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Hello everyone!

Thank you so very much for the continued support, guys!

I hope you're all doing well. Me, I'm feeling super inspired at the moment, more so than I have for a very long time.  Society has started to open up a bit, we are allowed to socialize more, go to the bar and gym, which does wonders for a semi-introvert like myself.

I've almost finished three new scripts just in the last few weeks. I know I haven't posted a script in a while so I'll post one or more of these as soon as I have them better fleshed out. Two of these are actually continuations of previous animations that I know I want to make, at some point.

I'm fiddling raound with two new short animations before I tackle another biggie. One is the social media-inspired one I mentioned earlier and the second is a short one featuring a character by another content creator. Not sure which I will make, though! Guess it'll be a surpirse!

Thanks again, everyone! Take care!



I just subscribed to you today, and it's because you're work is the best on the internet, honestly. Your dedication to your work is beyond what any of us deserve. After different websites removed your work, it honestly brought me down a lot, so for 5 bucks a month, supporting my favorite animator was a no-brainer. Much love from one of your biggest fans here!


Exciting stuff. Who's the other content creator?


Welcome! Dude, comments like yours are what drives me to become better at this, to always evolve. Thank you, both for the comment and the support!


Woowee, glad to see you motivated again! Potential sequels to older animations? Heck yeah! Short anim featuring someone's OC? Hoho! Time to get some coal in the Hype train, it seems! ^^

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Really happy to hear that youre feeling very motivated. Your last animation was super amazing.

Annon Follower

Excited to see what you have in store. You always impress


Love your animations. Anything with pussy vore coming soon?


Hii Wiking, I'm just gonna keep posting this until you notice it. How old is the 'older giantess' in the new Classic Giantess? :)


Hi! I don't know, actually. I didn't have a specific age in mind but I'd venture late forties to early fities?