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Well, that was... helpful :) The results of the poll are dead even for "wait" or "double release". Because of this, I've decided to go with the third option, to release one early version and one with internals later down the line. That way, those that want to wait still can and those that want one version out quicker get that too.

Thanks for your votes and your feedback, guys and girls. Much appreciated!



Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

That’s awesome news! Any estimated date as to when the early version will be released?


Noob! Putting the option you really want to be 3rd! Did you think I wouldn’t notice?!


Im glad to hear that, i think also in the comments the 3rd option probably won anyway


Haha! I would have preferred 2 because it's less work for what I want, but hey, 3 works as well.


Yes, this week! I only have 2 more scenes to render out and then some form of "intro" and "otro"-thingy. Then audio takes perhaps 2 days.