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I've wanted to make an animation like this one for a very long time. After Shrunk & Drunk, which was a very classic vore scenario, I needed to do something completely different to clear my mind and get re-inspired. This is that, I guess!

I wanted it to be very cinematic with more action, more effects and bespoke voice acting, and I might have bitten off a tad more than I could chew. I entertained quite a few ideas and scenarios before settling on this one. I absolutely love (spoiler alert!) the Vader-scene from Rogue One and the idea of it being a “good guy” instead, being just as imposing and threatening to those standing in the way, but who prefers to swallow down rather than strike down her enemies… I had to make it! (/end spoiler!).

It was good fun setting up the lightsaber and blaster fire, but it also took much longer than I had expected, especially to have the light play right. Each blaster shot is fully animated and lit differently depending on what happens to it . Timing all this was quite the challenge but I do like the end result. My favorite scene is easily (spoiler alert!) the seconds before and after the reveal of our “hero” (/end spoiler)!

Voice acting was also another biggie. Knowing that I don’t really have the capacity to engage directly with other people right now, I asked the talented person behind Paramouth Pictures (also here on Patreon) to help me out, which he gracefully did. I’ve only recently discovered his work but his sense of timing and direction is precisely what I aim for myself.

He found the perfect female voice actress in Aurora Devine (new to the scene). It took a bit longer to get her lines recorded because we had to send her a better microphone which didn’t really want to play nice with the software, but eventually we got there.

Synching voice acting and animation turned out to be a challange. Everything was animated first and voice acted in post production. I’m super happy with the voice acting itself but it can imagine that it's hard to interpret the animated faces and lip movements, which means that some timings aren't precisely what I would have wanted them to be. Next time around I think I’ll have to do it the other way around; with voice acting coming first and animating after (like I did with “Shorty Shortcake”). We live, we animate, we learn!

All that said; I’m very happy with this! It turned out pretty much as I had imagined it. Thank you so much for your insane patience with me :)

Now, on to the next project!

The video will be made downloadable in 1440p after generel release.


Force Feeding 1440p by TheWiking2000.mp4


Nicholas Chamberlain

Yeah, sure. I'll be in the credits. Name as is I guess.


Wow, this is absolutely the best vore animation I have ever seen, the VAs really added a lot to this! You really outdid yourself!


The long wait is finally over... but it was worth it ! I hope we will see more stuff soon, i love your work keep it up ! Name : No Face


The words that I can type in this box wont do this justice for how amazing this is and you are, Wiking you are breath taking. The full voice acting was the icing on the cake that is this project, my only wish now is that Ale'ann was tad more scornful just imagining her telling me(one of the guys she eats) that I'm lucky to become apart of her butt or breasts especially because Aurora did an amazing job is making me want more of her. Great character design, sound design is on point, flow is amazing, the only problem is that we will have to wait for more ( but that's a good problem). Keep up the amazing work Wiking cant wait to see what you make next.


I'm actually surprised by the quality of voice acting! Alas, the mouth movement sometimes didn't fit perfectly as you said, but it's a really minor detail. The cinematic atmosphere took over the eroticism, so it was less exciting in a way, but still a great success! The dynamic was unquestionable. AND THEN, came the final part, the internal scene with intense struggle, followed by Ale'ann mocking them, was a perfect bouquet final. That just hit almost every note for me (I say almost because I'd have loved a bare midriff, but that's just me :p). Overall, great job as always, and Aurora did a fantastic performance. I wish you good fate on the next project! Credit name: Hozomat


Gotta be honest, the wait was well worth it. I was considering voice acting in this, but I’m an amateur at best. That said, the voice actors did a pretty good, and the internals are spectacular as ever. That deal with Paramouth really helped out.


So awesome !!!! :)


Absolutely loved it! Please use Gtsman53 for credits.


Very(!) nice work, a little detail for the first scene: Your planets have a glossy texture. But planet/moon/whatever terrain never reflect a sun like this, think about our moon, for example!

Nelson B

Very well done! Was worth the wait. Loved the internal scene with the interaction between her victims and added action inside her stomach!


