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Greetings all and welcome to May! Fun fact, all of the members of the Grove family have their birthdays in May. And as it happens... today is mine! 🥳

So rather than rabbiting on with some pointless facts about May (oh okay... just one*) today I shall be resting, and booting up Steam to continue the playthrough of Baldur's Gate III with Lady Grove.

Cheers all, and I will catch you back in the production seat tomorrow, when I'll start work on this month's primary animation - a standalone comedy (working title) Sharing! It'll involve two ladies, one guy and science! (Plus a smattering of classic adult vid tropes).

Until then enjoy the boobage below!

*May is (somewhat appropriately) known as the month of "expansion". The Latin word Maius, which was given to the Greek goddess of growth and fertility Maia, is where the name May first appeared.


Link to latest Content Catch Up post here!

CHECK OUT COLLECTIONS: You can also search by collection. Here are a couple of popular ones: Cursed // The Pill game builds or animations (including the endings) // Standalone BE Animations // Comics // Change Deck // SuperSized // Resize Rivalry



Carlos Gaines

Mines in May as well, Happy birthday 🤙🏽

Matt K

It is with great sadness, that I must cancel my subscription, for the foreseeable future, I need to cut costs of unnecessary things, to make sure I can afford moving to a bigger apartment, (I guess you could say breasts aren't the only thing I wanna see expand lol) but yes unfortunately fetish porn isn't exactly a necessity, but don't worry, I'll be back eventually.

Don B

Happy birthday


Happy Birthday to you and have an fun tastic day for you and your family :)


🎶Happy Birthday to you🎶 We can only guess what your birthday wish will be.😜


Blirfdayyy *toot* ^^


Hey Matt, sorry to see you go, but I absolutely get that things are getting more expensive and rent ain't cheap! Good luck with it all and I look forward to future you being able to binge months of content in one go on your eventual return!


Thanks everyone! Had a great one and am amped to be back into boob enbiggening mode again 😉

Kamui Moon

mine is may 19th granted its already passed lol