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Hi everyone,

Let me start by apologizing for the generic name of the character in this animation! I usually just give characters names like "Dude", "Hot Redhead", "The Latina" and such when I begin work, before they are fleshed out as individual characters, to seperate the files in the workflow.

The lighting in this animation is terrible but the girl is still cute as a button!

This is another test with lipsynch and facial MoCap, with some tongue movement following along with the visums. 


Asian girl talk test by TheWiking2000.mp4



I'll put my comments for the three tests here to keep it simple: The expressions are very convincing and that's the essential! They looked very jittery on the first test however. Speaking of jittering, Do you think there is a way to stabilise the head by maybe translating the movements into vectors and reducing these vectors? I have absolutely no experience with Daz nor animation, so it's just my random suggestion ^^ Anyway, can't wait to see these lively expressions in real action!


Test renders loo like they're coming along nicely. Keep up the awesome work, my man! Also, absolutely amazing model here! Definitely please use her in the future. XD


Super cute and sexy! Keep up the great work, but don't overexert yourself! Take your time and know that whatever you do is fantastic leap forward!

Jack asdf

This is amazing


Wow! Surprising how much everything's come along since your first animations! I hope she has a spot reserved in a future animation


Loving the updates, they're looking magnificant! Can't wait to see animations done on these. I was curious @wiking, are you gonna have another voice actor in the next animation? I loved the voice actor(s) from Force Feeding


Pls use this model soon 😁


Yes, I could even remove the "head jitter" entirely and have it remain perfectly still, or smooth it out a ton. The good thing about the software is that when I import then data to Daz it's morphs rather than keyes, which meanst that I can adjust them bu percentage and override/add to them with keyfram animation.


Thanks, you're too generous! I do have a "problem" that I never like to do the same thing twice, but always try to improve and try new techniques. At least until I get to a point that I feel is artistically what I want to say, so to... say :) Daz doesn't have a good physics simulation for hair and other stuff in yet. It is there, and there are a few assets that work well, but most of the time there is a conflict and everythings goods digitally "boom". I do whole heartedly agree though. Slight, natural movement of the hair, adds SO MUCH to the feel of an animation. I just hope the software improves here.


She looks cute and hungry lol!👌🤪😍😵