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Vilserio friends! 

We have finally finished the design of the Pikomou (and how to handle them in-game) and to celebrate this small occasion, we come here today to present you with a fun little vote! I won't delve too deep into the explanation for the sake of mitigating spoilers but the choice you make here will directly influence certain elements of SILENCE THE PEDANT and further canon of the fault series.  Here is the gist:

There is a certain scenario in StP where if the player navigates the story correctly, Ritona will gain an accompanying pet pikomou in her house. This pikomou will become Ritona's official pet and will be around in future installments of fault! Official canon stuff right here. We have 4 designs and instead of myself choosing, I thought it would be fun if our Patrons got a chance to vote for something that will influence the official story in a small but very visual way.

If you are interested, please choose from 1~4!





SLIENCE THE PEDANTに登場する動物キャラクターのピコモゥですが、StPではなんとプレイヤーが特定の選択をすることによりこのピコモゥがリトナのペットとなり、ラインヴァスタ邸の一員となります!本日はそのピコモゥをパトロンさん達に選んでもらう、ピコモゥ選手権を行いと思います!








The tails on 2 and 4 weird me out. #3 looks like he's had a long night of catting and hit the coffee too hard.


Can I take one of the losers?


No 1 is too small, like some kind of ferret. No2 has nice look, but his glance is crazy, (also little bit reminds me of familiar from re-zero). No3 is brutal one, looks like bulldog with some electrical superpowers. No4 has a very SMUG face, really like some meme-cat... I can't decide, they all are too cute.


As long as they are furry, they are good pets!


I like 1 or 4 the most, but I choose 4 because smoll and adorbs. 3 is so funny, though, make me laugh, I like it too.


Hahaha 3 certainly needs to reduce the caffeine intake


1's eyes makes my heart melt... 😍 also love his spiral whiskers so oooo cute!!!! 4 would be second choice then but definitely prefer one although I do admit 4's coat is more interesting so I can understand why he's winning but to me 1's face really tops all of that because again just can't handle that cuteness!!!! So here's my suggestion then I'd like to see 4 with 1s eyes and whiskers cause as great as both are a find combining them both might make for something even more incredible! Just a thought 😂 either is fine though I love them both but the extra cute factor sways me on 1 because I can't resist that level of cuteness no matter how adorable 4 is too 😊😍💞


I think it would be a riot to have Ritona be the proud pet parent of 3... such an ugly-cute pikomou! 4 does seem to possess the most pet:owner resemblance ratio, though... who am I kidding? I'd love to adopt them all! :'^)


I think they are all adorable in different ways. Went with 1 because of the eyes.