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Password for Mobiles: Curses!

It's no Kenobi, but the we've got an episode drop of our own - Cursed ep 3! Coming hot off the heels from ep 2, see what nefarious plans Madame Ixnora has in store for our intrepid scout Eimear.

Massive thanks to FreeStyle Audio and Oolay-Tiger for reprising their voices for the respective roles.

And stay tuned for the second reward, the two top results of Dating Rules What if...? which will be coming early next week.


Cursed Ep03


Deandre Day

this is very interesting I wondering how she's going to handle herself in episode 4


Holy Bazongas, Batman...Something went terrible wrong and look at those size of titts...They truly hold a lot of energy to consume now :D


Cursed? You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. I think she's Blessed. Can't wait to see what happens next.


She'll handle herself with aplumb. Now she just has to find one.


One man's curse is another's blessing. Especially if we are the ones who get to watch the fallout.


In all seriousness this is one of the hottest things I've ever seen. Well done!


So I guess she will either have to learn to use that magic, or strike a deal with the witch to be gotten rid off


Is it weird that I wanna see a GTS alternate ending to this?


is the 4th episode coming out soon?


I still have to get it written and voiced, so I'd say August is likely.


The parts where the spellweaver made herself tall made me hard, especially when her boobs got big.