I've been watching your videos for years now and I can say that you are an amazing artist even on the small details.. also for credits :SpyroFil

Nelson B

Everything was put together very well, and the added sound production and voice actors made it all more enjoyable! Only sad thing is, Being only just under seven minutes long, I had to loop the film to get full enjoyment from it. Is there any plans to extend the story now that you have help? That way we could get more into the rescue mission, and it appeared that she still had room in her stomach to swallow a few more. And what about the Hutt Greska? You could end it with her swallowing him! "Yes, Revenge!" Well, Be keeping an eye on what you have next for us. Keep up the great work!

Viktor Blomqvist

It's so awesome, as always. Would love to have my name in the credits "Victory7092"


Absolutely amazing work yet again. I’d be more than happy to be listed as a patron in the credits. “Bigboymeal15”


Hm… the animation is superb and the voice acting is also pretty good. However the plot is uninspired at it’s best: No content, no twists, no immersion – just some swallowing and some generic vore voice lines. It simply didn’t raise any emotions during watching; IMHO a complete opposite to shrunk and drunk. I know I’m in no position to demand anything here, but I was a bit disappointed and I thought you might also like some honest criticism :)


I'm having trouble viewing the download. The link keeps saying the amount of playbacks have been exceeded


Thanks for the feedback. I do agree that this is very "straight forward" and perhaps not so imaginative. I felt that I needed to do something different to Shrunk & Drunk that challanged me in diffrerent ways. Considering that it is very much beat-for-beat from the movie scene, it doesn't really surprise anyone, I guess. Hopefully I can put some more thought into scripting the next project, to make it more exciting.


Thank you! Glad you liked the VA, though rewatching it, I wish I had scripted it better so that the dialogue would be more interactive between the characters. That'll be for next time, I guess


No, you are breathtaking! Glad you liked the addition of the voice acting. Aurora is a natural and maybe we'll hear more from her in the future. The wait for the next release won't be nearly as long because it's a different type of project. More episodic, if you will.


Cheers, man! That was kind of the dilemma I had with this animation; I couldn't make Ale'ann too villainous because that's not the behavior of an aspiring Jedi, but I still wanted her to be intimidating and dominate her prey. I had some ideas of making the animation more sexual too, but it just wouldn't fit the scenario, really. A bare midriff would have been a nice addition. Theoretically, she could have lifter her top up in the final scene but I honestly didn't think of that :9


Glad you liked it! And here I thought of myself as an hobbiest astronomer. Well, not really, I just listen to tons of podcasts on the subject but I guess since they never actually show what they're talking about... good to know!


Thank you! I've honestly deliberately tried to pay less attention to detail now because I can get caught up in it. For example, in the scene with all the soldiers firing their guns, each and every one has individual facial expressions, blinks and looks at things, their fingers pull the trigger for each shot and so on. That’s more detail than is necessary, and I would be better off focusing that energy on the things we actually see and pay attention to :)


Yes, it is a bit short and high in tempo, I agree. Normally, I slow down the action to give the viewer... time, so to speak. In this, I did not do that in this because I wanted the narrative to be tighter and more cinematic. All very good ideas! I have all the assets ready so continuing the story would be much simpler than starting anew. The next project will be different though but Ale'ann might return again some day to swallow that disgusting slugg Greska!

Stew Drickson

Incredible job. The main female voice actress in particular was amazing. Between the version without sound and this one it's amazing what some good sound design can do. Fabulous work!


Dear Wiking, you are an amazing and talented artist, and this animation, as are the others, is exceptional. That said, I must confess some disappointment. I'll skip the obvious praise because quality is a given in your case. I think the external gulps lacked the oomph of your previous works, where every gulp was heavily dragged and delineated on the skin. Here it's just a subtle bulge on the neck with hardly any attention or screen time. Another, more disappointing aspect was the internals. They were great, but sadly too short and non-interactive. I think the best form of internals are the ones the cut back and forth from pred perspective to prey perspective. One cut from inside to outside without further interplay is nice, but ultimately not as powerful. Chapter X is a great example. Shrunk and Drunk or Matter of Perspective another. Lastly, and I'm really sorry to say this since I know you're dealing with occasional anxiety - the extra wait wasn't worth it. The months it took to integrate voice acting were far better spent working on something new or extending internals. This might be subjective, of course, but I don't think the actress added much. This is especially disheartening in light of my other contentions like the gulps and internals. Because I felt some aspects were weak, it's frustrating to know a ton of time went to a rather secondary element where it could have gone to reinforcing these weaker parts. I admire your work and perfectionism, but I hope the next project is gonna deliver better. Short projects leave less room for disappointment, in my mind, and don't require as much effort. If it's good it's a nugget of goodness. If it's not as good then no worries, the wait was bearable and something else is to follow shortly. With that mentality, I cannot deny my excitement.


