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Patreon started. Personal thanks to everyone whos stopped by! Updates coming soon.



I just made a new account to support you guys. I did backe your KS project on a whim, certainly did not regret this. The demo of FMST was quite impressive too. But in my opinion the pledges for this project are quite unsatisfying. Most of the rewards are based on those bi-weekly drawings, which - in my opinion - doesn't really justify the amount of money you have to pledge. The only interesting pledge is the 20$ pledge since it will also come with free releases of the game, thought in my opinion thats quite overpriced considering that the first game only costs 15$ and you also have to keep the pledge up for months (which propably reach to much higher values). And the 40$ pledge is really unsatisfying as well. You have to pay twice the price just for voting rights of a bi-weekly artwork. Don't get me wrong, I really do like the artworks of this series, but I'm pretty sure this ain't worth 20$ just for voting rights of an artwork, which doesn't even mean it will also be made (since it's a vote).


Hello hello! Sorry to get back to you late. For some reason your comments aren't showing up in our Dashboard. Your opinion has been duly noted and we agree that many points are valid. Thank you very much for bringing it up. Did you maybe have any suggestions on what you may want to see for the lower tiers? We’re quite new to this and we don’t really know what type of content people would be interested in. Not too many people have been vocal about it so please do give us suggestions on what type of content you want to see and we’re do our best to accommodate. Regarding the tier prices. Yes, the 40 dollar one might be a bit steep indeed and we’ll probably spice it up for it to be more enticing. The voting system can definitely use some tweaking as well. But I’d like to make it clear that we’re not planning on lowering any of the other tiers anytime soon and here’s our reason: Let me share a bit of how AiD is currently operating at the moment. Although it specifies that we have 4 members on team on the header of the Patreon page, 90% of all work on fault is done by myself and Hare-san. And I mean everything. Anything that you see or hear about is pretty much made by 2 people. Sure some of the background arts are outsourced but when you’re doing a fantasy setting, directing takes an enormous amount of time, not to mention dealing with retakes when things don’t come out right, an issue that gets exacerbated when out sourced personals change constantly. Now, in order to keep a release schedule that isn’t reminiscent of say, Blizzard's Starcraft series or Type-Moon's Mahoutsukai No Yoru, we have to pretty much work from the moment we wake up to the exact second we go to sleep. There is no such thing as a vacation. There are days where I place my lunch down to take care of an emergency and then realize it’s 3 morning when I’m done. There are days where every second counts. This is kinda why we’re doing a Patreon, to alleviate some of this ridiculous amount of stress. It’s really starting to get to us. Now, regarding the prices. $20 a month will get you all passive rewards. Including the games. We decided that that’s what our time is worth. We make very high quality stuff and we’re not planning on lowering our standards. We are expensive and we know that but we’re expensive for a reason. Lowering the prices will attract more people you might say. And that maybe true. That’s something we’ll have to try at a later date when we have the time to make some time. If you think we’re being unreasonable, please tell us. We are all ears. We aren’t some giant cooperation that’ll just shrug your opinions off like its nothing so please, talk to us. Also in our defense though, we update way more frequently than promised. (If we only delivered what’s promised on the tiers, there would only be like 4 posts). These updates should be very frequent to the 5 dollar tiers as well. This was our original intent. We want to under promise and over deliver because we can’t, at least at the moment, promise you anymore than the workload listed on the tiers. Eager to hear back from you. And lastly, thank you so very much for your support. -Munisx

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-11 07:51:05 Sup guys, I'm sorry as well for answering so late. I did saw your post right after you posted it, but I didn't had time to answer yet. I am very grateful for your response! And I will gladly give you a response to you as well: Since I joined patreon only because of you guys, I am as new to this patreon stuff as you are. Thus I am not that creative about ideas of what to include into pledges. But I will try to come up with some ideas nontheless further below. But first I would like to talk about your 20$ Tier again and pledges in general. Unlike Kickstarter, patreon works on monthly pledges. If you are backing a project on KS, you check the possible rewards with how much money you currently have on hand and decide what's best in your current situation. But this doesn't work for patreon, since you don't spend the money you got currently available, but rather you cut into your monthly budget. You have much less control about the money flow of your pledges on patreon than on KS, since you got no clear view of how your situation will look like during your pledge duration. This might lead to people being more hesitant at pledge. At least that applys to me and represents my point of view of how patreon pledges do work. On top of that, patreon pledges are theoretical indefinitely, while KS pledges are absolut. I.E. you got a free copy of fms during