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Hello dudes and dudettes!

Let's discuss scenarios for the longer version of "Her First Shoot". This discussion will inspire both me and those with tiers that include voting rights, who will ultimately get to vote on which scenes get made.

The basic plot of the animation is that Rachel is auditioning for a spot on a very popular TV-show where pretty women eat tiny people on camera while trying to look pretty doing it (rocket science, I know!). Rachel will have multiple bad takes as she tries to get the part.

I want you to suggest the bad takes!

Keep in mind; they can but don’t have to be failed attempts at swallowing a tiny. They can just be something the casting company isn’t looking for. They also need to keep in theme with the animation. Imagine this as you would any casting for a movie or TV-show in our real world. Her stripping naked or growing giant and going on a city wide rampage sound fun but wouldn’t fit this scenario.

Example: Rachel tosses a tiny into the air, leans back with her mouth open to catch but misses and the tiny goes head-first down her cleavage.

Looking forward to reading your suggestions!



Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Rachel is in the process of swallowing a micromas she burps accidentally, interrupting the swallowing momentarily. Rachel tries to swallow two micros at once and almost chokes, before ultimately succeeding, impressing the judges. Rachel, being flustered, forgets to remove the clothes of the micro, giving her a dry swallow and a dry mouth as a result. Not sure if we can suggest other scenes as well, but if we can then I'd like to suggest some internal scenes, some digestion scenes, and a morning after scene. (And I'm gonna be voting for any such scenes if they end up in the poll. XD)


Rachel is supposed to eat a tiny and for a cool shot wanted to pull him out of her underwear, so she dropped him in, but things don't go the way she planned because to get away from the hand he crawls in deeper and she now looks all silly in front of the camera trying to find the tiny and get him out of there.


I’d love to see an ending where after so many attempts, Rachel ends the audition visibly full and uncomfortable

Strange Lynx

Rachel appears to think for a moment about having sympathy for the tiny victim. Maybe she recognizes them or she sees they're in pain from a broken limb or something. But, then she swallows them anyway.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Now that's an amazing suggestion. That's gonna have my vote. Hopefully it could get combined with an internal scene showing the cramped stomach from the inside.


Hi) First of all, my respect for your interaction with the audience! As I have already said previously: "I would like to see, how Rachel takes off the clothes of those tinies and puts them naked slowly to her slobbery mouth in a butts-up way with head first". I'd be very grateful for just one scene like that! Of course, some burps after that will be a sweet bonus =)


I've suggested this before but it would be nice to see Rachel lift up her shirt to look down at her tummy and give it a small massage. Having her eat someone she recognizes would be sweet. Vore is always better when it's someone they know, with the spice of betrayal thrown in there too! (Maybe the tiny thought she was going to spare them) A nice inside-mouth shot of her swallowing someone would also be great, like Kathy did at the end of Shrunk and Drunk Part 1. Sure to be amazing, can't wait!

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

I generally liked Lynx's suggestion, but would like to suggest an alternative instead. Rachel recognises one of the micros. Perhaps a good friend of hers. She doesn't want to nom her, perhaps even is about to reject, but then gets forced to eat the micro. Perhaps by being made clear that the micro would suffer a worse fate if she didn't eat them. Could Perhaps also have it be Rachel eating the micro with the intention to regurgitate them later. But forgetting about that for whatever reason.

Jianna Whyte

The struggling of a tiny tickles the top of Rachel’s palate, causing her to sneeze the tiny across the room.


Maybe something like this: She keeps dropping tinies to the floor while trying to stylishly throw them into her mouth (or doing something similarly complicated) and they keep amassing next to her feet with broken legs and spines etc. and ever now and then she accidentially steps on one of them. Could add some variety.


I am a huge fan of your open mouth swallowing scenes. They really are the best and I think you should concentrate more on those or at least give them some more love. For example the star wars themed animation included a scene like that and it was amazing but it felt too rushed IMHO. It was all going so fast. I would really love a more gentle swallow if you know what I mean 😊


A swallow attempt where the tiny from the start is extremely uncooperative, and Rachel tries to do an open mouth swallow but the tiny escapes her mouth only to fall into her cleavage. Remember this tiny is super uncooperative so the go crawling deep and end up falling past her growling stomach into her painties, where after they crawl as far down as they can (the area between the anus and vagina) a rather flustered rachel manages to grab the tiny and stuffs them in and swallows down in an instant. I would like to that the judge would view the ferocity in good light and the clumsiness as something that could be worked on.


