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Hello everyone,

So, what's next? My triggerfinger is itching and I've got a bunch of good ideas I would like to get your feedback on. I want my next project to be short, no more than 1-3 minutes. Either that or we could do a longer episodical animation, where each episode is released separately but later stitched together into one long animation (I have a script written for just such an animation that I'll be presenting in a separate post). I'm open for other ideas to.

I've spent the last couple of days looking for inspiration as well as trying out some of the new features that came with the latest update to the software I work with. They've implemented good spherical cameras, which means that 360 video, or even stereoscopic 360 VR(!) is an option for future work, but I'll have to mess around with that a bit more before I make such a project. It might not be what you guys, my patrons, want and VR also quadruples the work load and render times so it would have to be worth it to pursue it.

Whatever my next project is, I want it to be different to what I've done before. A change of scenery, scenario or time period is what I need. Maybe fantasy, sci-fi or magic? Medieval, futuristic or prehistoric? Maybe inspired by pop-culture or classic literature?

I have a few ideas but before I drop them, I'd like to hear your ideas! Considering what I said about my next project being different, what would you like to see? And, feel free to discuss the ideas with each other in the comments, so I can gauge other people's take on them as well.

Cheers, and thank you!




Can I just throw it out there that I would love to see a continuation to project x? I mean you made many shrunken stuff in the past and your latest animation of shrunk and drunk was amazing. I would love to see the newly found techniques on another mega sized girl ;)

Drages Animations

Breast crush and booty crush, when the guys half body is inside ass.


I really like seeing Elli, and encourage you to use her again, but if you're looking for something new/different then how about someone from the Felarya cast that you haven't animated yet. Vivian and/or Melany perhaps? Nekos can make scenarios more fun so maybe Caylin and Tina?


Or maybe Anna? You've done a camio of her before but maybe animate a scene where she loses her temper and eats a bunch of people. I'd also be interested to see your take on Lea, you could throw her in there somewhere. Mermaids or harpies would be fun to see too, and they'll be an extra challenge for you (feathers and water are tricky, right?).


Felarya already has a fantasy setting, so you can definitely explore this universe again (would be nice to see Elli come back ! :D), and have a try with neko preds or elf preds (I don't remember if there are elves in Felarya?) It also reminds me of an old render you did showing a Lamia swallowing a woman of her own size. I know you are not into same-size vore, but I'd love to have an animated version of this. Maybe have just a post-swallowing sequence, where the prey is struggling against digestion... Other than that, in giantess vore, I've got a few ideas: -A giantess mermaid who sinks a small fisher ship, and then gobbles down the drowning tiny fishermen. -In a similar scenario, a big fisher boat trying to catch a giant mermaid with a human bait attached to a giant fishing rod. But the rope breaks and the mermaid escapes with the live bait in her stomach. -A group of adventurers going into the lair of a terrible monster. Turns out the monster is just a giantess human (or elf or whatever) who gobbles them up. -Maybe in the same scenario: A mage gets swallowed, and uses his/her magic to escape the stomach, but fails. Meanwhile, on the outside, you can see colorful ligths emmitting from the giantess' stomach, and sometimes you can see the mage's silhouette through the giantess' skin -In sci-fi : A mad scientist girl who uses a teleporter to transport unaware colleagues directly into her stomach I think that's all I have for now ^^ PS : I would absolutely love a scene focusing on the digestion/struggling :)


Would absolutely love to see some alien giantess content, different coloured skin/eyes , unique design maybe with claw like fingers , have you ever tried a model with a longer tongue? That could be interesting. For scenarios there are loads of ideas, aliens buying and selling jars of tiny humans, maybe you have a stall with an alien giantess sat sucking on a human before slurping them in as a customer walks up, the customer seems curious and the stall owner lets her try a few before she ends up buying a jar full and walking away with them. Another scenario could be an alien walking in to a house party and shrinking all the guests. I really love the idea of an alien giantess!

Kevin Bowman Jr.

You could do a slug girl. That would be rare for animation.


How about a greek-style odyssey? It could work as an on-going or one-time. I know one of the Felarya characters is aquatic-based, so maybe a ship crossing the ocean encounters her in their journeys? You could have her picking up the ship and inspecting it. And to give perspective of size, you could have an underwater shot.


I think something that's entirely from a tinies perspective, completely pov! That should easily fit into a short clip, they can witness someone getting stepped on or eaten, and then get eaten, who knows!


I really like the idea of the tiny trying to teleport out of her stomach only to put themselves in a worse position like being swallowed again or being stuck in her butt or front side.


