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We begin a new month and we are now just four more from the end of this year.

I want to thank you once again for giving me your support and trust.

It has been four months very, very difficult for me. As I mentioned before, I suddenly lost the ability to draw correctly on my tablet.

I assure you that I stress a lot. The frustration of trying to draw on my tablet and not even getting a moderately acceptable result was something I constantly had to get around to avoid throwing my tablet in the air. I even considered the possibility of closing the patreon and getting a better job ... But I didn't give up.

After these four months of hard work, I have finally managed not only to recover, but also to improve my line and technique when drawing in digital.

As you could tell, August was a very productive month for me and added to that, the quality of my stroke improved remarkably, all thanks to the practice.

I have pending requests from you my esteemed patrons and the time has come to take them back and start working seriously to recover the lost time.



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