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We've gotten a wonderful suggestion from one of our dear patrons: to do a Q&A right here on Patreon.

So here we are! Ask us anything. The quickest answers you'll get will be from myself, Munisix (director) , or Konatsu Hare (lead artist). If you for some reason want to contact our editor, lead programmer, or musician, this may take a few days. Or weeks. Some of them take a while to respond.

For the sake of keeping things casual, a quick heads up: I, Munisix, have a pretty dark and morbid sense of humor. I'm also an extremely sarcastic individual. I kind of envision myself as the ol' codger that sits in the front porch on a rocking chair with a glass of whiskey in one hand, mumbling to myself where it all went wrong, while eagerly waiting to cane the next whippersnapper that's come to retrieve his baseball. You won't see this side of me if you're asking simple questions but I thought it would be prudent to warn you.

Konatsu Hare is gentle, caring, and an all around generous person. She will take your questions seriously and answer them thoroughly. She likes hearing from fans because it gives her the will power to get through the mountains of art work she needs to soldier her way through everyday to get shit done. So if you're looking to talk to someone nice, you might want to direct your questions to her. If you want to call someone a hack fraud, send em my way. I'll happily tell you that "that's not a question".

Anyways, all kiddings aside, ask us anything but please keep it tasteful.


- Munisix



This is just a simple question but on steam you can craft a background via trading cards for fault milestone 2 side above where it has the protagonists and antagonists as chibis. The BG is is called Everyone in SD, I am just curious of what SD stands for in that context. Here is a image of the bg <a href="http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/items/344770/bbd4b7cfbf65ae166d3ca0d58799f50168e02d60.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/items/344770/bbd4b7cfbf65ae166d3ca0d58799f50168e02d60.jpg</a>


SD stands for Super Deformed, derivative of the French word déformer. It is a made up Japanese term usually indicating mini characters where the size of the head is equal to their body.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-11 07:49:51 This is commenting on a very old post now. (the Q&amp;A post I mean) Sorry, lol. Also it was hard to find, Patreon needs easier ways of looking up past posts unless I missed it and there is one. Also don't know if there'd be an answer on an old post. Anyways, I remember there being mention of maybe a new translation for Milestone 1. Another friend of mine picked up 1 and 2 on the last Steam sale and I kind of mentioned there may be a new translation so now he is waiting on that. I'm just doubling checking if I'm remembering wrong and giving false info so I correct it. Or if this is a thing. Sorry for the trouble.
2016-06-08 15:39:12 This is commenting on a very old post now. (the Q&A post I mean) Sorry, lol. Also it was hard to find, Patreon needs easier ways of looking up past posts unless I missed it and there is one. Also don't know if there'd be an answer on an old post. Anyways, I remember there being mention of maybe a new translation for Milestone 1. Another friend of mine picked up 1 and 2 on the last Steam sale and I kind of mentioned there may be a new translation so now he is waiting on that. I'm just doubling checking if I'm remembering wrong and giving false info so I correct it. Or if this is a thing. Sorry for the trouble.

This is commenting on a very old post now. (the Q&A post I mean) Sorry, lol. Also it was hard to find, Patreon needs easier ways of looking up past posts unless I missed it and there is one. Also don't know if there'd be an answer on an old post. Anyways, I remember there being mention of maybe a new translation for Milestone 1. Another friend of mine picked up 1 and 2 on the last Steam sale and I kind of mentioned there may be a new translation so now he is waiting on that. I'm just doubling checking if I'm remembering wrong and giving false info so I correct it. Or if this is a thing. Sorry for the trouble.


I just want to revive this post too to clarify so that future readers will know. As of this date, the improved translation is out. :D If I remember correctly, it came out on July 14, 2016. At least that's when I remember getting the patch.


Hello you two and greetings from Switzerland. I've got 2 questions for Munisix: -Do you already know approximately how many episodes Fault will have or are you still in the process of writing the story ? -Imagine you now have a huge amount of money and, aside from buying a rocking chair and bottles of whisky, you could hire any voice actors you want to dub Fault (whether in japanese/english/another language). Who would you hire ? (Or maybe you'd use this money for something else ?) No questions for Konatsu Hare but I really like your arts and I hope to see a Fault artbook someday :)


Hello from Australia! The production values in the Milestone 2 demo are a huge step up from Milestone 1 and I can't wait to play the full episode. Munisix: We know from Milestone 1 that Ritona specialises in melee combat/fencing. It takes a lot of guts to bring a sword to a manakravte fight - will we see how she developed her mastery in fencing in StP? Konatsu-san: - How long does it usually take to complete one CG? What painting and drawing programs do you use? - How tall is Melano?


Hello another from Australia! To Munisix: Do you have any other stories or are you only focused on the Fault series.


