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This is the shorter cut that went up on YouTube yesterday. A few entries are gone, a few are shorter, and some of the more 'challenging' stuff has been cut (with bits of connecting tissue altered accordingly). FYI there's nothing new that makes it essential viewing, and I much prefer the original 75 minute version here on Patreon.


Borrowing Blockbusters: The Best, Worst and Weirdest Indiana Jones Knock Offs

From Indian Jones to Shankara clones... we going for a ride. A 75 minute cut of this video is available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=71028840 If you’re watching this you might be interested in one of my critically acclaimed books. Available from all good, bad and so bad they’re good retailers. 'The A to Z of Superhero Movies: From Abar to Zsazsa Via the MCU’ USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1527244849 UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1527244849 'The Bad Movie Bible: The Ultimate Modern Guide to Movies So Bad They’re Good' USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0993240771 UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0993240771 Check out @BMovieBible on Twitter www.badmoviebible.com may or may not be active, I’m kind of useless. But if it is, there’s a Neil Breen scrapbook, Cameron Mitchell B-movie database, occasional articles and so on. Subscribe to this channel if you’re a fan of stuff like (key word alert, I’d stop reading if I were you) Samurai Cop, Fateful Findings, The Room, Miami Connection, Fatal Deviation, Mac and Me, Troll 2, Birdemic, Megaforce, GetEven, Double Down, Showgirls, The Apple, Lady Terminator, Zaat, Nukie, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Manos: The Hands of Fate, Ninja III: The Domination, Weng Weng, Neil Breen, Tommy Wiseau, Ed Wood, Roger Corman, Bruno Mattei, Godfrey Ho, Turksploitation etc.


Kilian Woolf

Thank goodness Tracy Lauper didn't make it to prime time.