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  • Luca In Blender.mp4



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The major reward for the month is out, and you've seen Belle and Trish get the treatment, so for the second reward this month, enjoy Luca... in Blender! And with dynamic boobs to boot.

This animation reflects culmination of progress I've made in Blender this month over the week and a bit that I allocated to learn it. While both the dynamics and nipples could be improved I'm happy with the result! It speaks to the great potential of Blender with its faster rendering, larger community and additions such as integrated motion capture.

I know many of those things won't sound too sexy in terms of boobs on screen, but it is a good step towards moving away from 'hobby' programs into things more designed to actually animate in. Which in time = better videos.

So! What a month it has been. Between navigating the frustrations of a pandemic and the various rewards, I've also spent time converting the first chapter of The Pill's endings into scripts for animation and have sent them off to the ever enchanting MissMoonified for her to reprise her role as Belle (and Celeste, for that one ending). The first of those endings will be released either in April or May, depending on the VO turnaround time.

So a massive thanks to all patrons in the month of March, and doubly so for the many who gave well wishes to me and my family. Here's to another month of big old boobs! I haven't finalized all the plans for the month yet, but look forward to a Super Sized poll coming next week.


Luca In... Blender!



Very nice. I Definitely can see a difference. Thanks for for continued efforts.


out of context, this title sounds very very wrong XD


She looks amazing! The jiggle, the asymmetrical movements, the colors. My only thing (and thus is I suspect, very much a Me thing) is her boobs look sad and downcast. Could the nipples move up on her boobs so they are facing forward if not a little up?


It's nice to see more and more people turn to use Blender for most of the things you have already mentioned so yeah. Keep it up an hope to see these Bender anims in a game soonish (but not soon soon but a down the road soon)


I get that most definitely. All part of the progress and things that I'll improve on over time. Nobody wants sad boobs.


I have seen an uptick in other's going down the Blender path (which makes sense given the cost), the big thing I wanted to figure out first was how to move my characters across before getting started and now I've worked that out it's time to climb that learning curve.


Great work! Can’t wait to see what’s next.


i've been learning blender myself, i have found grant abbits toutorials useful


Got a question : do you have to animate the jiggle by hand ? Like every frame you have to manually change the vertices or is there some other way ?


This one is done with a dynamic simulation. Though normally when I do stuff in daz it is by hand.