Hello from USA. Nice to know your personalities, sounds like my kind of people I know out here in the country. I've got a few questions that either of you can answer if you want: - Everybody starts somewhere, and I'm not talking about heading off to college or doing tough work to get where you are now. What I'm asking, is when did the very first ideas of fault get thought up? And what made you think up the fault universe? - We all can guess that Selphine would have a high voice, if she is ever voiced. But a few of them I could really guess wrong. If you can, or have a pretty good idea of it, what kind of voice would... -Ritona -Melano -Rune -Koko -Mharie -Sian, all have? Of course if you don't quite know yet, or can't for top secret reasons, I can still dream :) -Have you ever been scared to "Google" characters from the fault universe?


We have 2 more stories that aren't a part of the "milestone series" that have the ground work laid out after Silence the Pedant but fault is designed to be able to go on forever if needed be. It can also be terminated at anytime as well with a somewhat satisfactory ending. This is because fault's story was originally a pitch to a manga publisher where it needed to be designed to adapt to its popularity. Now that I took it into my own hands though I have total control and the above 2 I want to do for sure. milestone 3 and 4 are already starting to emerge from the void as well. As for voice actors, the only character I have in mind is Ritona. My personal request was Sawashiro Miyuki when I first started writing. Now days I think Kawasumi Ayako would fit a lot better but then Ritona would be too similar to Saber from the Fate series and I really want to avoid that as much as possible. As for the rest of the cast, I've never really given it much thought. I didn't even think we'd get this far to be honest.


Asides from fault, I have 2 IP's story that's pretty much set in stone but I have no idea when I'll be able to do them =( I want to eventually be able to hire writers and just direct because there's a limit to how much I can produce by myself. We'll see how things go...


The fault universe is majorly inspired by the Star Trek universe. The structure of fault is essentially Star Trek Voyager that’s set on a planet instead of space. Since fault’s underlining theme is “clash of cultures”, I needed to be quite meticulous and design the whole planet instead of just one country or a continent. But I believe this is where people make the mistake of going too big with the story once they design a big world. This usually leads to a weak story that goes nowhere because they’re just flaunting the settings that they came up with with no one really to care about. So I decided to focus on one thing in milestone one, which was, as you probably already know, the Zhevitz family. Selphine and Ritona being the fish out of water, outsider that are looking in, gave the world a lot of depth too, or at least that was my intent. As for voices, please see Kramoule’s question for my (Munisix) answer. Hare-san on the other hand though.. 実はあまり真面目に考えたことがないです。(I’ve never really thought about it seriously before.) -Selphine: ゆかな(Yukana) -Ritona: 小清水亜美…?(Koshimizu Ami) -Rune: 演技がぴったりなら誰でも (as long as they are good.. anyone?) -Melano: 想像できない… (can't imagine...) -Koko: 矢作紗友里(Yahagi Sayuri) -Mharie: 演技がぴったりなら誰でも (as long as they are good.. anyone?) -Sian: 演技がぴったりなら誰でも (as long as they are good.. anyone?) -Rudo: 中村悠一(Nakamura Yuichi) でも結局、全然違う人を勧められても、プロの人は演技が素晴らしいでしょうから慣れていくと思います。(but even if the people above weren’t the cast, professional actors are so good at their jobs, I’m sure I’ll get use to them eventually) -Have you ever been scared to "Google" characters from the fault universe? No. We’ve done it. Nothing really comes up lol.


Melee battles are still the main way of engaging combat in the world of fault. The outlandish and fantastical manakravtes are only performed by very specific people and they definitely aren’t the norm. Anyways, to answer your question, yes and no. You don’t really see her training in the arts of combat since that’s not really the point of the story but you will see the training process that students go through in order to become a higher ranking battlekravter. Hare-san: 1枚の絵にかかる時間は、絵の密度とディレクションによります。 絵の密度が高いほど、構図や全体の密度のバランスをとるのが難しい、かつ描き込みが大変なので時間がかかります。 また、Munisixさんの中でイメージが固まっているもの程、拘りが強いので何度もリテイクを重ねることになることが多いです。この場合、Muisixさんの中にあるイメージと私の中にあるイメージを一致させるのにとても時間がかかります。 ms2上のタイトル画面はなかなかイメージ通りにいかず、あの1枚の絵だけで2週間ほどかかりました。(この時はまだパースのある背景が不慣れだったため余計に時間がかかりました。)ただ、ラフでの方向性が決まってからは3日くらいで仕上げられました。 逆に私が自由に描いていい場合は1日(4〜6時間くらい)で描けてしまうこともあります。ms2上のルーンの髪型が変わるイベントCGはそれくらいで描きました。 メラノの身長…は考えたことがなかったです。女性としてはそれなりに高めというくらい…?165〜170cmくらい。シャンがメラノよりちょっと高いので、メラノを高すぎないようにしたいですね。今度ちゃんと決めます…(;´∀`) How long 1 CG takes depends on the density and direction of said image. If it requires a lot of detail it will take that much longer. Also when Munisix-san has a clear and set vision of how a scene should look, it takes longer because of the redo’s and recuts. It basically takes long for our visions to sync. Because of this issue, milestone two’s title image took about 2 weeks to complete. (i was also learning about structural perspectives at the time so it took even longer). Once the rough came together though, it only took about 3 days to complete. If on the other hand, I get free reign on how I can draw the scene, it usually only takes about 4~6 hours. The CG where Rune gets a make over only took about that long. Melano’s height.. I’ve never really thought about. Tall for a lady? 165 ~ 170cm? Sian is the tallest out of all of them though, so we shouldn’t make Melano too tall.


