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Hola amigos! 

I'm busily working away on the third ep of Cursed, and the poll winner for Dating Rules "What if...?" transformation, which ended up being... "06. What If... Xecstan also affected Chloe's butt?"! Congrats to the booty lovers and my condolences for the other change fanciers.

I'm almost done with both, and they'll be released next week, but in the meantime to satiate your boob lust I've included a couple of WIP stills from Cursed Ep 3! What dastardly deeds will be done this time?

In addition there's another reward coming before the end of month, so stay tuned on that one.




Is the other reward pill related?


It will be if I can get the VO's back in time. Otherwise I've got a standalone comic that I've got on the backburner.


Yes! She's growing too!


Perhaps there could be a monthly poll for animating the What If transformations until they all get some love? That's probably too much to ask for but I figured I'd throw the idea out there. Looking forward to the next Cursed!


Hopefully the black dress rips!


It's an idea, and I may do a poll to ask if that is what people want, but from past experience, once the BE part is played out, most people want to move on to new stories and the like.


That it did, and I am quite fond of the animated result too. Hopefully when it's out you'll enjoy it also.


Even if it does, I'm afraid she has a +1 bra of holding on under it.