kickstarter for a specific price (10$ in this case), but with your current designed pledges, the amount of money you have to pay to get a copy of your next fms throught pledging on patreon is variable. You might be lucky and have to pledge only for 1 months in order to get a copy, or you might get one only after pledging the same amount for 5 months instead. From the point of view of your supporter it's just unrelyable as well as slightly unfair. People can just jump up to the 20$ pledge in order to get a free and then jump down again after they got one. (And yes, if there is a way to abuse a system, people WILL do so) And lastly, if you are unlucky and go down with your pledge due to financial issues, which happens to be during the time you roll out the copies of the game, you might end up paying for multiple months on this pledge and still don't get to receive the reward due to bad luck. With your current system, pledges are mostly based on the honesty of your supporter, but there is hardly a reason to pledge if you don't just want to honestly support your project. As of the current situation there is hardly a reason to pledge for the 20$ Tier if you want to go for the rewards (as well as most other pledges). Right now it is just a nice bonus if you decide to support you guys for with such a high pledge. Or to phrase it differently: Your patreon project is currently mostly only appealing for your honest supporter. I already backed quite some projects on Kickstarter. And my personal experience about pledges are like this: If the rewards are more appealing, people will go much higher with their pledges. Hell, I even go for higher pledges than I want to or can actually support or that is risking my overall budget just to get some specific rewards. (Hell, I am in the red this months due to some pledges I made on KS and the inability to work for a couple of weeks due to an injury :D ) I really do understand your feelings about your project and your pricing, and I honestly don't want to force you to change it. If you still decide that the 20$ is the right pledge for it's reward, then just keep it as it is. I will still support you guys nontheless and won't complain since it is still YOUR work and I want you to keep going on with the same love as you did up to now. Because that's why your work became so awesome and it's the reason why I love it so much. I just hope to make you understand the point of view your supporter might have about this much like how you wrote about your personal point of view about the pledges. Anyway, let's go on with possible other rewards. Something I came across with on other projects: They will give you specific rewards (mostly a copy of the game) if you achieve a total amount of money pledged rather than by having a monthly active pledge. That means you can either go for a single 20$ pledge and then stop it altogether, you can go for 2 months on 10$ of even 4 months with a 5$ and still get the copy. This is a good way to fix the problems with your current 20$ pledge I mentioned above. It will also give your supporter a good reason to pledge nonetheless, because t hey will get the reward eventually if they just keep up their pledges. But you might have to tweak the idea a bit more due to the fact that you will bring out more than just a single game (unlike those projects I've seen so far). Something else you could try to do are some more community based "rewards". Much like your Q&A session, there are some other ways to get in touch with your community. It always feels really nice if a the company has a deep relationship with it's customer/supporter/fans and it also might be benefiting for you as well. But it will also take quite some time, especially if your team is really small. Considering what you have described above, it might be a bit risky to do so. But it's still something you should keep in mind. I even find quite some english visual novel developers doing regular livestreams of their developement and showing of progress as well as talking to their community. Thought I've never visited one of those livestreams myself (have always been busy when they were up), so I can't give you further information about this. Something else I personally would find quite interesting would be something like short stories ore supplementary information. Currently, there is not much known about the characters of the game and their daily life, and given the nature of the game and it's story it isn't that easy to include such stuff into the game as well. You could write about some of the character's (hidden) hobbies or secrets or what they usually do in their free time. Or you could write some small stories which wouldn't fit in any of your games or about characters that won't appear into later games anymore (I.E. what happens after fms with the Zheviz Enterprise and stuff). You could then include those short stories and supplementary inforation as Side stories into the next game, similiar to your Encyclopedia. And lastly: How about some music tracks from the upcoming game? I know you have a Soundcloud account which also has some songs up there (which btw is nice to listen to). But you still could include them into the pledges, since I am pretty sure there are many people out there that doesn't know about your Soundcloud presence and would still like to hear more of your music. Well, currently that are all ideas I've got so far. I hope they will help you and feel free to ask the rest of your supporter (I'm sure most people didn't see this post since it is bound to the veeeery bottom of your page). Oh and lastly: I am glad that you are so dedicated to your project, but stay healthy! You won't do any of us any good if you do overwork yourself.
