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My productivity during this and the most past has been poor. I do not pretend to excuse myself but at this point I consider it necessary to make clear some very important points. As a patreons, I owe you.

I live in Mexico. I am currently working in a small type seven / eleven convenience store. Previously, I worked as a security guard in a distribution center. Additionally, I attend the state university of a nearby city.

I want to make something clear and I will reiterate it again and again and again;

The objective of this Patreon is to be able to generate the necessary funds to be able to do with equipment and supplies that allow me to create more and better illustrations, not to live from it.

Although I appreciate your support and even if I would to live from it, the funds generated by it, until today would be insufficient. To give a better idea, what I generate in Patreon, barely and would cover the fuel that my car consumes weekly.

Do not misunderstand me. I appreciate your support a lot. Beyond the money is the confidence you have to invest from one to twenty dollars in me.

-But Yashiro, what's this all about?

I have dedicated almost everything that goes of this month to practice. Practice very seriously. Analyze all the material that I have published here today and in my social networks, but mainly in Pixiv and I clearly observe a severe stagnation and a drawing technique that to the standards in which I am competing, is deficient and by far.

Partly it has been work, but to a large extent, I have not published because I am workin hard to improve my technique. I can not continue to offer you deficient illustrations such as those that I have published to this day and I am sure that is the main reason why I have not succeeded in this area.

My intention is to become a full-time freelance illustrator. But while I can not improve my artistic style, this will only be a distant dream.

However, I will not surrender.

I want to thank you for your support and if at this moment you are thinking of withdrawing it, I can only thank you and at the same time excuse me with all my heart for not being able to live up to your expectations. In all, they can almost keep accessing my google-drive account to download the present and future material that I store there.

Yashiro A. Marino.


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