Big friendly greetings from South Korea! I had tons of questions, but managed to pick 3 most important questions I had in mind. And here they are : - Melano and her crew are definitely not some regular baddies. They must have interesting (Likely troubled) personal history. Will we be able to find out what happened to them in future installments? - So it seems that main characters have long way ahead of them, and will encounter a lot of new cultures. That being said, will they get new outfits in-game? (Like that literally cool summer clothing we got to see) - Would you mind if, say, a third party team translated MS1 into other language (That is not English/日本語)? I'm asking this because that procedure usually include decryption and modification of original files, which is illegal unless given a permission. (On the top of that, it will be rude. Double rude.)


1) Top three favorite whiskey. (Or alcoholic beverage of choice from the both of you.) 2) Which idol concert (2D or 3D) would you most likely be seen attending? 3) As a creator, what step of the creation process (be it the writing or rough sketches or conceptualizing clothing) do you find most difficult?


Ahem!.. Questions for Munisix-san: 1. At present "milestone one" is available via the Humble Widget, so I was wondering: is there any chance of the "fault" games being released at other DRM-free online stores (e.g., GOG.com)? 2. What do you think about the omission of honorifics in the English version? Personally, while I understand that "fault" is supposed to have a Europe-esque setting, I think that the absence of any and all honorifics can completely ruin the mood in some cases (the infamous "nicknaming" scene being a prime example). 3. Your English is pretty darn good, ol' codger. Where did ya learn it? Questions for Konatsu Hare-san: 1. Your art style is cute, sensei! Which character of "fault" you like to draw the most? 2. What computer monitor do you use for your work? Any thoughts on those made by EIZO? 3. What do you think of the Shoujo-ai genre? お邪魔しました。


Greets! This time some questions are coming from germany. I just responded to your throughout explanation you gave 2 weeks ago on my other post and now I will move on with your Q&amp;A session: 1. Since some already asked about possible voice actors, I would like to ask about the requirements for you to include voice acting. I.E. how much monthly support you need from patreon to consider including voice acting? And if we will have voice acting in one of your future games, do you plan on adding voice acting to your previous games like fms1 as well? 2. You said there were some legal issues which prevented you to release a full soundtrack of fms1. Is it still present and there is no way to go around this? There are still a lot of people (myself included) that would love to have a full collection of your loveable soundtrack in lossless format on my HDD and music player. I've also read that you try to get those issues worked out for the second installment. So is it possible to see a soundtrack of fms2 even if fms1 won't work at all? 3. Would you mind to explain as of what exactly was the purpose of the single one choice in fms1? Tbh it kinda felt out of place considering that there were many other possibilities to add choices and it didn't even effect anything at all. Luckily it didn't effect me at all, but I am still a bit curious. Fault milestone is my second most favorite VN out there (sorry, you can't beat Saya no Uta, it's just too special) and the only things I am missing there is voice acting. Of course it's still a great game with or without, but I would feel just a bit more "complete" with some proper voice acting. Oh and one last thing. This is partly also directed at Sesterce, who asked the question about honorifics. While in a game like fms I don't really see a real need of honorifics, I still would prefer them to have as well. But it certainly would do more bad to the game than actually helping it. So if you ever consider adding them into the game, you should go for an option to turn them on/off, which also means more work for you guys. Which - in my opinion - just doesn't really justify to include them into the game.


1) Alcoholic beverage: Hare: 1) Pina Colada 2) Ginger Highball 3) Root beer and Baileys Munisix: 1) Strongest 2) Stronger 3) Strong 2) Which idol concert (2D or 3D) would you most likely be seen attending? Hare: もちろんラブライブ! Love Life of course! Munisix: I’d rather stare at the daikon radishes at the local super market for 2 hours. At least they can sing and dance better. (see what I did there? that’s a Japanese euphemism) 3) As a creator, what step of the creation process (be it the writing or rough sketches or conceptualizing clothing) do you find most difficult? Hare: 一番大変なのはラフの段階です。 頭の中のイメージを初めて形にするので、思うようにいかないと迷走しまくって、とにかく時間がかかります。ここがうまく行けば大きな失敗や変更が無い限りは大丈夫…なはず。 The hardest part is the rough. If conceptualizing the scene doesn’t go well my mind refuses to focus and it can take forever to get a rough out. Once this part is over though, everything usually works out… usually. Munisix: Getting over the fact that I’m still alive in the morning. After that everything usually works out… usually. On a serious note: writing the story is mentally the hardest part but assigning facial expressions in the scripting process is the most soul draining. I daydream about catching polio in the hopes of not being able to do the script anymore.


