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Hey everyone, I'm guessing many of you have seen the first ending for Belle animated, so now the style is revealed, it's time for you to pick the next ending to be animated.

I'm getting the narrations in drips and drabs, so this selection will be from what I have so far. If you need any clarification let me know in the comments!

1.) "Bouncy Bounce" - After taking one ‘butt expansion’ pill, Belle's wide load gets a bit stuck. Sexy times ensue.

2.) "Portable Seating" - After taking one ‘butt’ pill, Belle is denied a second and angered, declares she will take one every day until she is “ass queen of the cosmos”.

3.) "Big Enough" - After taking one BE pill, you retire to the bedroom.

4.) "Never Enough" - Having taken enough ‘breast’ pills to become immobile, Belle is convinced to take even more.

5.) "World Ending" - The Pill bottle specifically says to not take a pill with cheese. Belle proceeds to do so, to chaotic effect.


Samantha Steele

I voted for world ending.... In my perverted little mind that is about the same thing as "Never Enough". When I hear World Ending I can picture the earth quitely floating through space, minding its own business. Until a huge pair of breasts grows over the horizon, then swallows our sleepy little planet in between those ginormous tits. Sigh, A girl can dream, can't she?

Button pop

We need more butt!


Come on guys, we need more love for ass content


Dang, I was hoping the option for the ultimate hourglass ending would be an option too


All endings will come in time... and the world ender will remain quite the interesting narrative....


Any update on when the Change deck will release?



Deandre Day

Come on my fellow ass lovers I want portable seating to win.


The dust has settled and Never Enough is the comfortable leader! Y'all ended up picking the one with massive boobs... I never would have guessed! Since it has been clear for a while where this would end I'm already well into production of this one. Looking forward to releasing it!