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The semi-finals have arrived and it's time for the first and final Pill v Pill character confrontation!

Many out there thought this competition would come down to longtime rivals Trish and Belle, but Luca has come out winning hearts and minds, blasting the competition away (in some cases with serious torrents of milk).

Now the unlikely pair have their own Pill Off to perform!

Semi Final 1 is open for 48 hours!



Luca needs more videos


Luca is an equal growth provider. Need more of her.


Let's go, Team Luca!

Matt K

This one was really tuff, I ended up going with Belle though, it was her personality that shifted my vote to her side though, both are top tier either way though.


Man i would love having a cutscene update just like Belle but for Luca instead. This would be actually amazing!


Into the heavyweights now! (Figuratively and literally!) Just curious if there might be any any artwork or mini animations for the final battle? 😁


What a tough choice, I really love both! Belle is so funny but Luca is fascinating, so hard to choose 😕


No animation for the battle (just don't have the time between these and the proper animation this month), but there will be an animation for the winner!


We'll look to upres the Luca cut scenes when we add in the VO for the chapter (its on the list for later in the year).


Oh absolutely, nothing sexier! 😉


I knew my girl Luca would lose it out to the flagship girl Belle. Oh well.


I march to the madness of making decisions on BEGrove. All your ladies are so beautiful and charming.


I know Belle is essentially the spokeswoman of BE Grove but I was hoping Lucas personality, intelligence and larger amount of transformations would help her pull ahead.


Belle certainly has a loyal following but Luca isn't making it easy for Belle to win this round.