I would love to see an animated version of hard choices by karbo, if you could get their permission to do so.


I would love to see Elle make a return from Felarya!


I'm a sucker for panty entrapment. But I'll be happy with whatever you do


Odd... all 20 of my suggestions got deleted...


Breast crush or guy trapped/pinned between breasts would be good. We only got a small test of breast crush in last video. I also really liked the bit in Matter of Perspective where she dropped the guy into her bikini bottoms...more along that line would be good. A lot has been done on Vore in prior videos, so perhaps a video where the gts is more interested in playing with the shrinks rather than just eating them for a chance of pace. See could taunt them in various ways (slip one into tight bikini top where he is pinned against breast with arms sticking out from edge of bikini franticly waving. Another could be tied spread eagle to bikini bottom then she slowly descends steps into a pool, going waist-high or deeper, etc. Or, instead of dealing with shrunken people, you could start of with normal female who has growth for some reason (potion, aliens, etc) and goes on a rampage. Or female crimefighter/superhero (spandex outfit and all) who observes crimes then shrinks & captures the criminal, tucking them into her cleavage for the trip back to her hideout where she can then punish them (or just feed them to her cat...).


You also mentioned change of time period....you could go back to time of Aladdin, where a prince has bought a magic lamp. Sitting in his palace he rubs the lamp, and a genie appears and takes solid form. However, she doesn't know anything about these 3 wishes the guy keeps mentioning. She doesn't like the idea of someone controlling her or her lamp, and needs more information, so she shrinks him, pins him to bed with a breast, and then interrogates him and begins to play with him.


And then there's the story about this guy who answered an add for making a gts video, expecting to just do some green-screen work. Unfortunately for him, the female director finds it very time consuming and tedious to do motion tracking or step animation and find it much faster/cheaper to just shrink down the unsuspecting people who answer her ad. The guy who did not think shrink ray's really exist finds him suddenly shrunk and at mercy of director/actress who wants to film some intense scenes.


Maybe have the setting on a Ranch/Farm. The scene starts in a barn. There are people feeding farm animals in the barn. Then, there are farmers in the barn, both men and women, milking cows. Thirdly, have there be the ranchers get the horse maneuer ready to plow the fields. Finally and suddenly, there is an earthquake. Everybody in the barn gasps and panics. One of the male farmers is in fear and decides to run outside of the barn. The people in the farm look out to the farmer and the farmer looks back to the people in the barn. Suddenly, the farmer gets crushed by a giant cowgirl boot. The people in the barn are in complete shock and wonder. The scene ends with the giantess figure, unseen, lifts the barn roof like an easy toy/doll house... And there she is. A light haired brunette with a cowgirl outfit. The giantess outfit is plaid between red and blue and gray. Giantess is wearing Blue Jeans. Also she has a cowgirl/rodeo hat on. The very last scene is the giantess cowgirl showing the smaller farmers and ranchers her creative red splat giantess cowgirl boot. The giantess looks innocent, then, smiles. All the tinies scream and the scene ends with the giantess giggling. The farmer that got crushed that is splattered all over the giantess’ boot falls into the horse dung. The 1–3 minute part one scene ends with the giantess cowgirl smiling only after her innocent look, then smiles. Part one ends.


Ever thought of doing a video where no one dies? Like some one is just in the stomach for the night or for a little while and gets let out later, unharmed.


This might be an unusual request. However there is a lady called Adeline who many people who are into giantess vore for a period of time are likely to be aware of. Much like yourself, Adeline is a long standing pillar of the giantess vore community and she has been seriously into vore all of her life. Adeline has produced so many truly wonderful giantess vore stories that she openly shares with the community using both forums and writing(dot) (com). Stories such as: "A simple Plan", "Jessica's Gift." and "Jack" which is her own take on the Jack and the beanstalk fable. You can see from her stories that her imagination is truly wonderful. She is a rare and truly special person indeed. I have corresponded with her for over 20 years and she has single handedly been the person who has helped me enjoy and come to terms with my desires. Adeline has always wanted to be a giantess and help to do her bit in keeping the tiny population at bay through regular consumption. But unfortunately trolling has as far as I am aware made her step back into the shadows. I am also aware that she is a long standing patron of this site, and a true advocate of your astounding work. We have a regular email exchanges between us commenting to one another on our admiration for the efforts that you so tirelessly put in to your productions. I and I am sure others who know and are aware of Adeline have never been able to fully express our gratitude to what Adeline has brought this fettish. My suggestion is this. I would love to see your astounding ability as an animator combine to bring one of her fantastic stories to life. I am sure it would be a mark of absolute honor for everyone if you could turn one of her stories into a breathtaking production as you so famously produce. Kind regards Dave


Just have to put my hand up and say I'd love to see what you can do in VR, but I won't hold my breath!


