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  • CC_Alt3.mp4
  • CC_Alt2.mp4
  • CC_Alt1.mp4
  • CC_Alt4.mp4
  • CC_Final.mp4



Hey everyone, hope you're having a good one as we trudge through June. I mentioned in the Content Catch Up post that I went through a bunch of different outfits until I could find one that could be posted on the feed (which is public, so can't have anything too lewd).

I tried a bunch, including some with a nip slip and some that were just a bit dull. You can find them all attached, let me know which one was your fave!

For those interested, this month we've got an update to Change Deck in the works! I won't say much, beyond the fact that this update will substantially increase the size of the game. Along with that I've finally collated all the VO's so we've also got the long awaited first animated ending for The Pill! 


MWM - Content Catchup Alternates



Sounds like an exciting month in store!


Definitely hyped for this month and everything after that 😏 as for the CC Animation, "Alt2" has got to be my favorite. Always gotta make sure you have stretchy shirts on 🤪

Zach Payne

Alt2 is my favorite


Alt2 is great!


Several of these CC outfits are great. Maybe cycle though a couple of them? Really looking forward to the Change Deck expansion! Not sure I can handle the awesomeness of a fully animated ended to the Pill though.


With the #2 crowd, leaves just a bit to the imagination.


I'm a sucker for crop tops, so alt 2 is one of my favs, but I actually think alt 4 is my favorite. Would love to see it or any of the others supersized if that's possible 😁


Yah im going to have to agree with @steveboi654 Alt 2 is my fav too


i mean 1, 3 and 4 are all hot as fuck and i'm truly confused as to how nip slip is a bad thing. i would alternate between those 3


I'm surprised at the level of love for #2, but you're right about the stretchy shirts ;)


I could probably cycle through #2 and the one that ended up going in, but part of it is that it has to be technically SFW cause it's an open public post on the page.


I'm sure I could supersize at least one of these in the future ;)


Big 2 crowd up in here. Perhaps I should put some glasses on her to make her more demure...


The nip slip is only bad insofar as it's against the Patreon T&C. It's a public facing post and needs to be SFW =/


Ah yes patreon, the good old "we have to pretend we don't have pornstar releasing content on here, even though we had OnlyFans reputation before OnlyFans ezisted"