Hello hello~! 1) Absolutely. We are planning to do a dedicated episode that focuses entirely on Melano, Mharie, Koko and Sain. At this point in time, this one is planned after milestone 3. 2) Once again absolutely. We’ll definitely change them up in the future. 3) No, we don’t mind you fan TLing at all. As long as you credit us and point towards the Steam page, we don’t think there’s anything rude about fan TL’s. Just uh… please don’t sell it. That would be rather unpleasant…


1) We'll get back to you on how much it would cost. We've actually been getting poked quite a bit about this but we just don't have any time right now to do the proper research. Once we finish ms2a though, we'll look into a bit more extensively. Also, I personally want this to be an all or nothing deal. If Selphine is cast as person A, I want her to be cast this way through the entire series including milestone one. They can be staggered if it gets too expensive but changing VA's in the middle is just not acceptable to me. 2) There is no practical way for us to release ms1's soundtrack to the public. We can pay the ridiculous fee to buy the rights for distribution (like $1k~$1.5k a track last time i checked) but it just isn't a viable option. You see, I use to work in the film industry and I've been fortunate enough to work with a few extremely high grade stock music companies that owns collections of industry veterans. I had to strike a custom deal with this company to use their music for a "digital program". Modus Operandi and all of the derivatives though were made by us. You can find that at our soundcloud @ <a href="https://soundcloud.com/alice-in-dissonance" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/alice-in-dissonance</a> milestone two is a bit different... Yes we will have an OST available for it but with an asterisk. Unfortunately, there were some hiccups with the new music guy and we had to use stock music for certain scenes that he couldn't get around to. This means not everything will be on the sound track (sigh). I'd say... 95% of the game's music will be in it. We might have to replace these tracks with an original score with a steam update because I'm not going to delay the release of ms2 just for 2~3 tracks. Headaches headaches headaches. 3) I can't really get into too much detail with this one without getting into major spoilers... but let's just say... remember Ritona's thought process and how it was concluded. It was a pretty serious fork in the road moment, one that could have ended their Kadia journey right there, but it amounted to nothing. Gahh.. I can't say anymore. I feel like I've already said too much. There's always going to be at least 1 choice like this, and I'm sure it'll be a bit more clear once a few more milestones / sub-stories comes out. The reason why I'm keeping choices to a minimum is because I don't want to give a false impression that this is a "game" in the traditional VN sense. The "Cinematic Novel" is a thing we're trying to push and you're suppose to read / experience it more than "play" it. I hope that kinda makes sense. 4) Hey, if we're second to Saya no Uta I'd say that isn't bad for the first thing I've ever written. Let's hope I get better with time. =D


Hello hello! 1) Yes, there will always be a way to purchase a DRM free version for all fault. Most likely through the Humble system. 2) I don't really have an opinion about this. I do think it's silly to put -sama's and -kuns at the end of peoples name in English in written works though. If the characters are speaking in English they should stay within the realm of proper English, especially in a title that’s played relatively straight like fault. At the end of the day, I don't know how to care. Let me explain: You see I fully understand Japanese and therefore consume Japanese entertainment in its original language. I’ve never played, read or watched any localized games, manga, anime or films because I’ve never had to. Henceforth, I don't really have the ability to feel strongly about how things are localized. But, since I'm the author, there is 1 thing that I do want conveyed faithfully and thats the tone. I'm writing fault in dialogue / casual speech, much closer to a movie script rather than a novel. There's a certain rhythm I tried very hard to maintain when writing in Japanese. Simple, concise, yet informative sentences using as little words as possible. The English translation was... a bit too wordy. We've amended this in ms2. 3) I was born and raised in California. Moved to Japan to do this. Now I do do this, thanks to the folks over at Sekai Project. Hare: 1) 一番描きやすいのはセルフィーネとリトナですが、メインキャラは皆思い入れがあるので誰が一番描くのが好きかを決めるのは難しいです。皆それぞれに描いていてい楽しいです。 Selphine and Ritona are the easiest to draw but I've grown attached to all of the main characters so it's hard to chose a favorite. Everyone is fun to draw. 2) The monitor I'm using is a Dell U2713H. It's starting to show it's age but the colors are accurate enough. I draw on a Cintiq 27QHD. I don't have any opinions about EIZO. I've never used it before. 3) 特になにも思いません。同性愛をテーマとして描いている作品には興味がありますが、ただカップリングするだけの百合は興味ないです。 I don't have any opinions about it. I am interested in works of art with the theme of same sex relations but if it's just coupling characters I don't much care for it.


