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I know what you're thinking. “That Ritona quantum field collapse sure does show a lot of skin”.  Don’t worry, I thought the same thing and yes -- on paper, the art direction may look kinda nuts and complicated. That’s because it is. 

Ritona 1.0 was a quad-directional model, allowing movements in four primary directions: north, south, west, and east (or WASD for those who prefer keyboard commands). 2.0 has been upgraded to an octo-directional model, meaning she now has 45 degree diagonal movements. Now she wont slide around the ground (as much) when moving in the other 4 directions that don't get much spotlight on the compass. Think the lamb in Cult of Lamb, only with uh... human at full scale proportion. 

This was something we always wanted to implement at some point so we’re glad we were able to cram it in... but we probably cant do this for anyone asides Ritona as the workload is way too high (we need like 2 more Hare-sans... truly in need of a real quantum field collapse). This means other onscreen characters will only move in perpendicular WASD movements... but yeah. We gotta stop somewhere. 

It’s a double edge sword, Spine and 2D... eh? The turn around for simple things are super fast but when we approach full scale, 3D makes more sense. We have no plans to transition to 3D character models in the near future though. There's something uniquely appealing about Spine animations within a 3D environment anyway which I kinda want to keep as our aesthetic for the foreseeable future. What do you all think?

Have a lovely day folks.




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