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Password for mobiles: TrishBadDay
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Hey all! I'm proud to present this month's primary reward - an animation that is in a different league to anything done on the Grove before.

At 2 minutes 30 seconds, and at a total of over 5000 frames (rendered at 1080p no less), this is easily more than double the previously longest animation found here. To put it into perspective, 'Cowgirl' the only other 1080p animation here was around 1800 frames.

In addition to that, I have employed the talents of OolayTiger to give voice to one of our oldest characters, Trish.

The file is unfortunately too large to host here, but you can download a copy from the embedded clip above (the download button is in the bottom right corner, next to the total duration. Or if you are on a mobile, the password is "TrishBadDay".

After the dust settles I'll be putting out a poll to see what people thought of the longer form and other aspects as well.

I'll also be dropping the second reward shortly, which will be a compendium of other assets related to The Meeting, including some alternate transformation image boards, an alternate soundmix and more.


The Meeting


Lord Drez

I remember seeing this on YouTube.... It didn't last long there


That doesn't surprise me at all, little of what I create is within the YouTube T&Cs 🤠


Is there a way to download this? Incredible work as always ^^b

Richter Nieman

Gotta say, you've come such a long way from the morphs on the BE Grove of old! Amazing work here, and I'm super excited for the alternate soundmix!!


More! Love it! And let the height growth begin!

John Doe

Love it


That was really good. It's a whole step up to what has come before.


Love the animation and the voice acting, but I definitely think that Trish should have a British accent. Hopefully that’s possible in the future


Wow man. Wow. I can only describe this one way: Welcome to the next level. The production, the voice acting, the animation...all was there and has surpassed your previous efforts thus far. I loved the other background characters you added too. Makes the world seem more alive that Trish and Belle inhabit. Now the bad news: You have to keep it at this level. You can't go backwards after this! But I know you can do it. A hallmark of any good artist is he keeps challenging himself to be better, and I know you're capable of it. This is proof! Other notes: I kind of wish we could get a brief cutaway of the reactions of the other people in the room...especially the guys! Oh yeah..and Height Growth! Oh well..maybe next time. (PS. Hey Trish! STOP DRINKING WHAT BELLE GIVES YOU! She can't be trusted!)


If you're on a computer you should be able to download it from the player itself - there's a button next to the total duration that allows for download. If you're on a mobile using the patreon app then there should be a link in the streaming page, the password is in the post. Let me know how you go.


This is incredible. Your animation work and the Voice Actress' performance were fantastic. And yeah, you're making video games and animated shorts, you have definitely come a long way. Looking forward to what you get up to next. PS: I'd feel bad for Luca if she ever started working at this office. Getting trapped between Belle and Trish. hehe


Thanks Richter, it definitely has been a long journey and I'm glad to be on it :D


Glad you liked it! There's an image of what it would've been like with some height growth in the second reward :)


Agreed - it actually ended up being a different workflow too, so a different beast all around. Definitely an enjoyable change though.


Part of why I did this animation was to test out what people thought of her voice before committing to a whole game of it, so I'll be asking you folk what your thoughts are in a little bit.


Thanks HR, it does feel like a major step even since I started in 3D and was making 3-4 second GIFs. Don't worry, Luca doesn't work for the same company, though getting trapped between Belle and Trish? That's a different matter...


Hey Lex, thanks for the kind words! Less so for the bad news... but I do agree with you. The monthly rewards have been consistently escalating and going back is not really an option. I agree with you with the reaction shot, there are some lines that I dropped (which you can find in the original voice recording) for logistics and production time that would've allowed time for those reactions, but these are the calls you gotta make on a deadline. Maybe height growth next time - this one was an experiment to see if I could land it, so played it pretty conservatively plot and transformation-wise. There is a pic of what that would look like in the second post ;) P.S. I'm afraid it's Rule #3 in the Pill Universe - you must always unquestioningly drink whatever someone passes you. :P


Ooh, amazing! Trish wasn't my favourite, but after this, she's really starting to grow on me😜. I'm now getting the impression, that the whole bitchy boss thing, is just an act. And now I'm finding her more adorable and atractive, because of it. Awesome work!👍 Also loving the extras.


Amazing work here! I'd love to see more like this! You've come a long way and your work has just gotten better and better over the years! Well done!! Now it's time for Trish to get some pay back on Belle.


This is GOOD! Can't wait to hear OolayTiger as Trish in the next update of the Pill too!


I don't know what that company does, but I want to work there.


Fantastic - definitely your best video thus far! I would have liked one more fully on-screen explosive growth shot at the end, just to drive the whole thing home. A minor nitpick though - as others are saying this is next-level!


Best One so far the longer vids are way better in my opinion :)


Thanks BacE! Trish can be a bit polarising, but I'm glad she's warming up for you.


Thanks DL, I do intend to do more of these types of animations. The poll currently going on kind of indicates people want a variety but I'll try to be doing these once every two months or so.


Well I hear they're hiring. They chew through young male interns with surprising speed.


Glad you liked it, if you're keen on the longer vids be sure to vote in the currently ongoing poll.

Talia Johnson

Im having trouble downloading, i click the video and theres no button to download anything. Im on my phone btw


Hi Talia, for your situation to you may need to use this link: https://begrove.vids.io/videos/709dd9b71a1ee6c3f9/the-meeting With the password "TrishBadDay" to download it locally to your device.

Mystery Guy

Missed this one somehow. This is incredibly impressive and definitely a step forward for this specific genre. Long form, multiple expansion phase-based videos like this tend to replicate an entire short story, whereas before, it was more like just a scene or snippet from one. There's a lot that can be done with more time, and I'm excited to see what's next!


Thanks Mystery Guy! I had not really thought about it in this framework before, but I do agree that the ability to tell a story rather than just a scenario is a game-changer, and it's something I'm hoping to properly utilize in October.

Mystery Guy

Looking forward to it!


This was pretty awesome. Trish is such a powerful character!