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Hola amigos! 

The next ending for The Pill is mostly done, and just has a couple of re-renderings that need to take place before it's ready for your hungry eyes. (The second reward, "Perks of the Job" comic is also nearing completion. They'll both be out within the next few days).

In the meantime, enjoy the original text of this ending (attached), that has been adapted to the ending format, along with a playthrough guide as to how to get there! 

As a side note - I'm now attaching the scripts to the post rather than including them in the body, as the kind Patreon content advisor was giving me warnings that the language of the post may result in it being "reviewed".

Video of getting to Never Enough 




I'm so excited for this one, it's always been one of my favs and the previews were stellar

Samantha Steele

Oh I can't wait to see this one! It sounds os hot and sexy!