Also here's a story I read a while back that stuck with me because the writing was so solid. It's set in the wild west which I haven't seen that often. http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=6411&index=1

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

I really love the longer videos, so my vote is for it being an episodical animation.


"A guy wakes up in a room. After exploring the room a little, he tried to go outside only to find out he's in a doll house. He immediately shut the door, but the house got hold up (the floor still attach on the ground or the table) afterwards." I came up with this because I think we should try to sell the feeling of "Scaling". While it's hard to create a convincing world for tinies (junks needs to lie everywhere to make a place feel alive, and we have to imagine how they would interact with oversize objects), it's easier to combine two ordinary places with different scale into one room. (That is, a room, and a doll house looks like a normal room for tinies.) The scene would be easier to build, and the reaction would be simpler to be convincing. (Right?) And if you want to implement this idea into VR, the scripts should alter since the observer shouldn't move (because we won't). Just put us in the center of a room, use some visual trick to guide our sight (like a cup of water fall over, the door open itself, the light disappear and come back etc.), and finally reveal that everything we saw was just toys for "her", and we are suddenly in a gigantic fields. And she band over to eat me or something, whatever she does would feel tremendous now. I still have a lot to say, but I feel I already speak too much... Anyway, hope it helps.


Medival but with barefeet footstomps please 😍😍 or footjobs from Giantess Women


I agree with Raven. There needs to be a breast crush because sometimes that art form is ignored.


The issue with an entirely POV animation is that it almost needs to be rendered in one go, one long take, which is hell on my software. You could fake a few cuts here and there, or add some third perspective now and then, to overcome that though.


No a bad idea, for sure. It's a good piece of story telling, self contained, and the setting is only two scenes, really (inside the cave and outside the cave).


I'm well aware of who she is, even before she started supporting me :) I think one of the first stories I read of hers was "A wish come true" with this young girl discovering her abilitets shrink people. I do think that the stories are very much driven by the narrative, as they should be, and would therefore be hard to make shorter than 5 minutes. It's a good suggestion, though, and I will keep it in the back of my mind for the future.


So do I! I've already done a few test renders in monoscopic 360 and it's pretty cool. So, at some point, I will have a go at it, for sure.


Having not read any comments - how about something with succubi? They can blend into any setting really, and it gives you a chance to really have fun with character models. Lots of potential there too.


Hmmm... Time travel agent travels into the past (maybe to warn her younger self about something?) but instead gets vored or played with by her younger self?


Some tourists are hanging out with some locals around a campfire on a Caribbean beach when the locals pass around a laced bottle of alcohol (and don't take a drink) resulting in the tourists getting shrunk. The locals then play a game of truth-or-dare, at the expense of the tourists. (Hoping for some butt stuff personally.) (Also, the morning after one of them could find a survivor in a less-than-wholesome location and end up swallowing them to end the animation.)


I was reading past posts, and one possible idea you brought up is "body exploration" which got me thinking... How about if some or all of the tinies were instead willing to participate or at least go along with it with the vague idea that they'd be let go? You could also have tinies of different size, where bigger size was a reward for good behavior, and smaller size was punishment and more likely to be eaten. Maybe bigger tinies sneak a bite of the smaller ones when she isn't looking? Not sure about an overall plot... maybe part of it can be the tinies are made to pleasure her? The twist can be that one of tinies gets big enough to be released, but she shrinks him down of course and does something humiliating?


I like some of the old stuff from Mark Lee (Dragonesslife) especially that one idea of a Shop, a men pays to be trampled or swallowed while shrunk. Could only find that piece of the hole video :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNhMCSXZiw0


I have been thinking about it! I also have part of a script already written. The thing with "Chapter XI" is that it would have to be kind of long, so that's putting me off a bit. I would like to do a "city attack" video again at some point, though.


Breast crush has been requested by quite a few and that's always something that can be added to most scenarios.


Yes, feathers and water is tricky. Water I have assets for so animating it isn't the hardest part. The render times are the bane. There's so much translucency and reflection going on that Iray likes to take it's sweet time. I did write a script for a "mermaid attack" animation called "Savour our souls" that I published here some time ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/script-savor-our-14881360


An alien giantess would surely be different! A humanoid one, I guess. I'll keep that in mind.