Geetings from Russia! I've got two questions. First is kinda pointless, but you've said that I can ask anything (mwuhahaha). And it's always interesting to hear others' opinions. So, here goes... 1) Have you ever read any VNs from the Infinity series (Never7, Ever17, Remember11, Riven12) which were written by Kotaro Uchikoshi, who now works on Zero Escape? I always was fascinated by their plot. 2) I've been curious for a while, but never got to ask this. Who decides upon price in Russian Steam? Developer, publisher, Steam or all combined? For exemple, fm1 costs abot 6$ in Russia, but 15$ in American. That's a huge price drop. But I'm not that suprised considering how "high" the salaries are here. Welp, that's it. Also I want to wish you good luck and I'll be looking forward to fm2. Keep up the good work ;)


Hello hello! 1) I (Munisix) have played Ever17 when it first came out long ago but unfortunately I don’t remember much of it. I know all of them are classics and have gotten high marks. I probably should revisit them sometime… 2) I had no idea so I had to ask my publisher. Apparently Steam does a thing called price parity between countries. Their example was “they look at the cost of something like milk and they adjust prices accordingly.” Thanks for dropping by!

Lord English

What made you decide on the names of the installments in the series? Why "fault"? Why are the sub-elements "milestones"? Why "Silence the Pedant"?


I can't answer for fault and StP since it'll just spoil a lot of the fun later. What I can say though, is that I try very hard to name things so they have multiple meaning (this includes chapter titles as well), usually it'll have 1 meaning in the story and 1 meaning in real life. Either that or I try to name things so that they'll mislead the audience. BASH (chapter 6) is probably a good example of this in milestone one though I wouldn't be surprised if no one got the reference. I named them "milestones" because of so many reasons but here's a few: A) it's about a journey so it fits on a thematic level B) every milestone 1 or more of the characters grow as people (or fail to do so) which is a huge milestone on a spiritual level C) every time we at AiD finish one of these damn things it's a huge milestone for the team as well and finally - perhaps most importantly D) everyone does "chapters" or "episodes". Everyone. Why not be creative here if you can? was my original thought. Now everyone thinks the series is called "fault milestone" but eh whatever... That can be the unique identifier since "fault" itself is hard to google on its own. Just to be clear... these titles and names are results of my mental exercise and I don't expect people to understand them all, nor do they have to. I'll also never explain them unless I'm asked. They are important to me but I do understand that most people don't give a shit. I'm okay with this as well. After all, whats in a name?


Hailing from the suburbs of the grand grand city of Chicago, here. Not sure if you are still answering questions this late into the game (at least for this specific post) but I have a burning question that absolutely must be answered! In fact, I am rather surprised that no one has thought to ask! (That I have seen.) But... Why Alice in Dissonance? I think it is safe to assume that Alice In Wonderland has some relevance to the name, but even so I am curious to the origins and/or meaning behind the name for your "company." Something that I thought of right after pressing enter is, do you know of many Youtubers that give you publicity? In fact, do you actively seek those in other media to sort of advertise your work whether it be through traditional or non traditional venues? I ask mostly because I would likely have never come across Fault if it weren't for Dodger of the Youtube channel Presshearttocontinue. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, and even if you don't thank you for the wonderful experience you have created already!


Hello! Sorry for the late response. We’re finally done with the big event and we have time to answer questions now. I was hoping this question would be asked a bit later when I’ve grown to be a more well rounded individual because it’s quite embarrassing how much thought I put into this silly name. I could explain from the beginning but that will take forever so I’ll make it at brief as possible. AiD boils down to 2 things. 1) To me, ALICE IN DISSONANCE outlines the loss of innocence (and being fucking okay with it). I personally like the name Alice a lot. As much as it’s overplayed, it’s a name that’s always been associated with mischief, wonder and innocence and I tend to think of it as a posh and delicate name. “Alice being in dissonance” captures the emotion best of how I want my writing to take shape within the circle. 2) It sounds fucking awesome. I thought it was the perfect balance of class and being hard as nails. Right alongside Alice in Chains. We are aware of youtubers casting our game(s). We don’t actively seek for them, no. We’re not very good at advertising. Also, yes, we are very much aware of Dodger of Presshearttocontinue and very thankful of her cast since it brought on awesome people like you to our Patreon. It’s our firm belief that if people arent gonna pay for our game, they’re not gonna pay for it, even if its a dollar. Exposure is more important to us as of the moment. We’re not as “flashy” as other VN’s by design and we need all the help we can get. If we keep making good shit, our fans should follow. That’s my philosophy at least… Hope this clears things up! Have a wonderful day.


Hello! I know you all are busy but I got curious so I'm gonna throw this question here and it's up to you to answer or not. AiD seems to consist of 4 members. How did you all meet up? Like, were you friends who decided to make a visual novel together or was it like Munisix asking each person if they're interested to work on fault?


Who are you counting as the four members? Near as I can tell the two core members are Munisix and Hare. Outside of that, as far as I know, the others are contractors, some working for AiD directly and some for Sekai Project. As for the groups origins Munisix announced the launch in October 2011. Hare joined about 2 months after that after replying to a public recruitment post. I'm basing all this off public information by the way, albeit some of it not in English which may have mixed me up somewhere. As always with such things Munisix may be able to provide a better answer.


Though it changes a good amount, most of Fault Milestone 1 was in Ritona's Point of View or voice. Was there a reason behind this verse using Selphine's voice? Not that I mind, I'm a big fan of Ritona. Plus, I have a feeling this shifts some in Milestone 2 base off the little we see of Ritona in the previews and the cliffhanger on the demo.


