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Hello everyone!

Thank you for another month's support and, again, sorry for the absence. "Shrunk and Dunk" has been too big a project and the stress has been getting to me, but hasn't prevented me from working. I'm glad to announce that the animation is now done and fully rendered (yay!)  and I've now moved over to sound and post editing. This means that it should be out by next weekend, at the latest!

Cheers and take care, all!



Great news, specially the part of you not being stressed anymore. Any last teasers or screenshots we may get?

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Hyyyyyypppeeee!!! Sorry to hear that you've felt stressed out and bad from the size of teh animation. While I really love that you're doing a long one (something like 10 minutes long from what I recall you stating, 8 minutes at least as you said it's more than double the length of part 1), then it's not good if you get really stressed out from such long vids. So perhaps it might be an idea to make shorter ones in the future, if that works best for you? I absolutely love the long ones and I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more long ones with plot/story, but if those are too stressful then that's how it is. *hugs*


Well done, mate. Well done. You deserve a good, long break after all this. Also, to ask now rather than after you've posted the animation, could you please also release a musicless version?


That's terrific news! Congratulations on getting this done, and I really hope you take a little time to let yourself unwind. Can't wait to see the finished product...it's gonna be epic!


Nice dude


Literally cannot wait! :)


I'm counting the days


Hype is real, but in all seriousness take a break unwind, and refresh your self. Maybe in the future since long vids like this have you stressed try and break them down into two or three parts.


Honestly I've been happy to see you spend so much time on this. It will be well worth the effort. Make sure you spend some time to recharge and unwind. You deserve the rest ^^


You are awesome. Keep up the great work and get some rest afterwards. You deserve it


Hopefully plenty of internals!


Nice hope to see u have a nice long break


Take a break and relax after this one. You go hard with each animation these days.


Aaaaahhh, its almost tiiiiime


So does the weekend start on a Friday or a Saturday? Asking for a friend.


I think it took around 6 days between posting about starting audio work and release for part 1, so I imagine this will probably be out a little later during the weekend/next week given that it's over twice as long.


I’m literally stalking this page lol but that’s how you know his content is GOLD




*wipes beads of sweat from forehead*


Everyone is just watching the page hitting refresh every 3 min. :D

Mark Nora

Should be out today right?


Honestly I’m assuming tomorrow if that. Hope for today tho!


And still waiting...


Weekends never felt so long until today lol.


Do you think he will post it?


5am on a Monday morning here in New Zealand now...




Man, all this impatience and begging... No wonder he feels stressed about stating release dates.


Don't think this is it lads


Feels like Fallout 4 hype all over again hahaha


Don't feel stressed Wiking, its ready when its ready, we're just happy with the end product in the end :)


Patience young grasshoppers, if it doesn’t come out this weekend that only means more great things are being added ;P


ye i assume it got delayed, but alas i cant stay awake anymore so it will be out when its out.


Dont feel pressured man! Get it done when you get it done. None of your animations have disappointed yet, so no worries on that. Itll be worth it for sure


Yeah, at the end of the day we're just excited! No rush, just excited for it!!


still waiting lol


continues waiting


Hi Mr Wiking! I hope all is well. Please do not stress - we are your fans and we want you to be able to keep doing this work for as long as you want to. You are truly a legend in this genre. So please, take your time - as much time as you need. I feel this will be your Magnum Opus.


Here's a fun though: Let's sell the sperm we get from this movie and send the cash back to Wiking to show our tangible support and potentially funding his next movie. Imagine how embarrassing but rewarding we would feel like if we end up sending over 1k to Wiking ha ha! Just kidding, keep patience and keep your pants on a bit longer dudes. I will ask everyone here to not pirate or share this movie to a non-patreon as we know Wiking needs the money, let's try to keep it from porn sites as much as we can.


No matter how hard you try dude, the sad reality is that it’s going to be pirated pretty quickly 😪


Am I the only one just re-watching the trailer over and over again?


He always puts it up (non hd) for free pretty quick anyway. Like the whole goal here isn’t to charge us for the content. We’d get that no matter what.


Sad :(


Lobby music for while we wait! https://youtu.be/H-W7xveVzUw


Any longer and I'm taking to the streets in protest


I hope there's foot action, and there's a 4k version too.


I just hope it comes out lol


At this point i keep coming back for the comments ^_^


GapeMaw Do you actually make anything? Some of those images on your Patreon look familiar, deviantart?


never again would I donate it's over. I am really disappointed by this lack of seriousness


Whatever are you talking about? He said NEXT weekend at the latest.


Looking at some of the comments, it’s good to see a lot of people being understanding. It means a lot of people are atleast cognitive of the fact that he’s a one man team, doing all of this on one computer. There are several who seem to have forgotten this fact. When working with this sort of thing, any number of last minute issues could have come up (remember how team four star had an episode get corrupted and they had to do it all over again?), which is why most of these artists tend to shy away from even giving estimates on release dates. He could be in bed sick right now, something with the family could have come up, or any number of other real life emergencies. Instead of some people wondering simply if he’s ok - because if you guys READ the post, you’d see it says SHOULD be, not WILL be ready by this weekend, at the latest (should isn’t absolute, even with the “at the latest” caveat)- you’re all worried about having fap material ASAP. Lack of communication could come from him having a last minute emergency, or not wanting to deal with all the “wtf you promised” implications in the comments. This is why there is a lack of talent in this community. There is so much demand and entitlement from its members, that people just say fuck it and move on. If it were me, and I had to put up with some of the things I’ve seen various artist go through, I’d definitely say screw it. TLDR - it will be out when it’s out, and when we do hear from him, let’s all be concerned about how he’s doing... we all know missing a date, even a theoretical one, stresses him out. Guy deserves a break after this one.


I think Wiking's fatal flaw is providing estimated release dates he cannot live up to. I personally don't mind waiting a little longer whenever he stays behind schedule, but for his own sake, he'd be wiser to just opt for "coming soon" if it stresses him out so much. He actually did it once, if I recall - refused to give a date or even an approximation - and I hope that, at least for as long as he can't keep up with his own ambitions, he'd stick to it. That said, he hasn't done anything wrong with the upcoming release. Many seem to misinterpret "NEXT weekend at the latest" as last weekend. At the very least he was ambiguous. I assume, based on the time of his announcement being the end of Saturday, that by NEXT weekend, not to be confused with the UPCOMING weekend, he meant Nov 22-23.


Yeah, i dabbled a little bit a while back, issues on the personal side forced me to stop though


The video will be ready when it is ready. No need to put pressure. :)


The 1 other thing I wanna share with ya'll is this: Even great senior managers in big companies need to estimate product release dates and even they get it wrong sometimes. As an easy example the game industry. When hasn't a great anticipated game ever been delayed? If Wiking's movie is slightly delayed it may be because he simply makde a honest and common mistake on the estimated arrival. We all won't care anymore once he releases the movie, shit all he deserves is good praise and understanding from us.


Honestly I think most of us aren’t upset.just disappointed which is a big difference lol