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EDIT: I've now managed to upload the video to Google Drive (it took a VPN, Chrome and Incognito Mode to do it). I'll post the video like normal, in a separate post, when it goes live to all

Hello everyone,

This is direct continuation from "Part 1", so I've chosen to include the first part in this upload as well, as part of the animation. This is essentially Shrunk and Drunk Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, all in one, if you judge by the different acts. I chose to call the release "Shrunk and Drunk Full Version", for simplicity's sake, and that's what it'll be called when it goes live as well.

I intend to make a post later about the process, what I enjoyed, some issues that I had, and what I might have done differently or added. I'm still very happy and proud about what I accomplished nonetheless!

Google Drive doesn't want to receive the file. I've been trying since Sunday but it's not working, so I've gone with Mega instead, which some of you have recommended. The animation is 15 minutes long and 2.4 Gb, so be sure to have wifi turned on.


Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ALOJ9bElQtxOmJg5-0VBVibW4a27tDG7/view?usp=sharing

Mega link: https://mega.nz/#!ojwWFQ7R!jTmSXsC81rmkOmvRbu4JvI5-G9ZbGFtX_gYaKQrctz4

MEGA link with Bitly: https://bit.ly/334FRxr 


David Fontenot

OMG! MY persistence of staying on this page and refreshing and refreshing has paid off! HEART!

David Fontenot

Oh no! That link dun't work!


it works, just copy & paste the first line. Then copy the second line in the decoding key part


Link not working?

Kid Clef

Link isn't working for me, it keeps saying "Invalid URL" :( *EDIT* Ah I see, the first line is the url, the second line is the decryption key! :)


copy paste the first adress line, then the second line is the code to download


Just keeps prompting me to enter decryption code after I enter it.


Anyone else having problems with the URL?

David Fontenot

Download URL: https://mega.nz/#!ojwWFQ7R Encryption Key: jTmSXsC81rmkOmvRbu4JvI5-G9ZbGFtX_gYaKQrctz4

David Fontenot

Download URL: https://mega.nz/#!ojwWFQ7R Encryption Key: jTmSXsC81rmkOmvRbu4JvI5-G9ZbGFtX_gYaKQrctz4

David Fontenot

Download URL: https://mega.nz/#!ojwWFQ7R Encryption Key: jTmSXsC81rmkOmvRbu4JvI5-G9ZbGFtX_gYaKQrctz4

David Fontenot

Download URL: https://mega.nz/#!ojwWFQ7R Encryption Key: jTmSXsC81rmkOmvRbu4JvI5-G9ZbGFtX_gYaKQrctz4


Anyone else having trouble getting it to play?


It works for me. Can anyone else confirm that the download works?


Yes it did for me


By the way great work like dam that was good


Works for me.


Outstanding masterpiece, mate, I don´t know what to say. Thank you so much for your hard work! I didn´t even imagine the first part could be topped. But then you did. Truly amazing! And on a side note: I hope you don´t let the comments of those impatient fellas affect you. You are a great artist and an obviously decent person who did never let us admirer´s of your work down. Have a good rest and be proud of yourself, mate, you deserved it.


Thank so ever so kindly! Glad you liked it! I've almost never received a negative comment, actually. Most people are just supportive and tell me what I should be telling myself. I'm my own bane and I need to get better at just doing my best and believing that it's enough. Thanks again, and yes, I am proud of this:)


Wooh, now that was a blast. On the technical aspect, there is absolutely nothing to say. Animations, ligthing, sounds, everything is perfect. Now, for the action: *SPOILERS for those who are reading the comments before watching the vid* I just loved how you teased Kathy's fate during the whole bedroom scene, and even when she was in Jossie's mouth, you kept the suspense until the very end... I was both hoping she'd survive and also get eaten, so I was both sad and happy lol. And the x-ray to show Kathy's descent in the esophagus was the cherry on top. And that little smile at the very end...It just made Kathy's death satisfying, somehow ! :D I'm still a bit sad though, because I preferred Kathy over Jossie ;-; Besides, when I watched the updates and the trailer, I was expecting Jossie to be shrunken and then be saved by Kathy, which would have then led to the bedroom scene. A happy ending, in short ;w; I just wished we had more vore focus with Kathy before her death, it would have made it more intense, I think. Also, there is just on tiny disappointement, but it's very personal. I would have loved to have more belly scenes. The internals were short, the digestion process was pretty much skipped, and in the very few scenes where we see Jossie's squirming belly (only 2-3 sights in the bedroom), the bulges were hard to see because of the darkness. But hey, that is purely personal, and that would have taken much more effort from you, so I won't complain. Overall, abso-freaking-lutely fantastic work, Wiking. Now get some rest, for your own sake ( /° A°)/


Just to clarify: that little smile at the end... does that mean that she doesn't actually regret having swallowed her friend?


Every moment of this was worth waiting for, but am i the only one that wants to see more of the girl that does the shrinking. She seems like the type to take pics of the tinys suffering in her front and backside only to save their suffering for later or to show other tinys what will become of them.