I'm afraid explaining this will get into some major spoiler territory. The most I can say is that you, the reader, is not suppose to be in Selphine's mind. You're suppose to watch her and try and figure her out. Those reasons should be pretty clear even in ms1, but it'll be further driven in ms2a. I feel like I've said too much already. Thanks for the question!


Greeting from sunny California! (too sunny) If you have the option to turn the fault series into an anime would you do it? Why and why not? What is your all time favorite anime, TV, manga, and video game series? This question is aimed at both Munisix and Konatsu Hare. Do you have any plan to fully utilizing E-mote in your future title? ​ How did you come with the name "Munisix"? Was it a name that you put a lot of thoughts and consideration into to come up with or was it something that you think sounded cool and said to yourself "heck, why the hell not"? If you don't mind disclosing this information but how old are you guys? Both of you sounds like very fun and relax people to hang out with judging based on how you talk. Also, do you think your age fit with well with your personality? Last but not least I would like to ask permission to be able to monetize and do my own let's play (or let's read) of fault milestone two when it's officially release. I'm planning to launch my new Youtube channel sometimes this year, and I would love it if fault milestone two would be my first game. Nothing is worse than to get a content ID match and a copyright strike on your account, so I want to take as much extra precaution as possible. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day! -R.


Hello hello from muggy ass Japan. 1) Anime If the conditions were right of course. Although it all depends on the contract, getting an anime made is like the ultimate affirmation that you’re doing something right. 2) Munisix Favs… Anime Uh… I’m drawing a blank. Only thing I’ve seen from beginning till end within this 5~6 year is probably Shirobako and it was okay for me at best. Oh, I’ve recently re-watched a lot of ARIA. I like all 3 seasons of ARIA a lot. to be honest, I’m not much of an anime fan anymore. TV Show HOUSE MD, Start Trek TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT in that order, X-Files though I don’t remember much of it, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Louie, The first 2 seasons of Walking Dead,… and I’m sure there are many I am forgetting. Too many. Too many to list. Manga. (Most of these are more a part of me than “favorite”) Off the top of my head… 3月のライオン、Hunter x Hunter、レベルE、天才柳沢教授の生活、不思議な少年、ARIA、Rozen Maiden、ローゼンメイデン、こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所+most of Jump’s famous titles、MONSTER、美味しんぼ、親なるもの 断崖、and much much much much much more. Video Game Game play and mechanics wise: StarCraft series, Half-Life series, Team Fortress 2、Left 4 Dead Series、Portal Series、Metal Gear Solid Series、Papers Please、Far Cry series as a guilty pleasure、To the Moon, Dead Space 1、Bioshock、Splatoon…and probably more that I cant remember. Narrative wise: The Walking Dead、Metal Gear Solid 1+3、Stanley Parable,、Metro series was okay、Chrono Trigger、Dragon Quest 5、…and too many more to list. Movies David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, James Gunn, Edgar Wright,… and im gonna stop here because its getting silly. Too many to list. Hare-san Favs Anime Little Witch Academia POPOLOCROIS (Anime version) SHIROBAKO Manga Mahojin GURUGURU Hakoiri Drops Video Game Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Pokémon: Gold/Silver/Crystal Version The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Animal Crossing Movies PARANORMAN Saving Mr.Banks 3) Emote If it can be used to serve as a storytelling mechanic then most definitely, yes. If it’s gonna be used just to give the girls idle animation and look cute then probably not. I’d have to mess around with it first and see what it can do. 4) Mu (6) ni (2) Six (6), is the area code of my hometown of where I was raised in California. 無二(muni) also means “no other”. So basically, “there is no place like home”. Although, I don’t really care to go back there yet. 5) I’m (Munisix) currently 30. Hare-san’s age is classified. As for your second question, age fits well with your personality… I have no idea what that means. Do you mean if we conform with how most people are at our age? If that’s what you mean, I still have no idea. I generally don’t get along with “normal” people but myself not playing well with others has nothing to do with my age. Hare-san is a lot more flexible and is kind to pretty much everyone, akaik. 6) Here’s the thing. fault is a kinetic novel. If you upload the whole thing thats basically the whole game and there is no other reason to buy it anymore. It’s almost equal to scanning a book and uploading it online. So we’re asking people to only cast up till where the demo ends which is the end of chapter 2 for ms2a. “But what about all the other people who are uploading the full game on youtube?” you might ask. Plain and simple, they’ve ignored what we’ve asked them to do. I won’t say anymore than this. These are just the facts. Now that you have this information, do what you think is right. Thanks for your question!


