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So, when I usually do my wip posts, I upload the first version then slowly add some updates on the same post, but i have no idea if you get the notifications about the updates or if you guys see the updates, so i wanted to know if:

1 - i keep doing one post and updating it (basically keeping what i'm doing)


2 - Flood the feed with different posts about the same wip drawing

leave your opinions in the comments pls! 



aaron chavarria

I would say keep going as is, I get the notifications as well and enjoy seeing the major jumps in work showing up.

Paladin Kou

Keep as is is probably the best call. I have seen a patreon or two just FLOODED with WIPs and its not fun to navigate. The way you have it is honestly the best organized patreon I've been a member in. Especially since you manually update the posts themselves rather than make a new post.