I love the forgetting thing, one of my favorite tropes (?) Is when she eats someone and they just dont matter at all so she just moves on with her day.


I’m big on tiny being hold by giants in their fists. Maybe a scene where Rachel is holding one in her fist in front of her face, teasing it first before finally throwing it into her mouth, but the judge is a little bit like “meh” about it.


She swallow too soft or too hard, too slow, too fast and need to pratice a lot, with burp or not. More she eat the more she enjoy herself and her belly, at the end she is full and happy on camera exposing her stomach :)


Here's a few spitball ideas; • Rachel tilts her head back and places a tiny on her lips before slowly opening her mouth, forcing the tiny to do the splits/try to balance across the opening lips. Maybe she eventually uses her tongue to tickle/knock the tiny down inside; or alternatively they just fall anyways. • Rachel lifts her shirt to rub over her tummy, perhaps bringing another unfortunate tiny close to listen for a few moments. Then she hoists the tiny back up over her mouth, opens it slowly, then drops the tiny straight down into her waiting maw (a POV shot from the tiny's perspective looking down Rachel's open gullet would be fantastic here me-thinks). • Rachel ties a tiny to a piece of string (or has a tiny hold onto a length of string, either-or) and lowers them slowly into her mouth. Small bulge appears in her throat, she gags for a moment, then after a few hard swallows she pulls the now saliva-soaked string from her mouth; minus the tiny, of course. • Rachel lets a tiny try to Atlas-pose in her mouth (standing on her tongue and trying to hold up against the top of Rachel's mouth) before using her tongue to sweep out beneath them/pull them inside and swallow them. • A tiny ends up partially in her throat as Rachel tries an open-mouth swallow, allowing the viewer/camera to watch the tiny start to sink into Rachel's gullet with every strained swallow before they ultimately disappear. Hope at least one of those appeals! Love this kind of interaction with the patrons, Wiking. Keep up the phenomenal work!

Jianna Whyte

Rachel attempts to swallow a tiny woman with huge boobs. The tiny gets wedged at the back of her throat, causing Rachel to choke and turn purple before getting heimliched. Another girl manages to swallow the same tiny with ease. While teasing a tiny inside her mouth, Rachel reflexively chomps down a bit too hard. Rachel’s eyes go wide and she (almost?) barfs into a bin.


After a few shots of her swallowing tinies in different ways, Rachel then attempts to swallow TWO of them at AT THE SAME TIME for an open mouth swallowing shot. She gets the first one in fine, and as she tries to escape she starts placing the other one, cramping them together in the back of her throat. She plays it off cool at first before attempting to swallow. As she tries to swallow, she finds the two of them trying their best to wiggle out of her now bulging throat is super difficult and she loses composure briefly. Rachel finally gets her composure back, focuses, and gives a huge open mouth gulp as the huge bulge in her throat slowly slides down past her chest where her tummy now distends with a few wiggly snacks.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Some really good ideas. I in particular like the string one. Definitely will vote for that one.

Thomas Jengle

Rachel hunts tiny people in "T-rex" style. And she catches people with her toes too. https://youtu.be/RyAUpqbtiPk 4:35


I have some dumb ideas: -She throws a tiny in the air and tries to catch it but tilts too far back and falls off camera. -She throws a tiny in the air but it goes way off course and just lands on someone else’s head, like the camera person -She throws one in the air but it also goes way off course and lands in someone’s coffee (another female in the film crew or an intern) and completely unaware of it, they just casually drink them down. -She throws another tiny in the air but throws way too hard and it just crashes into one of the overhead lights, causing it to break or short fuse with a visible look of concern on her face -She throws another one in the air but the tiny just doesn’t fall back down and is confused where they even went -She tries to swallow two at a time, making a large bulge in her throat and she starts choking, someone quickly intervenes to do the Heinlich Maneuver to help, sends them flying and one goes into someone else’s yawning mouth, and the other just crashes into the camera, making it comically fall over -She dangles a tiny over her mouth, drops and fumbles with it, tries to quickly grab the tiny from the floor or a table on set, and just instantly shove them in her mouth and swallow them in and instant; only to find that the tiny is there and confused what she even just swallowed -She does a shot involving drinking a tiny in a cup of water with some ice cubes and manages to swallow the ice cube instead and the cold shock makes her drop the glass -She does another shot involving dangling a tiny over her open mouth and a fly just casually flies instead, causing her to gag and swallow it but also drop the tiny