Hi, I would like to follow up with some questions to your answer about question number six. Is there a certain place where we can go to see the terms and conditions of the fault milestone series? It's the place where most people go to look for commercially use rights to prevent copyright infringement. I tried looking at the official Alice of Dissonance and fault milestone website but I can't find it. Is it written in Japanese? Maybe that could explain why. "So we’re asking people to only cast up till where the demo ends which is the end of chapter 2 for ms2a" Will this be a standard for every single fault game release where Youtuber should only upload where the demo end, or will every game be different? I would like to respect your decision, but there's one thing one you said that I can't help to feel like it's a little bit of a contradiction. I appreciate if you could clear it up for me. You replied to the patron " Steven Miller" when he asked how do you feel about the media, specifically Youtuber like Dodger who give you guys a lot of publicity by doing a full let's play of your game. This is your reply: "It’s our firm belief that if people aren't gonna pay for our game, they’re not gonna pay for it, even if its a dollar. Exposure is more important to us as of the moment. We’re not as “flashy” as other VN’s by design and we need all the help we can get. If we keep making good shit, our fans should follow. That’s my philosophy at least…". I can't help but to respect this because I too share this philosophy. But, it's because of this statement that I feel you are contradicting yourself when answering my question. If you truly believe that then it shouldn't matter how many chapters a let's player like Dodger or someone like myself decide to do because if someone have no desire to pay for your game, they're not going to pay for it, whether they read two chapters or eight chapters. Exposure is incredibly important especially for indie game developers like yourself, wouldn't it be a lot more advantageous and valuable to your team if people are allow to cover more of your game than just two chapters? Gamers will always buy the game they love, this is evident when reading through the comments section of let's play like Dodger. It's because of her fantastic full let's play that so many people will now know of the name "fault milestone one" and are anxiously waiting for fault milestone two. I firmly believe that if people love your game, they will buy it. I apologize for taking too much of your time but I would love to hear your opinion on this. Thank you and have a wonderful day! -R.


You missed my point. There is a reason why I phrased my answer this way instead of just saying yes or no. There's a difference between yourself and any other caster that has already uploaded the video, and that difference is they've already uploaded the video. You can check out the details on the Steam Forums. It should be pinned at the top. That should also hint at why I'm answering you this way... please think about who's involved when we release a game on Steam. In other words, this isn't just AiD's thing.


Greetings! Actually I have one strange question,I am a bit curious about how you two met and got familiar with each other,because you seem to be so different in personality,I guess there was something interesting?If you think answering my question may give away your privacy,just tell me you met on Selphine's birthday party and that's totally fine. Good luck!


My favorite character is Ritona, though I really like them all, and I'm very excited for StP because of, cover picture and phrase, seem to point at Ritona's backstory being a focus. Though I'm more excited for 1 day and 1 hour or so from now for Milestone 2. In Milestone 1, there was this bit talking to Hertz were she thinks. - The "family business", huh? Been there, done that, but moving on was never easy. - And I'm the type of person that clings, it seems, to little shadows of such backstory.....Anyways there doesn't seem to be a question in this really. Sorry, just gushing out some of my excitement I guess, today is a long wait. Question then: Who was created first in your mind, or maybe more fully first. Ritona or Selphine? Since StP was in your mind first, how long till Rune came along? Vague to avoid spoilers is fine. And when Rune was going to complete the trio of main characters on the adventure, outside her episode in Milestone 1? If that makes sense. Thanks!


Hi, Munisix. I would like to ask a question pertaining to the Rune's story arc. If anybody is currently reading this comment and have not finished fault milestone one I urged that you stop reading this comment immediately. I might be completely off when making this assumption, but I will take a leap of faith. When playing through fault milestone one from beginning to end, the one great message that I felt succeeds with flying colors is the concept of acceptance. The way you situated the story, how the character was written, and the scenarios they were presented with, I can't help but to think this your subtle way of portraying the transgender community. As the story progresses, we slowly get glimpses of how horrible Rune was treated by Rudo and the board of Zhevitz's Enterprise. She was oppress, shunned, dehumanized, and discriminated. Unable to cope with what and who she truly is, she was forced to follow what she was told with absolutely obedience or risk a life of great of hardship and death. Rune was treated no more than just a piece of metal, waiting to rust as years goes by, never to be acknowledge for what she really is, a human. If that is not the most perfect analogy made to reflect the transgender community I don't know what is. It's been quite a while ever since I was choked up, but I've never been so close to crying when Rudo finally embrace Rune and accept her as his little sister. This is the most powerful scene in the entire game for me. We saw Rudo rejecting Rune over the course of the game. But, in the end he was at last able to overcome the social construct that has fostered within him ever since his adolescence years, and see what truly matter, Rune's happiness. Rune was no longer a machine. She is now respected as a fellow human worthy of care and compassion. The life of Rune and the life of a transgender individual is so hard to distinguish that I feel you literally have to be cross eyed to be able to miss. A person's happiness, safety, and security is in jeopardy. And millions of people around the world are arguing over semantics. It's a mysterious world out there, Munisix. One, that I feel you captured perfectly within your game regardless if that was your true intention. It is because of your story that I was ultimately able to fully grasp the concept of acceptance. You have my great gratitude. -R.


