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These last two month I did experiment a some kind of "disconnection" with my tablet. I do not what the heck happened but for a moment to another, I couldn't drawing properly on it. I did have to force myself to regain the confidence of drawing on tablet and after two month I starting to feel that confidence is coming back. 

What the the heck happend, then?

I started to feel "this disconnection" after passing a entire week restoring my PC after a unknow problem with it. I lost all my settings and custom brushes on my software programs (Paint tool sai ver1 & 2) and due to this I did have to create new ones. Maybe that was the core of this problem; loss my custom brushes and my original settings. 

And what's next? Improve! Show more and better artworks, that is why I did opended this profile. 

Now, this month all the content will be public in all my social networks, but here, in patreon, I will include the PSD file with the posted artwork, for all supporters, does not matter what type of tier you are.

As always, I want to give the thanks to you, my supportes for give me the trusth and help me to build "this". 

Yours, Yashiro A. Marino.


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