My Toasty Toast

This is such a great community idea!! From my end, maybe in the beginning, while dangling one above her head she accidentally straight up drops one and it dies from the fall to the ground, so they have to "reset" the shot with a new tiny and get rid of the body on the ground. Another idea which might be too gory is she accidentally bites one in her mouth and it's just an awkward "unappealing" shot of blood just gushing between her teeth and gums so she has to "rinse out" and "reset" the stage. I think what could just generally be adorable is if she's awkward at first, most of the mishaps happening because she doesn't know better, before slowly getting the hang of things and becoming more sadistic

Dr. Diabeto

I'd like to see a take where she just takes too long to swallow one. She tries to tease the tiny with a cute look before dangling them gently into her mouth. The lump is very visible in her throat as she tries multiple (maybe like 3 or 4) swallows to get them down while they put up resistance.


Rachel goes to eat a tiny, drops them from her mouth and they bounce off her lips down her cleavage and onto the floor The tiny runs away and Rachel stomps them


She plays around with a tiny girl for a while, licking her face like a lollypop, and seductively playing with her in her mouth, occasionaly opening her mouth to show a tiny lady in her mouth then she finally swallows. The take was actually perfect, and exactly what they were looking for, but then as it turns out, the camera wasnt rolling...


Shorter one lol: Rachel attempts a shoot where she dangles three or so tinies tied to each other hand-to-foot in a line. She then hiccups while trying to swallow the second one and drops the top tiny, now dangling out of her mouth. She then has to pull the chain of tinies out of her throat and try again.

Kevin Bowman Jr.

Rachel dangles a tiny over her mouth and the kicking causes the tiny to land on her nose.

Annon Follower

How about one where she tries to swallow one open mouth and then coughs her out back into her hands?


The one who falls should land on ground and getting stepped by her bare feet. Or she isnt hungry anymore and wants to cover that but dropping some tinies and stomping them out of the camera perspective 🤣 yes i like footcrushes haha


Rachel gets fed up with all the bad takes and swallows a tiny out of anger


Fun idea! My thoughts: - Rachel nervously knocks over the jar of tinies, spilling them and frantically tries to clean them up. - She tosses a tiny into her mouth, but he shoots straight down her throat and she chokes. - Rachel provocatively dangles a tiny over her mouth, but when she lets go he's holding on too tight and keeps dangling, so she tries to shake him off. - Rachel successfully does a good take, but then smiles and there's a tiny foot or arm stuck between her teeth.


The uvula grab seems obvious but great at the same time. There can be a take where a tiny, being tossed into Rachel's throat with her tongue, grabs to her uvula, causing her to choke. Then she can either try to stick a finger into her mouth and push the tiny down or just swallow really hard a couple of times. Anyway, please do some mouth internals!!! They're mindblowing in your animations. In another take she can try to swallow a tiny with mouth open, but chokes again. E.g. she swallows, but when the tongue goes down we can see the tiny half-swallowed, clinging to her tongue and screaming, trying to reach for the uvula etc. Btw, he can accidently hit her uvula while struggling, thus causing Rachel to cough him out. Launched from her mouth, he can land in some female show crew memeber's cup of coffee and then she drinks it with the tiny totally unaware or he flies straight into this member's yawning throat, which causes her to swallow him instantly. Everyone is surprised at first, but then they all start laughing. Or you can combine different suggestions, but I think we all want mouth internals


I like one of your original examples: "Rachel tosses a tiny into the air, leans back with her mouth open to catch but misses and the tiny goes head-first down her cleavage." And before she gets it right she could have another bad throw where he sails over her head and splats on the ground behind her. As far as eating, I'm partial to scenario where tiny is 2/3 of way into mouth, but grabs onto lips and tries to pull himself out, getting halfway before she slurps/sucks him back in.


oh, mate. this comment section is going to explode. anyway i was thinking that one of the girls holding the audition is having her feet rubbed by two of the smaller girls to whom she promised that the best one won't be eaten. Of course, they both get eaten regardless

Renegade Pizza Guy

-While waiting for her turn, Rachel opens up a closed box/container that has a bunch of tiny shrunken women inside. She starts teasing them, but gets startled when a member of staff loudly calls on someone and knocks the box over. She scrambles to catch the tinies as they scatter, but there are too many to grab at once. So she starts stuffing them into her mouth to free up her hands. -Rachel has a very athletic woman trapped by the waist between her lips, making a kissing face. The tiny purts her arms out against Rachel's lips. When Rachel tries to swallow, she has some trouble overpowering the obstinate tiny with just suction. I think it a fun idea that the normally helpless tiny sometimes puts up a bit of actual, if futile, resistance


Rachel could be playing with a tiny woman in her mouth for a little bit before open-mouth swallowing her, but part way down the tiny manages to halt her descent and we get both internal and external views of her climbing back up the throat which Rachel could be in shock by so she doesn't just try to swallow her again right away. Maybe Rachel could spit her back out or just when the tiny crawls back into her mouth part way Rachel swallows her again and the tiny is too tired to fight back this time.