Sure this overcomed locker Room!! Every single detail, the animations, angle, everything is simply spetacular! Is your magnum opus sure!! And okey... Locker Room was a mark on my teenage but now these are turning a mark on my adult life 😊


link doesnt work.. just takes me right no my own mega folder


This was well worth the wait. I'm almost speechless right now TBH xD Good work :D


I don't wanna ruin anything for anyone that might scroll through the comments while they're downloading, so for now I'll just say: 1. That was amazing. 2. Thank you.


On his link, the top line is the actual link to the video. The next two lines are the description key. It was accidentally put as all one link.


On his link, the top line is the actual link to the video. The next two lines are the description key. It was accidentally put as all one link.


On his link, the top line is the actual link to the video. The next two lines are the description key. It was accidentally put as all one link.


The link isn't working


I’m in the app on my phone, so it might appear differently for you. The video link ends at the first capital “R”. The description begins at the lower case “j” right after it.

Tyler Bobbitt

So everything between the R and j is not needed

Tyler Bobbitt

Can you just post your link to it


Wow, incredible work. This is more than I ever imagined and definitely my new favorite piece of vore media. I enjoyed every single scene of the animation, simply astonishing.


Worth the wait. Absolutely brilliant


Thanks for the link, but it only sends me to the front page of MEGA where it says I have to pay to create a personal account? Could someone help me with this <3


It seems that I for some reason have to create a MEGA account which is really expensive. Could you maybe find a way to upload it to something else? Thank you Wiking for your hard work :)


Phenomenal work wiking! Love the storyline progression of it! Definitely a fun little arc! You've outdone yourself yet again!


Wow - incredible job on this - in my opinion this is your best work. The story, the twist (good misdirection in the trailer!!), and the incredible animation work just all coincide to make an incredible piece of work. Hats off to you, I might have to put my Patreon pledge back to the max level again :)


The data transfer cap on mega keeps preventing me from downloading it though unfortunately


cant get it off mega link


I just created the free mega account, but I cannot figure out how to watch the video. What am I missing? Heip much appreciated.


Mega gives you a certain number of GB for free, and this animation is well below the threshold it gives you. I made an account for free, and it worked great. To get extra space beyond the minimum amount given to you costs money, but what they give you is actually fairly sizable: enough to accommodate this animation.


Patreon removed a part of the href. You gotta copy the link text in the post manually into your browser url bar.


what is the code to download


That was the one thing about the whole video I was surprised about. I was expecting her to freak out and possible puck. But that smile, that was cold. The video was great though.


when i click the link it takes me to megashare the front page and i cant download please someone help


Damn, sorry to hear that. Google just doesn't want to receive the file. I've tried with and without a VPN but it just keeps churning. I'll see if I can't think of something.

Viktor Blomqvist

This was absolutely the most amazing thing i ever watched. You are the greatest vore maker out there.


Fantastic as always, really pleased you added that 'morning after' bit. Your animations are worth the wait, and never worry how long it takes you to make!


Thank you so much, Trev! Yes, I did some misdirection with the trailer :) Wouldn't want to spoil it too much.


That's high praise, thank you! I do try to make videos to that will have an impression on people and last longer than the 15 minutes it playes.


Soo/…/ooo many people have asked for the "morning after" that I couldn't finish it without such a scene. Now, some wanted it to be more explicit, but I'm not sure most would enjoy that, so I kept it more implied.


Yea, I wanted this to have more of a narrative, though I had to cut some corners to tie it all together. I'll talk more about that in a separate post. Glad you like it, though!

David Turner

Wow... there is Vore until this animation and Vore after!!! and it is not the same... super exciting!!! thank you so much ... It was worth waiting and great starting the weekend.


is it supposed to be so dark, cant see anythign


Excellent animation as always! But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed that there wasn't a satisfying belch from one of the lovely ladies somewhere during part 2 or 3. Nevertheless, glad to see you got some “disposal” in there. I know that’s something some people have been waiting for awhile and I think you did the scene really well. Plus that lewdness on the bed… MMmmm! Good stuff!


This video was top notch. I'd been debating switching to a higher tier for a while, and I finally got impatient waiting (yes, the wait was technically almost over). I have no regrets. The video was simply stunning. My favorite part was the scene on the bed with her friend (so much better with her friend than a random tiny) and the the savoring in the mouth (with escape attempt). This might be a new favorite... And for the record, I preferred the implied on the morning after. I thought it was tastefully realistic without being over the top. Cheers!


Also, this video raises a question. Are tinies a separate subspecies? Are they just shrunk people? Or is it both? Some are natural-born tinies and some tinies are created by shrinking? Either way, with the ability to shrink, I bet they have a phenomenal capital punishment in this world. 😁


Thank you so much!I like that scene too. There's a calmness to it that contrasts with what's happening behind the scenes/lips/stomach. Most of the expressed voices have been arguing for more explicit morning after scenes, so I'm glad to hear that there are those that preferred the implied version (which I do personally, as well). Cheers!


I think, in this cinematic universe, tinies are just shunken people. Somer want to be shrunk but most are shrunk against their will. This animation was initially meant to take place in the Forbidden Dish universe but I later had to change that due to the property being exclusive to someone else's project..


