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The poll results are in... 

The audience waits in an awed silence, their breath bated. His hands trembling, Judge Jacobs lists out a word that could end his career, but also be pretty freaken' neat to watch.

Clearing his throat he proclaims "Yer word is... Gigantomastia". His tongue almost trips over the bosomy term and an alarmed thought enters his mind. "What if she spells it wrong?" What blob like monstrosity might he have unleashed if she puts in a wrong 'u' or 'y' into the word?

Heart racing he almost calls out to put an end to this dabbling with forces unknown, but all too late, the contestant begins her spelling, letters falling one after the other.

In the back, an inattentive audience member eats a banana.


SpellingBEE_What If Boobs

SpellingBEE_What If Boobs



Great work!!


Looks fantastic, hopefully the giantess fans get a win next time


"AlreadTooBig"? Nonsense, no such thing. But seriously this fantastic. The judges should have her spell 'Immobilizing' just to see what how big she'll get.


Just the one this time? That's a shame, but it's a good one, nonetheless.


This one's really good, I especially love the sound effects


Glad you liked it! Last time I animated the What If..? poll results and did two it was as a monthly reward rather than a midweek mammary additional post. I've dived straight into animating another ending of The Pill and the next episode of Cursed so only had time/rendering power for one this time around.

Lady Grove

I also disagreed with the password choice but BE Grove is the boss :)

growth god

Giantess :(


I know, I feel the pain. Sadly to get everything done in the schedule this month (1 x What If anim, 1 x Pill Ending and 1 x Full Cursed episode) we are just strapped for time. If I do end up having more time at the end of the month I'll try to do it as well (though honestly that's relatively rare).