A Fanny pack for tines

Steve Walker-MFloorgo

Maybe she gets a glass or a jar of tines and tips them in her mouth eating them as much as she can.


She forces one to walk in and down her throat rather than be squished with a fist.


Tiny camera person meant to get internal mouth shot is accidentally swallowed as well


I don't have a take in mind, any I would suggest have already been suggested, so instead, I thought I'd leave my idea for how it could end. How I would like it to end: After making the perfect swallow, Rachel is visibly swollen with tinies and a bit queasy. Shots focus on her belly, grumbling and gurgling, pulsing with movement from within. You can include internals if you want, though I would prefer external. The grumbling reaches its apex and Rachel gives a loud belch, much to her embarrassment. But the casting crew laugh it off, saying it's to be expected. The final shot could be a lingering shot on her stomach, giving calmer, digesting gurgles. If the ending, or just the animation in general, could have some of this, that would be grand!


Haha, maybe she gets fed up with having to do so many takes and eats the camera person!


She dangles a tiny over her mouth but accidentally lets out a burp and gets embarrassed


A pov shot of her licking the tiny again and again then then putting the tiny in her mouth still pov shot!(:


- She accidentally bites down on a tiny either paralysing or killing it - She gets a little too into licking and playing with a tiny in her hand, getting told off about taking too long - Showing her pulling the clothes off tinys before eating. maybe too rough


I like the example you gave and maybe another drops to the floor and has to be chased a (very) short distance.

El Portero

I'd like to add on to your example and have the tiny slide down her cleavage and get stuck in her navel (trapped between her belly and shirt).


Wow, so many ideas in the comments already. Hard to come up with new original ones ! Maybe I could suggest Rachel eats a tiny butt first, thus folding the tiny and having their feet and hands sticking out. Or, the other way around, having the tiny's butt sticking out of Rachel's lips. Otherwise, from the other comments, I'd definitely love an internal view of aaall the tinies at the end. And some uncovered belly rub. Yesss. CratedCheese's ideas are very comedic, yet sexy in a way. I liked a lot of the ideas overall in this comment section ^^


She holds a tiny woman in her fist in front of her face and begins licking. But during it she accidentally lick up the tinies bra and begins choking on it until she coughs it back up and it lands squarely on either the jar of tinies or the judges forehead, leaving Rachel embarrassed and the judge a little disgusted.

Kid Clef

The tiny grabs onto her hair as she's putting them in her mouth. The tiny hangs on for dear life while Rachel is gagging on them.


The tiny and Rachel know each other and she shows a look of concern while internally debating whether or not to eat him after a short interaction where he is begging her not to. After a long pause Rachel looks at him with an apologetic look, as if to say “I’m sorry”, before swallowing him


I've tried so hard to think of any scenario involving booty that would fit these requirements...and I have failed 😂 Maybe someone else will. I'll be hype regardless!


But if not booty, then burping on the tiny is ALWAYS a nice treat! And it would seem by the like ratios other people would agree.

El Portero

If these are multiple takes one after the other, she might get an upset stomach from all the bad takes filling up her belly. A large belch that brings back up one of the tinies into her open mouth, and the look of horror on the one she was about to eat might be a sexy scenario.


Maybe a take where as she shallows she chokes and gas to cough the tiny back up for a 2nd attempt?


where she plays with them like the locker room and then at the last minute the director realises its not going to be pg..


Any chance of her dropping on in her pants between shoots? (Hopefully the back.)


After reading several comments, I’ll love to review the contents of the stomach several times, and eat someone she knows could be pretty good too! Hope you carry on well PS : The idea of seeing it fall accidentally into a shoe put a can of re again ;)


After a few (or several) takes, Rachel accidentally burps on a tiny just as she's bringing the tiny up to her lips, immediately ruining the take. Perhaps she asks for a quick break and lets out an even bigger burp or gets some water (she's been working hard!). Having the tiny or even Rachel react to the burp by fanning themselves would be amazing as well.