Oh, man. I wanted there to be a good belch somewhere in the second part (I aimed for Kathy giving one after having downed the guy in the wine glass) but I simply cut that idea to get over the finish line. Lewdness is goodness :)


Try adjusting the settings on your screen. Some scenes are dark but they shouldn't be so dark that you can't distinguish what's going on.


Hehe, hitherto referred tro as Pre-Wiking and Post-Wiking Vore! Glad you liked it and thanks for the support!


Gonna try and use ma words here. What you released, was straight fire. At the moment, there are 4 artists that put out quality work like this. You are the only one I support, because I feel I know you better on some level, and because of the fact you show Felarya some love. All 4 of you are amazing in your own rights - but you really excel at realism. That realism actually made this release a lot more legitimately more terrifying than most of your previous works - on top of its quality being on a level I’ve never seen before. You get better every time, and just looking back to your previous works - this shows a level of improvement that’s borderline scary in and of itself. I think everything was done well. You even added a little something that’s outside of your interest for some of the fans. I applaud you on that, because to be honest I probably wouldn’t have unless it absolutely made sense given the circumstances (it did here, but you absolutely could have skipped it if you’d wanted). You listen to people, you take suggestions, and you put out high quality work. I’m glad to see patreon has really blown up for you, and I hope it only grows more. Do yourself a favor - don’t worry about all the we-wants in this post. 15 minutes of HD goodness, and there’s still “I wish this had happened” all over the place. I guess it’s easy to want when you can’t create. People gotta remember that the artist has to also like what he’s doing, or he’ll quickly get tired of doing it and move on to something else. Now, go home and be a family man. Take a break, relax, and don’t start on anything else till your good and recharged and ready to go.


This has got to be the greatest achievement in vore art to date. I can't believe you pull that level of realism off and the cinematic skill alone , in your shots and angles and narration, is astounding. What a piece of work ! Can't congratulate you enough, wiking2000.


Did not think that pleasure scene would keep going, but I’m glad it did. It was fantastic! Seeing the gigantic footwear and hearing some of the stomps was also great! Great work!


lucky guy in her boobs !! Amazing work !!


Incredible work and well worth the wait... that scene at the end though... amazing - love aftermath vore!


Wow, the quality of this animation it's comparable with profesional movie studios, don't you happen to work for Pixar by the way? xD


I'd like to point some things: -What happenned with the box full of "Willing" tinies? did another girl ate them? -If she took all the unwilling: does that mean she it's so sadistic, she only like to eat unwilling tinies? :0 -The only bad thing i see it's that the vore scenes happen way toooo fast, even in the mouthplay scenes, you can only see the tinies in dark blurry scenes for fragments of a second, so i can't apreciate my favorite scenes propperly


this is the best gts animation i've ever seen, just thank you for your content, you are the best <3

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Presumably all the willing ones were eaten at the club. It's leftovers, after all. No need to use two boxes when there's only a few left.


You're too kind, my friend! Thanks! I myself don't feel that I can hold a candle to Cakeinferno and Eskoz, for example. Those guys are Gods, playing in a league of their own. But, like I've said some times before; it's pure serendipity that we all have such different styles . We complement eachother rather than compete directly, I'd like to think (even though I am very happy that you picked me to support! Cheers for that!). I don't mind doing stuff that's a bit out of my comfort zone, but you are right, and I don't think I'd go too far out. Not just for me personally, no, cause I've built this amazing support around certain types of animations and I wouldn't want to alienate those supporters by trying to cast a much wider net. Better a smaller community with more similar interests, I say. Oh, I will. Chilling, watching Mandalorian and drinking Whiskey on my end, right now. All the good stuff :)


Haha! Next thing I'll do is Disney-princesses swallowing the frog rather than kissing it :)


Omg the best video ever


good work


After seeing that, I couldn't help but increase my pledge. Especially the non-oral stuff. (I understand it's not your focus, but I appreciate it nonetheless.)


I remember way back when you started with Giantess Vacation, and seeing your skills and story now is so mind blowing. Best vore animation and scenarios I have ever seen. Hope you continue doing your ideas and not what others want you to! That's one thing that I've really liked about your stuff is because it's so consistent and doesn't seem forced. Now go get a drink and be careful of funny looking rooms, think you need a months rest after this!


i have been waiting for this part.. for so long and 15 minutes of the masters animation work.. oh god yes


FINALLY! Patreon got its shit together. they charged me the wrong amount, but whatever.. I'm just glad to have finally been able to view this... THIS, is awesome BTW.. It went in a completely different direction than what you trailer suggested, but I aint complaining.. lol


Hehe! Thanks for the tip! I won't be wondering near any phone-like booths at the club, for sure (or will I?)


Yo simply amazing I’d say it topped the locker room for sure! I loved the callousness of it all, and that smile at the end!? Psh jaw dropping! I wasn’t expecting the friend to be shrunk and then for her friend to enjoy it! Phenomenal once again amazing work now go take a staycation or something man lol


amazing dud. can't imagin this masterpiece show up.saw on THE P-NET.and find here.