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As some of you know I am in the process of finding voice actresses for the various characters in The Pill, which will be required for making the improved endings. Part of this is of course finding the person, but another part is the vocal direction of what tonality they should use.

I wanted to know your thoughts, from seeing how she looks and acts, what actresses/characters do you think Luca would sound like?

I know everyone has their own internal voice when reading, so no wrong answers, but if you agree with someone feel free to give them a heart.



Some Guy

Personally, neither of the two voices for Bell and Trish were anywhere close to what I imagined but that is just me, I don't know how to describe a tone of voice, but I kinda pictured a more reserved voice when just talking that really opens up when she gets excited. if that helps...


Voice wise with the character of Belle the voice was ok. I feel that it should be more ditzy but it comes across fine. For Trish i always felt that it should be commanding, and have a boss bitch tone. Sharon Stone, Basic Instinct, kind of performance. From the sample it sounds ok. For Luca, i feel its the kind of voice thats nerdy and nervous. There is a speed to it, like there is a lack of social interaction and so she speaks fast and can run off with her dialouge. Like Willow from Buffy the vampire slayer, or for an idea of style Cisco from the flash, or Dr Reid from criminal minds.


Very much a kind of flirty, but totally distracted kind of inflections. Like she's trying to keep it together but she's also trying very hard not to just jump your bones right then and there. Like much quieter and almost like she's totally forgotten you're in the room when she talks to herself about wanting to experience it again, etc. Maybe Bella Thorne? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx-PQJcAAdU If not her, I could totally hear a more kind of husky voice like the voice actress Lindsay Seidel


I hear Mayim Bialiks voice from Big Bang theory when I picture her


For the new character Luka I see her whit a british accent the other two did a great jod.


Hermione from Harry Potter

Karen W. Fox

Then there's Maude. https://youtu.be/X8VSSdteKqM


+1 on "nerdy and nervous". Whatever voice actress you go with HAS to be able to nail the nerdy part down. It's a major part of Luca's charm.


I don't have one for her, specifically, but a voice I always enjoy is Petrea Burchard (OG English Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo!) . If someone can nail that, you've got my vote.


I always figured Trish would be the one with the British accent sounding a little bit like Junko from the end of Dankanrampa, but it wouldn’t hurt hearing Luca like that

Daniel Lee

The more I look at Luca, I think her voice might have a British or possibly an Australian accent. FreeStyle VA on Twitter I think would be a good pick for Luca. From what I've heard from her is amazing, she can sound calm and collected but when the heat gets turned up her wild side BLASTS through


When ever I look at her she always reminds me of a quiet bookish library girl. You know the ones, not necessarily shy but definitely more withdrawn than most people.


I think a cool intelligent voice maybe book worm type as well as for accent I maybe a bit of a Spanish type but I am not really on that but for character I think everything else fits


Many are saying nerdy or quiet but she seems more energetic to me. I think geeky is a better word. I imagined her voice like how cartoon characters get excited when they have an idea.


It does seem a consistent thread that people are expecting is a wide range of reactions, being able to go from 0 to 100 with her. An interesting insight.


To be honest she's the first character that I have thought of as non-American, or at least non-white American sounding too.


Nice suggestion, I am leaning towards a non-American accent as well.


Interesting, a slightly older and wiser voice. A lot of VA's go for the very young girl / anime vibe.


Interesting, I definitely agree that Junko would work for Trish, she has that manic energy. Could work for Luca too when she's a bit more 'down'.


Interesting! Thanks for the lead, having listened to her she's definitely up there as a contender.


I did intend for her to be a bit more 'exotic'. I think getting a voice that reflects that should be key.


I was really going for an earnest and adorkable vibe with her - I think having a bit of nerd is okay but it does definitely have to bring full energy when she's excited.


Yeah Luca definitely could have that multiple personality persona in how animated she is


I'm late to the party, but I imagined her with a Spanish accent.


can see a sweedish maybe french?