She successfully catches tiny into her mouth but sneezes sending them flying into cam or into the one of the viewers (for them to decide what to do then)


Rachel spits one of the tiny victims back in her hand after having her in her mouth for a bit an is like "eww did you just piss yourself?", but the tiny just is afraid and unable to speak, so Rachel says "Pathetic", showes her back in her mouth and swallows quickly so tiny could not do it again.


Maybe she let 2 Girls fight in her Mouth to take each other down the throat. She promise the winner not to be swallow by her. But its the trick. The winner will be swallowed by Josie, or whats the name of the blonde girl is, later. Or something goes wrong and both fall in the throat.


Love your stuff! How about: when one of the tinies falls into her cleavage, we get a POV of them looking up from her breast area and seeing bulges of other victims in her throat go down past them, whilst also hearing muted screams as they go down past and beyond


Anything as long as we get good internals!


There could be a scene halfway that because of all the bad takes the director and crew end up calling a break. During the break she is frustrated with how everything is going and finds the box of times which has alot of them. Deciding to practice in secret she accidentally knocks the box over and all the tiniest make a dash for it. There are too many to the point that she has to stuff many of them in her mouth to free up her hands and grab more to stuff in her mouth. She panics as the director states they only got a minute left until shooting. The director passes by her and gives a hard slap to her back causing her to accidentally swallow all the tinies in her mouth. Right before shooting starts the director asks where the box of tinies are. She looks innocently to the side and tries to hide the fact her stomach is upset from all the tinies, tries to hide the fact she's the one that swallowed them and let's out a small burp. Kinda got an "I love Lucy" vibe with the episode of her in a factory stuffing the food in her mouth lol


Probably a bit too fetishy but one of the tinies could manage to grab a handful of nosehair to stop herself being swallowed - it's just about the only thing in reach and would definitely make Rachel panic a bit :D


Not a bad idea! I'm not sure it would fit this scenario, though. A bit too sexual explicit.


Tossing and missing is a good idea. The amassing of tinies might not make narrative sense, though one tiny landing on the floor and now being too dirty to eat and instead crushed, does, I think.


I like the idea of a tiny person scurrying under her clothes like a mouse from some cartoon-scene.


That would work as an end to any number of the other scenarios suggested, so it's a good idea!


Yep, that's a good suggestion. I'lll add "uvula grab" to the list.


I really like the tossing ideas! The one where no tiny comes back down is super funny :)


The missing drop has been suggested by a few. I've done that scenario in "Christmas greatings from a Giantess" where Elli misses her mouth with a tiny.


Man, there's a lot for me to go through but it is fun. Great community with many great ideas! I think the feet-rubbing scenario would not really fit this theme of the animation even though I could imagine it being something the hostess could do in her spare time.


I like the last idea of a "strong/athletic" tiny almost overpowering Rachel (but eventually failing, of course).


Yes, CratedCheese's ideas are all fun and could work if edited in quick back-to-back scenes, like a short montage of Rachel trying to toss one in :)


That's a very creative and plausible scenario! Will have to check if I can animate strands of hair that would be dynamic enough for that to look good.


Yep, I very much like that scenario. We could even add the hostess dropping some comment like "something wrong?" before Rachel mutters "sorry" and eats the tiny.


Haha! Well, I don't think Rachel is that type of girl, to do such a thing publicly. I need to keep her in line with her character :)


I think the tinies are a bit too big to have room to fight in her mouth. Dual-swallow has been added to the list, though!


That's an entire animation in itself! I don't dislike the ideas but I think it would be too elaborate of a scenario to add to this specific animation. I want to keep this pretty tight and short, if possible.


Hopefully Rachel has kept her nose hair short and trimmed for the shoot but grabbing a strand of hair (head-hair) has been suggested and could work.


maybe one of the tiny people could be bigger than the rest and therefore she will have a hard time swallowing him/her? Like in your animation femished in felarya

El Portero

An alternate take on the "sucking on a tiny" scenario could be that she sucks the tiny's shirt or pants off unexpectedly, which causes her to gag. (Something that occurred to me while reading others' comments.)


Maybe she almost drops the tiny due to her nervousness. Or, maybe she does, and is given a new one (with a stern warning not to mess up again).


And maybe more gory chewing and shatting too?lol,I know not all are into scat and guro but that’s just me tho lol 😂 👌🏼😎✌️🙏🏼🤪


20 or more shrunked womens inside box


Giantess undressing 10 shrunked womens and swollow


Tiny nearly gets swallowed butt-first and gets stuck in her throat in an awkward position and it takes several attempts to un-stuck them