The translucent lower parts would cool to create and animate (I think it could be done).


A good suggestion too. Many seem to suggest some itteration of a giant mermaid attack a ship.


I liken this idea but it's very similar to what I've done recently, I think, in terms of setting and such.


Some body exploration… Yes, that's always a good idea and something I haven't really done. The idea of different sizes and a sort of competition is a good one but it requires quite a bit of setup to be communicated, I fear, so I don't think I'll do that scenario for my next project.

Tyler Bobbitt

Alien girl comes to earth for human souvenirs.


Anything that involves digesting and expelling of the victims works for me! Love the idea of a prehistoric theme!


I think you haven't done a Futuristic or Medieval film yet. Medieval idea: A queen persuades a lady knight into some fun with tinies. Forcing the knight to eat them, or forcing the knight to feed them to herself. Futuristic idea: A girl is playing "VR" GTS game but the headset doesn't really work and instead shrinks everybody else in the room, thinking its the game she proceeds to laugh and gets to eat and crush her own friends unawarely its all real.


Sci-Fi Modern with rich and poor as the theme. Your last video kind of had that set up in a way! The poorer are shrunken and can be everyday things from food, pleasure etc. They could have jobs/be tricked like inside tummy rubs or cleaners etc. Escapees from main tiny cities that are protected try to find a normal life, people who were born tiny feel segregated they never had a choice etc. Been working on this theme for my current game and it turned out pretty interesting and nice. Do something with humour again! Chapter X with all its easter eggs was funny!


That's a good idea generally for some episodical animation. Different women could come in and pay for different things, thereby along me to add a bit over everything.


The idea of a split society isn't bad and can be incorporated into any time period and scenario.


I like the scenario and the light from the fire would create some beautiful frames, I imagine. It will take a bit of set up, however, and include many characters in a scene, which adds quite a bit to render times. Still, the idea is nice!


Hmm. Well, I LOVED the masturbation scene in Shrunk and Drunk, so I'd love to see a short vid that shows a bit more detail on the moment of orgasm. A close-up of the pussy/taint showing the anus contracting at the moment of orgasm like a female orgasm in real life, and a tiny getting squeezed by the vaginal contractions. :)


I would like to make such an animation as well, at some point. The model I used for Srunk and Drunk wasn't high quality enough "down there" in my opinion to do those scenes, but it is something to consider for the future.


That was a very specific scenario but I like the general idea of it! A "western" giantess is something I have been thinking about for some time. A few things have been holding me back, though. Like horses... Damn, I really don't want to animate horses galloping (it's gonna be a pain, unless there are walking presets I can use). Maybe a quick-draw showdown between a cowgirl and bandit. He draws his gone and she draws a shrink gun and shrinks him first. She walks up to him, picks him up and eats him. The townsfolk cheer and rejoice! :)


A "full tour" animation? Yes, I've considered it and that is still left "somewhat" open in most my animations, because I haven't shown the digested remains of anyone. It's doable, for sure. It would have to have a lot of non-action scenes to be communicated well. A girl going about her every day, having coffee and shopping, while someone is in her tummy.


The good thing about my episodical idea is that I could make shorter scenarios, which I'd like to right now, release every short scenario before stitching it all together for one long animation at the end. So, it's a bit of a win-win. I get to do short one, with different scenarios, and still publish it as one long animation at the end.


The idea is a good one for VR, for sure, and would communicate a sense of scale. And, I think it would be simple enough. A few seconds of orientations, giving the person in the doll house some time to look around, a few booming footsteps and the roof being lift up. After that, you have a descending hand, snatching up the camera/watcher and then down the hatch. Simple but effective.


So I’m thinking of like a core inception and get a food chain thing going, so like start with a giantess hunting a tiny, she eats it, the. She notices that she’s has been hunted as well n she gets eaten, then the one that hunter that one gets hunted. You can give each one their own personality on how they like to eat their prey wither they toss em, you with em or just str8 guzzle them. I think that’s be pretty interesting :)


Need more feet crushing and feet POVs


I really would like some Breast expansion after the vore


I know I've said it before, but I always wanted to see a game of hide and seek followed by naughty stuff as a sequel to Shorty Shortcake.

Viktor Blomqvist

Would love if you continue to make day after toilet scenes in your future videos :)

Viktor Blomqvist

Would love if you continue to make day after toilet scenes in your future videos :)


Hey, I just got a new idea! A bunch of women are having a belly dance contest, and one of them, knowing she might lose against the champion(s), decides to shrink and eat her/them, and then proceeds to dance, twisting her stomach and swinging/crushing her prey(s). Since her contestants have mysteriously forfeited, she wins.


