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So I'm guessing many of you have heard about the news. Patreon is changing how fees will be processed starting from December 18th.  They are now charging a 2.9% fee + 35 cent per transaction. It is my understanding that these charges were originally paid by us, AiD (which is the only way it makes sense because why should YOU have to pay MORE to GIVE US money!?) but Patreon for some reason has shifted this burden onto you, the Patrons. 

I have no fucking idea why they are doing this. They're probably lining their coat pockets with the extra transactions since there's really no other logical reason why this would make any sense at all. I know precisely 0 people that has complained about the previous structure and it is quite infuriating that the folks over at Patreon have shown blatant disregard to people who pledge a lower amount. Just to clarify, we at AiD do not have the option to opt out of this because it's going to be a system wide change that's being forced upon the community. 

Patreon is vital to us. I'm sure I don't have to tell you but games generally don't tend to sell on Steam outside of a sale and this site has given us a way to operate outside of Steam's sale structure. It pays for a majority of our assets and human resource costs. It's the only reason we can make bold decisions like make everything in 4K and have 30+ backgrounds that are parallax enabled and not have to worry about going bankrupt doing these crazy things. It's also your contribution, big or small, that gives me and the team motivation to press forward in the darkest of times. There have been days were I just want to throw the towel in but seeing a positive review on Steam with a subsequent e-mail from Patreon telling us a new patron has joined with the same Steam username is the kind of thing that gives me the energy and assurance that people give a shit about what we do here.

So enough talk. What are we going to do? When and if this change takes place (many creators are complaining about it directly to Patreon as they should), we're going to adjust prices to an ugly number so you don't have to pay extra. 

This is what the new prices will look like when and if the change takes place:

Singlekravter - $4
Dualkravter - $9
Triplekravter - $19
Quadkravter - $38
Quinkravter - $48
Vibaelia - $145
Canvas - $775

Look at all these ugly numbers.

We'll take the hit because you shouldn't have to. It's ridiculous that I have to even say this. 

There might be further changes to the tier amounts in the future but we'll assure you that you won't have to pay more for what you signed up for. If you intended to pay 10 dollars, we'll make sure you only spend 10 dollars. Though unfortunately there's not much we can do about the espresso tier... I really wish we could do something about it but I'm dry on ideas. I'm so terribly sorry.

If all this kerfuffle has scared you away from pledging any further, I don't blame you. I'll keep saying this over and over but we are always always grateful of your contributions and cannot thank you all enough. You guys are awesome and we wouldn't be here without you. 

Thats all I have for now... let's hope we can convince Patreon that this bone-headed move.

With much love,

-Munisix + AiD team




Thanks for being so proactive! The new changes definitely suck for the lower tiers, but it's awesome of you to try and keep everything like before.


Thanks a ton for letting us know about this.


I have yet to see anyone in favor of this change, creators or backers alike. Thanks for putting this info up, and I hope that this doesn't put too much of a damper on your success.


"I have no fucking idea why they are doing this. They're probably lining their coat pockets with the extra transactions since there's really no other logical reason why this would make any sense at all." From my understanding, Patreon isn't making any more money from this than they were before. The only people who would benefit are the credit card companies responsible for the transaction fees. I won't pretend to understand all the details, but other content creators I've talked to seemm to think that Patreon is doing this with the best of intentions, but presentting it in the worst possible light. I'm sorry that this is affecting you so harshly though.


Thanks for the Info, nice to see transparency compared to many other facts of life. I'll keep on throwing money till the end of time!


I'd rather just pay the full amount than to give you guys less cash...

Sion Kazama

Update: I make some mistake here. See also in the reply. --- I make this form to you to show your point. U r right. Partreon Inc. may get more from us. <img src="https://i.loli.net/2017/12/09/5a2bd420eaf3f.jpg">


Thanks for informing us. It's always good to know about these changes. I really hope this doesn't affect you guys too much. I'm literally only on Patreon because of the Fate series. I will support you guys forever! Still patiently waiting for the next game though... haha.


