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Opening scene is that of a small life boat, drifting on a vast and calm open sea. The six occupants are either sleeping or resting, all showing signs of having drifted for some time, their skin burnt and clothes bleached by the sun and salt.

The boat rocks to a dull thud, causing some to stir, looking out over the horizon. They spot land and cry out, rejoicing! They use oars and hands to paddle towards the inviting sands but something suddenly bumps hard against the hull. Thinking that it might be a reef, they lean over the reeling for a better look. They see nothing but clear water when suddenly one of them goes overboard. He's gone, instantly vanishing into the deep. Panic ensues as they row towards land, as fast as they can, when another of their number is yanked overboard. No one dares sit by the reeling anymore, as they drop their oars and all huddle in the middle of the boat.

That's when she emerges. A giant water-naga (or mermaid), gorgeous youthful face, long wet hair clinging to her naked breasts, and something bulging in her cheek. She promptly swallows the person she was sucking on, freeing her mouth to talk to them. Them not being very talkative, she picks up and eats them instead, one by one, till there's only one left.

He jumps in the water, swimming for land. He turns his head, expecting to see his pursuer at his heel, but he does not see her at all. He dives under water and there, far in the distance, he sees a dark shadow, growing larger... He panics and starts swimming again. He expects to be pulled down at any second, swallowed into her fleshy depths, but nothing. He dives down again but there's nothing. She's not pursuing him anymore. Floating under the water, he doesn't see her giant face already between him and the island shore. The turns around just as she engulfs him...



I love it. Could use a mermaid for sure, or even regular nagas lol

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Sounds really good. I think a mermaid would work better than a water naga.