What about giantess detention? A group of students get shrunk and devoured alive by a seductive teacher... she stuffs her belly full. Love the POV shots of a full belly while tinies are fighting and squirming as the giantess rubs her distended belly as we hear gurgles. She could hunt the tiny students throughout the class room and devour a bunch at her desk. I would love to see the Naga you used from tummy crisis as the teacher. She was beautiful! But in full human form rather than Naga in this scenario...


How about the International Vore Competition by frenchsnack?


Hi there, I loved your shrunk and drunk animation so much! Thanks a lot! For me, the toilet scene was one of the best parts together with the views from inside the stomach. I would love to see some more digestion action going on inside the stomach and also inside the intestines. I would like to see how the victims become bit by bit the womens poop. It would be awesome to see a turd with the victim's remains coming out of her ass and plop into the toilet in several turds as she is relieving herself. Cheers and thanks again!


gts in the city please.


I remember a while back that I read a comment, I really liked the idea the guy made on how you could make a giantess scrapbook, where it shows the most satisfying ways of vore, I honestly thought It was a pretty good idea, you should definitely consider it!


One of the older comments recommended a sequel to Shorty Shortcake; I would love this, especially with the same voice actress!


Perhaps another video taking place in Felarya?


Have you ever considered doing a “full tour” video? Something along the lines of a tiny being eaten and surviving the entire trip through the giantess’ digestive system. It is something that I have rarely seen done well or even seen to begin with. I feel that with the right models and setup it could look really cool. I imagine it would make for some cool angles as well as interactions. Normally for a giantess, the tiny is long dead by the time a tiny is inside of her intestines and it could create some interesting reactions on both ends. It’s something I’ve honestly tried to figure out for a long time. I feel like it would come easy to you though.


Anything with unbirth is great for me.


Dancing with prey items inside is a very nice idea that I wanted to have in Shrunk and Drunk but never got around to it. Josephine was supposed to eat the little runaway and then dance with him inside.


Oh, that will happen at some point! I love the IVC. The problem is that it requires a lot of characters in frame at once and I want to do it justice, so it'll have to wait until Nvidias new GPUs are out with more ram.


I have considered a "class room" animation of some sort, where either the teacher or a fellow student eats other students. It's a good idea.


Yes, that's an idea I've been entertaining for some time. I have an idea for several women discussing their vore experiences (with flashbacks showing them).


A scenario where one giantess leaves some tinies in a box or something for safekeeping, and another giantess eats them while she's not looking. When she confronts the other giantess about the missing tinies, a burp reveals what happened. I like anything with burps, honestly.


I have 2 ideas in my head, the first would be a fantasy called "Magic touch" borrowing inspiration from the love potion that was going to be brewed for Harry Potter a random student at a magic school could brew a shrinking potion for a boy she likes but he's unaware of her intentions reluctantly drinking the potion and waking up tiny in her room. This would be a bit different from your normal vore where the giantess intentions are more loving and caring rather than murderous, here she could live out her wildest fantasies with him while he is helpless to deny her. My other idea is called "Summer Days" where a group of hot busty giantess are having a casual pool party drinking, snacking, sexy and wet but unaware of the tinies below, this is something i've always wanted to see you do, super tinies that are maybe a centimetre tall. They live as a tribe travelling from garden to garden in search for food. And on this day they decide to scower the pool party for food. Here we could really see you try new types of foot, butt and boob crushing with your insane vore talent. Some of my ideas could be tinies getting crushed gently under foot and toes as they run across seemingly unused sandals until their owner wants them back on. Or have the tinies get trapped between toes and be playfully crushed. Even having one tiny run across a giantesses foot to pick up and crumb but his foot steps cause the giantess to scratch her foot with her other foot. You could have tinies get trapped in underwear and bewteen boobs and suffer similar fates. Maybe like that butt battle competition from DoA extreme volleyball game. You could perhaps have the giantess realise the tiny tribe exists when one tiny falls into the drink of a giantess' empty cup, she picks up the cup to drink but it's empty and have the tiny end up in her mouth anyway, then another tipsy giantess kisses her and they swap the tiny back and forth with him ending up on her lower lip, the other giantess insoects it and they all go on the look out for tinies sadistically crushing or playing with them. This idea might be too difficult due to the scale of it all but i'd love to see you try the micro tiny genre some day :)


VR!VR! Good very good!!!