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I wish I could make this a bit more climactic but I feel as though we've been hacking away at this thing forever to a point where it has kind of numbed me. But anyways, here goes: we’re done. Officially. For all purposes at this moment in time, fault - milestone one in its entirety, and with it what will become the base engine for the rest of the series, now is at a titular version 1.0. This was the goal we aimed for years ago, and we are finally standing here a what essentially is a starting line. It’s been a rough, mentally draining ride and even on the surface it’s hard to just fake a smile and say “it was worth it”. Was it? I don’t know to be honest. I’m kinda shellshocked at this moment. We’ll have to see what the future holds and how well this version will be received.

Quick story time (aka complaining):

Bug fixing took much longer as opposed to when we were making games with RenPy. Mostly because the game may run fine on the Unity editor, but may not on the Switch and many of the bugs were always consistently inconsistent (aka not reliably replicable). There was a lot of tiny compromises that always seemed unreasonable. It’s nuts just how much of a bitch it is to get good looking text on Unity. Want to dress up your font with things like strikes or outlines? Gtfo, heres your game at 10fps. Maybe it’s just a Switch thing? We’ll have to compare it to the more powerful PlayStation 4… but a lot of the process felt very… janky. I guess that’s just how game dev is. All in all… even for such a relatively small and linear game like MS1, it took over a month with 4 bug testers and the entirety of AiD (including the offsite programmer) to get a solid stable build. What a soul draining process lol. Much much respect to bug testers of the world. You guys make software possible.

Bitching over.

Hare-san  and I are now back to working on StP full time. I’m writing the rest, while she is doing CG production. Hey look at that. We’re back to doing what we do best and it feels so awkward (yet incredibly refreshing). Normal operation folks. I feel as though we were just managing AiD to stay afloat during the porting/human resource process for the past few years, and now we’re actually proper game devs again. It’s hard to explain this sensation. 

Let’s end this on a positive note. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, the paint and coating of the Switch MS1 is practically brand new. 4K supported (though you wont see it on the Switch), new sprites for main characters, all new music, new menu refresh, camera control gimmick, post processing… and I’m sure theres a few more I just don’t remember since it’s been so long. It doesn’t feel like a doujin game, like at all anymore. This is the ultimate version of MS1 and subsequent releases of our games should keep improving in quality. We hope you fucking love what we’ve done.

I made a little video YouTuber style to show off the beginning parts of the game to get back into the habit of just creating more things, whether they be for fault itself or videos for Patreon or whatever. They don't have to super polished, "just get the message across" type thing. We really want to do more in depth and personal updates in the near future. My apologies for sounding a bit tired in the video. It was super early in the morning, like 2PM, so I also had to be quiet.

Uhh… is there anything more to say? I suppose not.

My brain tells me to end all of this on a more charming note but I’m fresh out of ideas so I suppose I'll conclude this heart to heart with a fart joke.


Oh yeah.



P.S. Toot


fault - milestone one Nintendo Swtich version 1.0 (Patreon Exclusive Post)

Patreon exclusive update. YouTuber(ish) style video showing off some of the new things we did for the Nintendo Switch port. Keep up to date: ▪ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/fault Our homes: ▪ Steam: http://bit.ly/steam_aid ▪ Homepage: http://www.projectwritten.com Keep yourself up-to-date: ▪ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projectwritten/ ▪ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/projectwritten ▪ Discord:http://www.discord.gg/2fZ8hXB



This is huge. So glad to see you succeded going through that! Preview looks awesome, time to get my Switch ready now that I have to play ms1 again for the billionth time (THAT CAMERA)


Congrats! Time to celebrate with a swig of pomegranate juice.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-11 07:30:43 So proud of you guys for conquering the port! The finished product looks absolutely amazing! You spoil us too much, AiD. <3
2019-05-31 18:40:07 So proud of you guys for conquering the port! The finished product looks absolutely amazing! You spoil us too much, AiD. <3

So proud of you guys for conquering the port! The finished product looks absolutely amazing! You spoil us too much, AiD. <3