2015-07-15 10:52:11 Sup guys, I'm sorry as well for answering so late. I did saw your post right after you posted it, but I didn't had time to answer yet. I am very grateful for your response! And I will gladly give you a response to you as well: Since I joined patreon only because of you guys, I am as new to this patreon stuff as you are. Thus I am not that creative about ideas of what to include into pledges. But I will try to come up with some ideas nontheless further below. But first I would like to talk about your 20$ Tier again and pledges in general. Unlike Kickstarter, patreon works on monthly pledges. If you are backing a project on KS, you check the possible rewards with how much money you currently have on hand and decide what's best in your current situation. But this doesn't work for patreon, since you don't spend the money you got currently available, but rather you cut into your monthly budget. You have much less control about the money flow of your pledges on patreon than on KS, since you got no clear view of how your situation will look like during your pledge duration. This might lead to people being more hesitant at pledge. At least that applys to me and represents my point of view of how patreon pledges do work. On top of that, patreon pledges are theoretical indefinitely, while KS pledges are absolut. I.E. you got a free copy of fms during kickstarter for a specific price (10$ in this case), but with your current designed pledges, the amount of money you have to pay to get a copy of your next fms throught pledging on patreon is variable. You might be lucky and have to pledge only for 1 months in order to get a copy, or you might get one only after pledging the same amount for 5 months instead. From the point of view of your supporter it's just unrelyable as well as slightly unfair. People can just jump up to the 20$ pledge in order to get a free and then jump down again after they got one. (And yes, if there is a way to abuse a system, people WILL do so) And lastly, if you are unlucky and go down with your pledge due to financial issues, which happens to be during the time you roll out the copies of the game, you might end up paying for multiple months on this pledge and still don't get to receive the reward due to bad luck. With your current system, pledges are mostly based on the honesty of your supporter, but there is hardly a reason to pledge if you don't just want to honestly support your project. As of the current situation there is hardly a reason to pledge for the 20$ Tier if you want to go for the rewards (as well as most other pledges). Right now it is just a nice bonus if you decide to support you guys for with such a high pledge. Or to phrase it differently: Your patreon project is currently mostly only appealing for your honest supporter. I already backed quite some projects on Kickstarter. And my personal experience about pledges are like this: If the rewards are more appealing, people will go much higher with their pledges. Hell, I even go for higher pledges than I want to or can actually support or that is risking my overall budget just to get some specific rewards. (Hell, I am in the red this months due to some pledges I made on KS and the inability to work for a couple of weeks due to an injury :D ) I really do understand your feelings about your project and your pricing, and I honestly don't want to force you to change it. If you still decide that the 20$ is the right pledge for it's reward, then just keep it as it is. I will still support you guys nontheless and won't complain since it is still YOUR work and I want you to keep going on with the same love as you did up to now. Because that's why your work became so awesome and it's the reason why I love it so much. I just hope to make you understand the point of view your supporter might have about this much like how you wrote about your personal point of view about the pledges. Anyway, let's go on with possible other rewards. Something I came across with on other projects: They will give you specific rewards (mostly a copy of the game) if you achieve a total amount of money pledged rather than by having a monthly active pledge. That means you can either go for a single 20$ pledge and then stop it altogether, you can go for 2 months on 10$ of even 4 months with a 5$ and still get the copy. This is a good way to fix the problems with your current 20$ pledge I mentioned above. It will also give your supporter a good reason to pledge nonetheless, because t hey will get the reward eventually if they just keep up their pledges. But you might have to tweak the idea a bit more due to the fact that you will bring out more than just a single game (unlike those projects I've seen so far). Something else you could try to do are some more community based "rewards". Much like your Q&A session, there are some other ways to get in touch with your community. It always feels really nice if a the company has a deep relationship with it's customer/supporter/fans and it also might be benefiting for you as well. But it will also take quite some time, especially if your team is really small. Considering what you have described above, it might be a bit risky to do so. But it's still something you should keep in mind. I even find quite some english visual novel developers doing regular livestreams of their developement and showing of progress as well as talking to their community. Thought I've never visited one of those livestreams myself (have always been busy when they were up), so I can't give you further information about this. Something else I personally would find quite interesting would be something like short stories ore supplementary information. Currently, there is not much known about the characters of the game and their daily life, and given the nature of the game and it's story it isn't that easy to include such stuff into the game as well. You could write about some of the character's (hidden) hobbies or secrets or what they usually do in their free time. Or you could write some small stories which wouldn't fit in any of your games or about characters that won't appear into later games anymore (I.E. what happens after fms with the Zheviz Enterprise and stuff). You could then include those short stories and supplementary inforation as Side stories into the next game, similiar to your Encyclopedia. And lastly: How about some music tracks from the upcoming game? I know you have a Soundcloud account which also has some songs up there (which btw is nice to listen to). But you still could include them into the pledges, since I am pretty sure there are many people out there that doesn't know about your Soundcloud presence and would still like to hear more of your music. Well, currently that are all ideas I've got so far. I hope they will help you and feel free to ask the rest of your supporter (I'm sure most people didn't see this post since it is bound to the veeeery bottom of your page). Oh and lastly: I am glad that you are so dedicated to your project, but stay healthy! You won't do any of us any good if you do overwork yourself.

