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Greetings and salutations all! 

Between releasing games and other longer form animations, it has been a while since we've had a good old fashioned SuperSized! For those unfamiliar, it is when you the people vote on an older animation to get the BE cranked up to 11! (And in some cases, a bit more experienced hand to smooth out the old animation).

I often have a bit of an idea of what candidate will come out on top, but this week is a true mystery to me as it feels like a very level playfield. Familiarize yourself with the options and vote away!

And if there's a video you  want included in the next SuperSized poll let me know in the comments.



One hell of a high OR the voodoo animation would be a perfect pick for supersizing


As the one who wrote the idea for Darted, it kinda stings to see it in last place here. But what can you do? Too many good options to go around.


Seeing her get caught between the building with even larger boobers would be amazing. Hoping Growth wins!


The game with both girls doing a slow mo from start to finish seeing those yummy big boobs


Growth but add in muscle growth, or even a Futa growth version as an option for us that like futa

Some Guy

Love the boobs, but don't neglect the booty in A Miscalculation, when that one ultimately wins.

Brett Earhart

Some of these already push beyond my preference, so I'm going for snappy. She could use a little more oomph.


I think snappy has the most room to grow.


Agreed. Snappy would've been my second choice but I'm here for the butt expansion so Miscalculation beats it


I liked the personality in Snappy, so I voted for it, but Implanted was really tempting given where it already is at by the end.


Yeah I thought while it's a simpler animation that would be quite interesting to see how mega she could go.


Most definitely, it's part of why I added it in, to see how people would react.


I think many people agree with you there (about the butt expansion). As for size, there's always going to be a vocal subsection that say too much is never enough.


I could do, though it's always hard when pitching something like that. I've done it in the past where I've had a poll saying "what in addition to BE do you want to see?" and people lost interest in it pretty quickly (though admittedly the demographics may have shifted since then).


It was a close battle, but I think Miscalculation is edging ahead.


FWIW I liked it :D It seems like none of the other animations could compete with the combo BE and booty growth.


Hey champs and champettes, It looks like after over 1000 votes things have settled and our winner is "A Miscalculation"! I'll close the poll now and get to work on amping up the bosom & booty babe!