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So kinda sad news i guess but idk what else to do to prevent people from leaking stuff i spend a lot of time working on so starting today from now on i'm gonna be sticking to schedule as always but Patreon released animations will become public a week after they've been posted here. instead of a month wait for public eyes

I really tried making it fair and making it feel worth being a patron to me but idk what i can do about people who want to leak my animations so i hope you guys are okay with this update... i know it might sound a little unfair with some of you but this is the best idea i have to prevent these re uploads from happening :\

anyway i'm gonna hope most of you still stay regarding this update cuz it's just not fair having to deal with this

Also maybe help prevent this from happening because this is just ridiculous

My video is on the left



I'm good with this: Already felt like a month was way too long anyways.


Its a shame people cant just let this stuff wait, but you'll keep getting my backing no matter what.

Little Nightmares

Do whatever makes you feel is right those of us who are loyal will stay no mater what


Damn this sucks, I hope this doesn't make you have a loss in money, I'd very much donate all I could

Edwin Molina

Sorry to hear that people can't wait. But, even if it's just a week prior it's fine.


Can someone check this for me because I haven't had mega for a long time but isn't there a view only option on mega? I know drop box has a view only option but I don't think you can upload over 720p videos. But if you can drop box is a good option because it's m3u8 video streamed so you can still download it if you try hard enough but I don't really think who ever is leaking your hard work is smart enough to figure it out.


This sucks dude cause you do such great work.


Keep taking my money. You deserve it


I love what you do, and I want you to continue doing it, as long as you still enjoy it of course! That's why I support you! It's sad that there's people out there who disregard your wishes - It's clear that they don't feel the same.


It's a damn shame.


Unfortunately as long as there's any amount of time between private uploads and public, people will post them on ph. Even a 5 day gap won't be enough, people will post anyway unfortunately.

Meris Darkmon

You can count us to stay here even if you make your content public after a week. If everybody would leave your patreon you could not make your art here and nobody would get anything. I can tell that we love your content and we need more of it.


Jerks just make it their mission to post stuff public the moment they get it because they just don't believe these things should be behind a paywall, or figure "if I upload this, then I'll get a lot of views!" or something like that. The real reward with paying for the patreon subscribsion is supporting an artist so that they can afford to make more content. Unfortunately not everyone has that mindset


I say report their account on there. I'll still support you.


I'm not here to get stuff early, but to get everything in its highest possible quality. Once I get a job, it'll be mostly to support.

Tyler Lynch

Eh, getting stuff early isnt really why i am a patron. So im not exactly foaming at the mouth for you to release it to the public as late as possible. Get that bread my dude.


Whoever is leaking SlipperyT’s content before the public release, just know that you’ll always be pathetic for the rest of your life. (Sorry, but that’s just disrespectful for people to do that to you). i’ll always be here to support you, no matter what!

Jaden Puente

still get those wips, also working on something to show you

book enjoyer

might wanna up the ante, get diamond supports 720p 30ps while emerald gets the full glorious HD.


Do what you gotta due to protect your craft.


I'm really sad to see this, but with the changes I'll still support you as before. Thanks for sticking it out Slippery.


remember to put your name and "minecraft" in the video titles so that they are more searchable.


I'm a Patreon to support what you do, not when it gets to me. I'm happy with whatever you need to do, fam.

alexis d

its so fcking sad that peeps does that...why dont you put big watermark work in progress till release instead? so that noone can upload the real one its up to you to put it at the end :) and we wait a little bit more but you're not fcked ;)


Trust me I have been doing my best to flag and report every video I see to help support you. I am sorry I’m not doing much ;-; I love your stuff too much to even leak it. I would rather wait and help support!

Aaron Sanchez

I’m gonna keep paying because you deserve the money


They will steal your video to which website, you will go to which website, so that they will be forced to delete the video because of infringement, and you can also publicize yourself. To be honest, I know you from these thieves.