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A woman stands on the side walk, hailing a cab. Her pretty face, slender form and long dark hair gets instant attention, and a male taxi driver pulls up in seconds. She gets in, gives directions and they're off.

Note: from this point, everything is scene in a perspective from inside the taxi.

As the car stops at a red light, the driver places a glass of water on his dashboard. Getting in close, we can see the water occasionally ripple, accompanied by deep thuds. The thuds get louder, soon almost bouncing them of their seats, and they turn to see two giant naked legs approaching quickly from behind.

The driver steps on the gas, snaking his way between parked cars, trying to put as much distance as possible between them and whatever that was. But the legs move fast, and soon giant fingertips enclose the vehicle from above, as it's lifted into the air.

Once they come to a stop, a hundred feet off the ground, they're faced with a beautiful young woman, although gigantic in stature. She smiles at them, giggles and licks her lips.

She rips the front door off and pulls out the driver. He doesn't get much time, instead his instantly shoved into her mouth, sloshed about for a second or two, then swallowed whole and alive, his still wiggling form now only visible as a lump moving down her slender neck.

The giant woman licks her lips again, then playfully bites at the air in front of the car. She shifts it about her hand, holding it slightly above her head, before ripping the back door off with ease. She holds the car above her wide open mouth and starts to shake it.

The woman screams and tries to hang on for dear life, but loses her grip. She falls, but grabs hold of something just as she exits the car. Now she's dangling from it, just a few feet above that gigantic, wide open mouth.

The giant woman giggles and stops shaking the car, instead she jumps and snatches the girl directly with her mouth, her lips closing around her waist. 

Note: from this point, the camera is free roaming.

She tosses the car over her shoulder and gently, slowly, sucks the tiny girl into her mouth. She plays with her a bit, savouring her, before she's swallowed. The giant woman smiles, strokes her flat tummy, before giving chase to some pedestrians, eager to fill her belly.

The end.



What kind of car👀👀👀👀


..oh a taxi nvm

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Sounds like a fun little video. Some internal shots wouldn't hurt though.

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Wow! This sounds freaking amazing!! Is this gonna be the next project after the last of the three “short” videos is done?


I support this idea.


There could be some internals at the end, when the camera is allowed to free roam, I guess. This is just a script though, as of now.


This isn't really planned at the moment, but just a script. Usually, though, I like to incorporating shorter script ideas as scenes in longer animations. This could be such a scene.


Sounds fantastic mate. would love for it to be Elli in her amazing sandals.


This sounds good but Snacks on a plane sounded so mutch better.


Wow. This sounds awesome just to read... That it will eventually become an animation from you is epic!


Snacks on a plane would be fantastic in animation so would this taxi story is there any possibility it may happen


There's always a possibility, yes. I post these scripts to see what people like, but most will never be made, and some only partially. Snacks on a plane is one I do like myself, so I might make that one some day :)