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Hello everyone!

I know I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been working! :) I'm a long way into "Tummy Crisis" but will still need a few more weeks to finish it. The render times in this, with the forest and folliage, have been longer than normal. Attached is a very short (as to not spoil too much) scene of the lovely Crisis, smiling as always!

Meanwhile, I would love to get some ideas for my next project! I feel that I need to do some sort of passion project this time around, but I'd still really like to hear what you guys and girls think. 

What would like to see? Big or small project? Intimate or impersonal? Known or new figures? Inspired by real life or original creations?

Thanks guys, and thanks for the continues support!


Tummy Crisis preview snippet by TheWiking2000.mp4



oh shit cliffhanger i wonder what is going to happen.


Is it just me or does she look different compared to <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/crisis-character-18956960">https://www.patreon.com/posts/crisis-character-18956960</a> ? Not that it's a bad thing, she just looks much darker. Although that might be the lighting. XD Also, I personally would love to see you work with more of Karbo's OCs - maybe Menyssan? :3


She looks disturbingly gleeful.


Oh, and as for the next project? I think you're on to a winning idea when you say a PASSION project, if you know what I mean... If it was up to me, well I've been aching for a sequel to Shorty Shortcake where Maxine rounds up the escapees, disposes of the guy in short order and has her wicked way with the girls. You could say that she's having a backwards meal: starting with the dessert and moving on to the main (inter)course.


I love naga video vore! It looks promising! Congratulations for your work! I will think about what I could propose as next project.


Loving the blonde hair and blue eyes - But yeah Wiking ive said before i think but a good suggestion would be a BBW type woman or a woman who is a bit overweight as one of the victims and similar to one of your other works she gets almost stuck in the throat of one of your giantesses before squeezing down into her stomach


There can't be enough naga action.


I like that I idea but I think what I've done already is a bit too similar. Still, there nothing preventing me from having one larger prey-item in an animation where there are a lot of prey. That way, it wouldn't be a redo, of sorts.


Huhuhu! Love the pun :) Yea, that's a good idea. I've been thinking a lot about sequels, to Shorty Shortcake and others. One that would be about the exact same scenario would be "Lock Her Room", which is meant as a sequel to "The Locker Room", where Madeleine is back, but this time in her own dorm room, with just as many tinies.


She does look different. I went through tens (if not a hundred) iterations before landing on this one. Many didn't work with the expression-morphs I had, but tended to look too weird, so I had to change and change again. Ah, the demon girl! Yes, why not :) I would really like to animate one of Karbo's other images at some point, though, of a girl reading a book, putting her hand through a dimensional hole, pulling tiny people out and eating them.


I'd love to see one with a bit more focus on mouth play. Or even a little more sexual interaction. Like you've done/teased in a few videos. I'm always a fan of Ellie, although I'm not particularly familiar with Karbo/Felarya so I can't suggest anything from there. I generally prefer the more intimate style.


I have thought about doing a very, very intimate one, where I use real ASMR sounds to full effect. I think something like that could be pretty cool.


I'd love to see one with elli at a girls pool party, normal size, then she suddenly grows after forgetting her necklace like in Chapter X, then decides to dine on all the bikini clad women, having some "fun" with the last one or 2

Oscar H Harrington

If you really want to up your game you could try the classic "bowl of cheerios" scene. Milk flowing and splashing, crunching cereal and a bowl full of tinies would make it particularly challenging. I don't doubt you could pull it off though.


Liquids. Are. Hell. To Animate! :) There are some cheats though, some work arounds. I do have a simulated water/ocean asset that could be repurposed as milk. Thanks for the idea!


A good scenario! If I use Elli, it would have to make "in lore sense" though, if you know what I mean, because she's part of a larger story arc. I don't think she'd have reason to eat her fellow party-goers. Another girl, though, growing the same scenario, good work!


I like the pool party idea as well, though a boy/girl pool party would allow her to eat some males too which I think would be better. Also, she could relax back into pool like she is laying back in a bathtub, and when people try to escape the pool she can reach out with arm and drop/knock them back into the water. If you want a real editing challenge (due to water animation &amp; transparency) you could have her drop a partygoer into bikini bottom, or tie them to it if string bikini with side ties, then sit back down in pool. And if you have crush fans, she could stretch out leg in pool to pin someone against far wall of pool with a foot, etc.


The water is a challenge but you can overcome some of that with creative editing and certain angles. I like the general idea of some form of party going on, with tinies stuck in the middle. You can get really creative with that setting, and set up all forms of scenarios.