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Dear supporters...

Since this month began, and after almost three months of hard practice, I can say that I finally masterd, once again, my tablet. 

Frankly I do not know what happened to me. I assure you that it was something sudden. 

Being honest with you, I get to feel very bad inside. Not being able to draw well in what until today is an exceptional work tool made me question many things about this project. 

I have put a lot of my part to get ahead with this patreon, however due to this "mental block" several patrons ceased their support and I understand them. Even I myself would have done the same if I observed that the artist to whom I am giving economic support to produce work, suddenly reduced so drastically its level of production and for such a prolonged period.

I understand very well that most of you will not be able to give me your support forever, in fact I am surprised to see that many of my first patrons still remain by my side.

In any case, I thank you with all my heart for the support you have given me today.

As you remeber, I have resumed my original project, DBZ-IM. As you remember, I made a drastic change to the script to give it a more personal touch.

Thanks to these months of hard practice, my skills have been strengthened and I think that this can be noticed in my last work (Psylocke vs Mika).

Well, the time has come to put into practice everything I learned and conclude this project once and for all...



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