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Hello everyone,

Thank you again for another month’s support!

I’ve had a very hard time formulating this but I have finally come to a decision…

Following what has recently transpired it doesn’t feel right for me to continue here as before. Many of you have reached out to me and offered me help and presented some possible solutions/work-arounds (thank you, guys!) but I simply don’t have the strength to balance it, I’m sorry to say.

Whatever happens, I’m not quitting. My Patreon-page will stay up, I am going to finish “Her First Shootfull version and I don’t plan to stop animating after that either. I love animating and still have tons of scenarios I have yet to realize (like “Lock Her Room” and “Chapter XI”)! In order to accomplish this I will however need to slow things down quite a bit, for now, spend less time in front of my computer screen and focus more on my health.

Since I won’t be able to offer you the same types of rewards and exclusive content anymore I will rework the tier system this month to better reflect that. I fully understand if all this means that you’ll lower or withdraw your monthly pledge but be assured that that’s absolutely fine, honestly. I’ve already received far more support than I could have ever dreamed of and you guys have been just amazingly generous and supportive. I will remain forever thankful.

I suggest you check out some other creators here on Patreon while my output is slowing down, like Paramouth Pictures, who I collaborated with on "Force Feeding". That’s a creator with top notch content, who pretty much has the same eye for vore as I do, and who just keeps on getting better! Tell'em I sent you :)

Anyway, thanks again, guys. I’ll write an update when I’ve redone the tiers to clarify them (after I figured it out myself, I guess).





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