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Where is the animation?

The animation is finished, just looking to see where I can host the animation for public release now. I might do rule34video or something to host this animation since I notice a lot of lengthy nsfw content on there as well.

Release date?

Got a trailer ready to reveal all that soon. Ideally, I wanna post it in the next few days. Gonna try and post the full animation here on Patreon first after the trailer release date, but who knows what leakers will do once I announce it. Kind of kills the hype for me honestly.

There's a chance Patreon staff might take my account down because of this animation but its worth it. I haven't felt safe with Patreon for years now. I know y'all got my back if I have to move ❤️

The absurd platform fees alone on this site is taxing enough.

Jenny's VA livestream?

She's on vacation so she won't be able to livestream it before its released. She might do a react stream to the animation when she gets back I'm not sure.

Why isn't the video out yet?

I have a mixed bag of a community that half wants me to take care of my mental health and not rush things (figuring that out) while the other half wants the animation out asap. I've never dealt with a loss of something so close to me before so its been really hard for me to put my focus into tweaking the finishing touches or post anything, really. I'm kinda doing that numb thing but trying to be active with an update idk how to explain it.

Without context its easy to assume what the user might be doing, but I don't have any ill-intentions, just depressed about a lot of things happening over here on top of my dog passing. I'm glad the animation is finally finished, but yeah, bad timing is all. (Twitter link)

What's next for you?

Well, after this animation I want to get away and focus on rebuilding connections with my friends, family, etc. for being distant while working on this project. It was pretty taxing on all levels for me so I want to get a chance to breathe/ get my life back without this project looming over my shoulder, per say.

I've been wanting to transition to Blender as well after this animation. I've been wanting to branch out of Minecraft-themed content for a while now and start doing neat stuff in there and start doing my own thing. Idk if that would tarnish my image of being that one animator, but I really want to do more with my characters, build on them, get more advanced rigs, do more intimate stuff, world build, cinematics, etc. Mine-imator can only get me so far with its limited tools.

End Note:

If you guys have any additional questions, feel free to ask and I'll respond to them. I wanna thank those that have been SO patient with me over the years and still supporting me to this day, you guys have helped so much. Idk how to put it into words, but you guys are genuinely amazing people to support creators like me. I never would've imagined being where I'm at now thanks to you guys. I think of this whole project as another stepping stone in my art career to keep making stuff, just in a rough spot right now. Thanks for reading if you did.




r u gonna switch to substar after release?


when we gotta see it tho?