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Hello Everyone,

I want to apologize for my lack of engagement with you guys this past month. This has honestly been some of the worst few months of my life, personally. I'm one of those people that don't often express emotions because if I feel burdened by something, I don't want to burden anyone else as well, and therefore I've always adopted a form of stoicism.

Well, things are looking slightly better now and my computer is back up and running, spinning like a cat! I've therefore decided to share a small snippet from the animation with you guys, featuring Kathy having a go at vore for the first time, encourage by the more experienced Josephine.

As you can see, the lighting quality is crazy in this, which adds a lot to render times, so I fear it won't be done for at least another month, depending on how many scenes I add. This will be my best work by far, I assure you. I'll keep on posting snippets, though, throughout.

Thank you so much for your patience and continued support. I don't deserve you, but I will strive to :)



Drunken by TheWiking2000.mp4





This kinda reminds me scene from disenchantment episode 7 it's kinda gose same way except your animation looks way sexier.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

That looks absolutely amazing! It's well worth the wait, so don't feel bad about taking some time. Good things take time and we're all adults here so we can wait. Here's hoping we'll get some internal shots and the more digestion the merrier.XD

David Turner

Looks very promising. Worth waiting:)


Like... what do you want? You know that we know it's good, amazing, god-tier-shut-up-and-take-my-money awesomeness! Clap clap.


Wow, this looks incredible! Hoping there are a few alcohol induced burps in there! Happy holidays!

Oscar H Harrington

No need to apologise. Hope everything is ok on your end. Take your time. Your wellbeing must always come first.


Hope things continue to improve for you. Have a great festive period! (Oh and the animation is looking great. Obviously :D )

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

This looks awesome!! Will this one also include a part where they’re finishing off some victims back at their apartment or nah? It’s gonna be epic either way


Wow this looks awesome that was a huge tease to end it right before the swallow, you’re so evil lol




I’m so hyped for this video tho I’m already tingling and my hands are itching! Lol I need medical attention haha


Any updates you can give us, Wiking?


I want to be drinking by a brunette...