Sup guys, I'm sorry as well for answering so late. I did saw your post right after you posted it, but I didn't had time to answer yet. I am very grateful for your response! And I will gladly give you a response to you as well: Since I joined patreon only because of you guys, I am as new to this patreon stuff as you are. Thus I am not that creative about ideas of what to include into pledges. But I will try to come up with some ideas nontheless further below. But first I would like to talk about your 20$ Tier again and pledges in general. Unlike Kickstarter, patreon works on monthly pledges. If you are backing a project on KS, you check the possible rewards with how much money you currently have on hand and decide what's best in your current situation. But this doesn't work for patreon, since you don't spend the money you got currently available, but rather you cut into your monthly budget. You have much less control about the money flow of your pledges on patreon than on KS, since you got no clear view of how your situation will look like during your pledge duration. This might lead to people being more hesitant at pledge. At least that applys to me and represents my point of view of how patreon pledges do work. On top of that, patreon pledges are theoretical indefinitely, while KS pledges are absolut. I.E. you got a free copy of fms during kickstarter for a specific price (10$ in this case), but with your current designed pledges, the amount of money you have to pay to get a copy of your next fms throught pledging on patreon is variable. You might be lucky and have to pledge only for 1 months in order to get a copy, or you might get one only after pledging the same amount for 5 months instead. From the point of view of your supporter it's just unrelyable as well as slightly unfair. People can just jump up to the 20$ pledge in order to get a free and then jump down again after they got one. (And yes, if there is a way to abuse a system, people WILL do so) And lastly, if you are unlucky and go down with your pledge due to financial issues, which happens to be during the time you roll out the copies of the game, you might end up paying for multiple months on this pledge and still don't get to receive the reward due to bad luck. With your current system, pledges are mostly based on the honesty of your supporter, but there is hardly a reason to pledge if you don't just want to honestly support your project. As of the current situation there is hardly a reason to pledge for the 20$ Tier if you want to go for the rewards (as well as most other pledges). Right now it is just a nice bonus if you decide to support you guys for with such a high pledge. Or to phrase it differently: Your patreon project is currently mostly only appealing for your honest supporter. I already backed quite some projects on Kickstarter. And my personal experience about pledges are like this: If the rewards are more appealing, people will go much higher with their pledges. Hell, I even go for higher pledges than I want to or can actually support or that is risking my overall budget just to get some specific rewards. (Hell, I am in the red this months due to some pledges I made on KS and the inability to work for a couple of weeks due to an injury :D ) I really do understand your feelings about your project and your pricing, and I honestly don't want to force you to change it. If you still decide that the 20$ is the right pledge for it's reward, then just keep it as it is. I will still support you guys nontheless and won't complain since it is still YOUR work and I want you to keep going on with the same love as you did up to now. Because that's why your work became so awesome and it's the reason why I love it so much. I just hope to make you understand the point of view your supporter might have about this much like how you wrote about your personal point of view about the pledges. Anyway, let's go on with possible other rewards. Something I came across with on other projects: They will give you specific rewards (mostly a copy of the game) if you achieve a total amount of money pledged rather than by having a monthly active pledge. That means you can either go for a single 20$ pledge and then stop it altogether, you can go for 2 months on 10$ of even 4 months with a 5$ and still get the copy. This is a good way to fix the problems with your current 20$ pledge I mentioned above. It will also give your supporter a good reason to pledge nonetheless, because t hey will get the reward eventually if they just keep up their pledges. But you might have to tweak the idea a bit more due to the fact that you will bring out more than just a single game (unlike those projects I've seen so far). Something else you could try to do are some more community based "rewards". Much like your Q&A session, there are some other ways to get in touch with your community. It always feels really nice if a the company has a deep relationship with it's customer/supporter/fans and it also might be benefiting for you as well. But it will also take quite some time, especially if your team is really small. Considering what you have described above, it might be a bit risky to do so. But it's still something you should keep in mind. I even find quite some english visual novel developers doing regular livestreams of their developement and showing of progress as well as talking to their community. Thought I've never visited one of those livestreams myself (have always been busy when they were up), so I can't give you further information about this. Something else I personally would find quite interesting would be something like short stories ore supplementary information. Currently, there is not much known about the characters of the game and their daily life, and given the nature of the game and it's story it isn't that easy to include such stuff into the game as well. You could write about some of the character's (hidden) hobbies or secrets or what they usually do in their free time. Or you could write some small stories which wouldn't fit in any of your games or about characters that won't appear into later games anymore (I.E. what happens after fms with the Zheviz Enterprise and stuff). You could then include those short stories and supplementary inforation as Side stories into the next game, similiar to your Encyclopedia. And lastly: How about some music tracks from the upcoming game? I know you have a Soundcloud account which also has some songs up there (which btw is nice to listen to). But you still could include them into the pledges, since I am pretty sure there are many people out there that doesn't know about your Soundcloud presence and would still like to hear more of your music. Well, currently that are all ideas I've got so far. I hope they will help you and feel free to ask the rest of your supporter (I'm sure most people didn't see this post since it is bound to the veeeery bottom of your page). Oh and lastly: I am glad that you are so dedicated to your project, but stay healthy! You won't do any of us any good if you do overwork yourself.