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This is how all the current comics connect right now!

Unless I eventually have an idea to connect Johann+ with The Hornies, it's currently its own thing.

That being said, I thought it would be cool to have Keegan and Paul watch a video by Samuel and Carlos in chapter 3 of Keegan Tapes, so that's how it connects! Though they're not in the same university.

UPDATE 1: Izzy & Earl & Hector & Bert added

UPDATE 2: Otaku Cat & His Human Himbo added. I connected it to The Keegan Tapes because there's gonna be a human+rat video there, but If i think there's a better connection, I'll change it!



Jonathan Buffoni

yeah I likes me some more buny 🐇


"Johann + Julian" will happen, but right now I think the next comic is gonna be "Hector & Bert & Izzy & Earl"


Is there a place I can find each of the finished comics by themselves?


I found you through sigma, and now am slowly going through and catching up on all the rest. It really is a cute shared world :)