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 To all those who attended AX, we wish you all had a great time. It's a bummer we couldn't announce StP at this years AX but theres a bunch more awesome things coming down our pipeline like this new and final merch that we're showing to our patrons exclusively today.

As most of you know, we've been seriously hunkering down to work on StP for the past few months but somewhere down the line we came to the realization that most new incoming fault fans are huge Rune fans (duh). But StP is a prequel so she's obviously not going to be in it which is a minor bummer since this damn game is taking so long to make.

This gave Hare and I the inspiration to make some merch for her one last time before we get our hands on milestone two: side below. Thus we present to you... the RuRune Microfiber Cleaning Cloths! These will be released to the public alongside the The Erecting SILENCE THE PEDANT Heroine Keychain Set as soon as our new AiD website and store gets finished which is slated for public release next Friday, July 20th .

That's the public release date though. Patrons will get special treatment as patrons will get early access to the new store which we will open tomorrow, along side a flat 5% discount coupon code that will be issued to all patrons (yes, even the espresso tiers) to celebrate the new website's completion. This is our tiny way of saying thank you to everyone who's stuck by us during these hard times.

ALSO! Higher tier discounts rates will finally be applicable because this store will be directly managed by us here at ALICE IN DISSONANCE. All new info regarding merch discounts and store opening will be posted very soon!

 Once again, thank you all for your support and presence. It helps us realize that we still matter, something that's hard to do when a single project takes too damn long to finish.

Best regards,





One little question. Are the designs shown here for two separate cloths, or two sides of a single cloth?


Ah, good question. These are two separate clothes so it will be two different items. One with the SD Rune is called the "RuRune" and the other with the faces only is called "YuRune".... a joke that only kinda makes sense in Japanese. But I digress.


Good to know, thank you.


I will admit, the other day I was going through all my pledges on patreon, and other websites (enty/pixiv fanbox/etc.) and deciding on whether to continue some of my pledges...and AiD was one that I was on the fence about. To make my mind up, I started to scroll through the posts and updates, and I was in awe of all the effort and love that yourself, Hare and the rest of the team has put into this project, making me reconfirm my committment to seeing this project through! I wish everyone on the AiD team all the best, and I will continue to support you all throughout! 本当に愛を込めた企画と感じますので、良い作品を期待しています!はれ先生やチームの皆さん、頑張ってください!これからも応援しています!


I want this a lot, seeing how I have glasses and such.. Just.. The shipping is what's killing me always with the old store. Will it be any different here? Like, these could be mailed in envelopes even.. I don't expect a tracking big package for $25 for a small fiber cloth and key chain.. ;;


Vilserio~. Becauaes we have full control over the shipping process now, shipping will be as cost efficient as we can make it. Don't quote me on this quite yet but it should be around 7 bucks for an envelope with cloth and a keychain or two. Whatever the case, it won't be a flat rate. Hope that helps! -munisix


These microfiber cleaning cloths restore my faith in humanity... Thank you, AiD. :'^) Keep fighting the good fight! RuRune is cheering for you, too~!