I disagree with McBiscuit’s comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and with vore, it seems that there are often very specific details that are being looked for. I certainly get that. I would tend to agree that some of the various vore elements such as the prolonged swallowing with very noticeable bulges traveling down the throat, were more subtle. But when I watched this, I felt like I was watching an animated Star Wars short where the protagonist happens to dispatch her enemies by swallowing them rather than a vore animation hung on a story to tie the vore elements together. A similar analogy to me are the old Busby Berkeley musicals from the 1930’s where the plot basically was there to move you to the next musical number or dance sequence. Not to detract from that because those sequences are amazing. But what you have done is move to an entirely new level. You stretched yourself, collaborating with Paramouth Pictures and utilizing voice actors and creating a more cinematic experience. I like that it had vore elements but was not dominated by them. Congratulations to you! I think you did an excellent job of balancing those two aspects. I also think the woman who voiced Ale’Ann was great as were the other voice actors. Whatever path you take with regard to your next project, I am excited to come along for the ride.


I cant get it to play... :(


Scratch that, the issue seems to be the limited amount of times it was allowed to be viewed has been crossed.


Found a fix, try logging in with a google account and go to your google chrome settings to always allow cookies, even in incognito.


great video! the last few videos have gotten crazy detail with the new effect and voices. would you be interested in making a video thats intimately focused on one person from a first person pov vore in this style? there was a couple moments where i wish we couldve seen the eaten peoples pov going all the way down. her voice was a great choice!


It says exceeded plays so I can't see it :(


I must admit I had low expectations for this release because I am not a big Star Wars fan and the concept just didn't really catch my attention. I also simp hard for Ellie and was disappointed this wouldn't include her. However the animation quality is superb and the voice acting is probably the best and most fleshed out I have ever seen in a macro/micro video. The details of the interior shots such as the liquid effects are amazing. Very glad I have kept my Patreon active for this!


I was skeptical of the star wars being hot. But you nailed it. Love the shrinking, resistance and power trips

David Fontenot

I agree that "the external gulps lacked the oomph of your previous works". They could have be much more defined as well as taken a bit longer. Maybe even visual struggling inside her neck? It would have been nice to have had Aurora Devine swallow something like a grape to get the perfect swallowing noises. Lastly, it would have been nice to have his screams continue inside her but muffled and then silence.


Can't get it to play either... using Chrome. Any suggestions? Window just has the spinning loading icon. Tired reloading and different resolutions. Nothing works... :/


this was amazing, the voice actress is brilliant. She really nailed the tone, and brought the character to life. Overall it was impressive to see a vore scenario like this with such a well thought out story. It really felt like the beginning of an actual film to me. Doing this in the star wars universe is quite creative and she actually feels like a plausible character.


Kinda sucks I'm still not able to view this. Yesterday it was "An Error Occurred." Now it's "Number of Allowed Playbacks has been Exceeded." Guess I'll just have to wait for it to be public. Bummer...

Strange Lynx

This was beautifully done. And sexy too! Worth the wait. I love the amount of skill and effort that you put into each and every one of your movies.


Wow did the voice actress do the belch herself? Her performance was so good. Awesome work!


Yes, she did. All sounds made by Ale'ann were made by the voice actress herself (except for some of the squishy noises, internals and such, of course)


I have though about that many times and did consider adding a scene like that to this video, but it would have been much extra work and not really fit into the style of this, so I decided against it. The difficulty with full POV is that you can't cut as easily, instead needing longer takes, which are harder to make and more taxing on the systems. I still have a 360 VR video in mind that I've scripted and that would be full POV, naturally, if made it. I might post the script for that to see what the feedback would be.


Man, I've been neglecting Elli too much, haven't I? Girl needs some more love. Glad you liked this animation and thanks for the support!


Thank you! I think so too. FS_the_Voresmith wrote a prelude to this on Deviantart with Ale'ann and her backstory, fleshing out the universe, if you want to know more about her. Where she's going after this, nobody knows, I guess. Maybe she'll shrink and swallow the disgusting slug Greska?

David Turner

I love the last scene when he walks in "willingly" and then the internal scene is probably the best I saw so far... genius ! thank you so much