Bia says Y-yes. Marie kinda smug about it says "oh... I bet she'll like to try THAT one right there again I bet." With a kind of intimidating smirk. Bia still with tears in her eyes looking at her. Marie wipes her tears with both hands and tells her to go run off and give it to her. Bia smiles and walks away with Marie having a kind of evil look on her face. Cuts to Bia finding Jenny just resting beside a tree upside down with her legs facing upwards the tree. Jenny thanks Bia for the potion and drinks it without reading the potion name and immediately starts feeling incredibly wet and horny. Her eyes glow with lust and looks at Bia which she then looks at Jenny nervously. Jenny is seriously craving someone or something to have intercourse with as she's basically in heat x10 at this point. Jenny is about to grab Bia but Bia disconnects from the server at the last second and Jenny is flustered. Cuts to her walking in the forest and finds a random player and pounces on him basically. The player then hears someone behind him and finds Jenny at her knees begging for some dong and reveals how wet she is and demands sex right now. The player confused but blushing agrees and then sexy fun time happens

TL-DR: Jenny drinks wrong potion on accident and drinks instant orgasm potion instead and demands sex from a random player she finds.



You should do B then A next after because both video ideas sound good


Or vise versa

Anthony Ott

Going with A because B seems like it would take more build up and leave less time for sexy time.

john erzatz

A, because it's been a hot minute since you've done a BIG cumflation, and I dig that sort of thing~


A. cant say no to a quickie and a cumflation creampie


B. Dont like the creeper idea imo


Holy fuck, both sound amazing


Tough choice!


yea this is a hard choice


You should save some of the losing ideas, maybe bring them up at a later point.~ Especially if the turnout is close enough


as much as i really want B, i would love to see A


please one at the eeeend XD


i vote both

Dragunov Tores

I really just want bia cos she's the cuter character imo.