Sorry for a question so soon. In one of the answers here, you mention there will always be one choice. Unless I misunderstand. But, having just finished (and it was very awesome read, thanks), milestone 2 above didn't have one. I guess I could have taken it too literally though.


Yeah.. about that, we bad. There was a choice in there and I really wanted to make it work but it just broke the flow of the story no matter how we tried it. So we had to get rid of it. Very unfortunate since it's the game right after I said "there will be at least 1 choice." Hopefully that didn't detract from your experience.


Understandable, and it did not detract at all! As I said, it was an awesome read and one of my favorite VNs now. Thanks for answering though, I was just curious. When writing, sometimes what you want or planned has to be adjusted. :)


Unless I'm mistaken I think this is the answer you're looking for: "The core members are myself (Munisix) and Konatsu Hare, the lead artist. Like, Kureha stated, Hare-san hit up a recruitment post after being struck with a premonition that “she (I) will be missing out on something big if she didn’t respond to this post” (her words). Let’s hope that turns out well because this is her full time job now! " (Munisix) That's the relevant part of the response they gave to someone else who asked more or less the same question in this QnA anyway so hopefully it answers your question.


Sorry for another question. There was one question I had from Milestone 2. When Rune and 'Selly' go to the lab, and take a soldier hostage. The boss lady comes out and then goes back in to 'look' for Ritona. Then the scene goes to Ritona meeting Paige. And when it goes back to Rune and 'Selly' they are back at the end. How did they leave the hostage situation? The whole Milestone 2 was awesome, sorry if this seems nitpicking, it's just the one time I was a tad like 'how that happen?'.


I assumed Sceatoire confirmed with Greus that Ritona was in there and went back out. After that she would have explained that Ritona can't leave and that Greus will be out to talk to them in shortly likely this went along with a bit of general explanation on both ends. I figure that diffused the situation as the neither side can really do anything. Sceatoire can't let extra random people inside the Vita Dommain without problems and Selphine can't actually waste the hostage or go in unless she wants to fight a small town. This is just my reading obviously but near as I can tell it more or less holds. On the whole ms2:a was rather prone to giving users gaps to fill in, which isn't good or bad in and of itself but wasn't really present earlier in the series.


Some uh... fairly odd questions. 1) The Path-Down incorporates all memories from past rulers... so how does Selphine deal with... the really weird lewd memories? 2) Rune doesn't really taste anything... so... does that mean she can eat inedible inorganic things like... her jacket? 3) You can answer this if you wish or not since it might be spoilertastic... but... what exactly is involved during the Right of Exaltation? 4) Would you be interested in possibly making figmas of fault characters in the future? Possibly good smile or something? Thank you for your time. I hope for future great success!


1) Like how a 350+ year old regal empress would handle it. With Style. 2) We have a few interesting ideas we want to explore with this so let me not spill the beans too early. 3) This will be explored more in detail in Silence the Pedant. (I want to ask for a favor to everyone... Please correct people who are calling it Silence the Pendant that they are wrong. You know, like a pedant.) 4) We would be interested in making anything resembling a figure for fault. We have no idea how to make that happen though. Im guessing we need to get way more popular. Thanks for your support as always.


Hey Sacae, I totally missed your question! I feel terrible. The story behind fault is extremely… long. It was originally a pitch someone threw at me so they can make a really crude RPG. This was like.. 6~7 years ago maybe? They came up with the characters names and their personality (a really boring, trope-y one too) and asked me to make a story. Ritona didn’t exist at this time. Basically what he/she asked me to write was… a story about a princess defeating the evil enemy Meano (not Melano) that attacked and devastated her homeland. And that was it. No motivation of why Meano attacked, no real explanation how Selphine was gonna fight a huge ass army by herself + a few of her friends, nothing. It was ... pretty lame, so I decided to take things into my own hands and make it more interesting. Then after all the energy I put into the story the dude/gal one day disappeared. I haven’t heard back from them since. I have a feeling they were overwhelmed with the amount of detail I put into the world, but I wasn’t just gonna throw all this work away so I started with Rune since she was gonna join the party first and changed a lot of the structure so it can either be A) a manga or B) a better game than it was intended to be. Ritona is a character I made out of scratch. Selphine's Kingdom didn't have a name. There was no Outer/Inner pole. There was no Alliance. There was no pathdown. Rune wasn’t much of a character except for "robot". Actually, none of them were really characters… I don’t actually remember the original because it was so bland. Rune was always going to be a part of the gang, and more are on their way. Anyways.. it's safe to say, this whole thing is pretty much AiD's now. fault as it is now, has no semblance to the napkin scribble that was passed to me initially.


So, when looking for a Ritona picture to use on some icons/avis and such, I ran into a picture for Fault Idol Busters that was quite interesting, but didn't understand much cause it was japanese. Will say though it gives me the finally Paige and the unknown girl will be joining the team haha, maybe who knows. But - question: Is Idolt Busters a joke or something fun or a real thing to be?


No wait sorry, I'm tired! Not unknown girl, but Flora! That puts my theory out.