I refuse to allow Patreon to mess up the pledge I've promised and will not be lowering it just because of some service fee, especially since (and I cannot stress this enough) this whole fiasco isn't your fault.


This post, and your way of dealing with the issue, made me raise the pledge (a little bit) rather than lowering it. It shows you care about your fans.


Patreon's stated logic is that they're fighting pledge-canceling scams (sign up, get your bonus, cancel pledge before you get charged) and other confusion arising from the deferred payment of the first pledge until your monthly bundle. And while I imagine they do get a lot of support tickets about this, I have not seen one single creator in favor of the change, and it's insane to me that they couldn't come up with some other option. I won't be lowering or canceling any pledges because I'm in an ok spot financially, but knowing I'm just shoveling more money to credit card companies for no good reason is kinda infuriating.


I honestly wish there was another way outside of Patreon that we could support you guys. this is all a ridiculous situation, and I say good on you for adjusting the prices to take the fans into consideration, because Patreon certainly isn't. but it's not right that you should take the hit like that because of their policy changes. that being said, regardless of their policies, I will continue to support AiD. no matter what.

Daniel Núñez

While I used to put only $1 , this post made me change my mind, I'll put a bit more.


Just so everyone is aware, this table is inaccurate. In the post (and everywhere else) it's 2,9%+35c, so customer pays (price*(0,029+1)+0,35)$, which for 5$ is about 5,5$, not 6,8$... 2,9%=0,029, not 0,29. And the earnings ratio is also 86%, not 69%.


Ok, so I'm going to play a devil's advocate here, because it seems, that people don't seem to understand that what patreon's doing isn't out of "greed". This is happening, because scams are still a big problem on this site. The previous thing they did, when you get billed on the day you pledge got a lot of criticism. What they decided to do now is treat every pledge as an individual transaction, instead of one big ball at the end of the month. course, this isn't good for people who support many creators at once, and frankly, patreon should have thought about this, before trying to implement the change. Patreon didn't handle the situation well at all, but I find all the outrage about this problem to be overblown as hell... If you support one or two creators a month, is that extra 1-2$ going to kill you? And if you can't afford that, lower the pledge. I think, that you decision is correct, AiD, but I don't get the bitter tone at all... But don't take my word for it, listen to an actual creator, if you have the time. He goes more in-depth, than me. <a href="https://youtu.be/HXZakMHMs1o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/HXZakMHMs1o</a> (listen from about the 7:10 mark). And, again, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I would like it if people actually thought about every side of the coin, instead of making rash accusations.


Thanks for dropping a line. Since you’re just playing devils advocate I’ll retort lightly. What it boils down to is basically this: When you look at things from our perspective as the creator, it is impossible for us to justify asking for more by default, no matter how little that extra is. Money is a touchy subject for many people so a deal needs to be a deal. You chose to spend X amount, you shouldn’t be charged more than that. To some people these extra dollar or two means a lot and we as the receiving end cannot take this lightly. If a fee is now necessary in order to prevent scams or whatever the actual reason is then we should have been informed with the actual reason. If Patreon just went “Well shit, we’re trying this new thing to stop scams, it’s gonna cost just a tiny little bit extra, but it’s for the good of the community” Then I don’t think anyone would have had an issue. I at least wouldn’t have. But that’s not what they did. As to why my tone is bitter in the article, it’s because I knew that we are now involved in an issue that didn’t need to happen. We’ve lost over 10 patrons this month when the news came out and my thoughts were just “Ah Jesus… don’t fix what’s not broken (at least to us) and make it seem like you’re doing us a favor”. This is just my personal take. Hope that gets my thoughts across well. Thank you for voicing your concerns and being a patron. -munisix


well, looks like Patreon decided NOT to roll out this change, after a lot of complaints from creators, and a lot of lost supporters who specifically named their change as the reason why they were stopping support. just hope that it's not "too little too late", and the supporters who left will see this and decide to continue their support going forward.