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Hey all, as the main reward for this month I am proud to present Change Deck, a videogame with BE, butt growth and height growth. I've been working right up to the last minute with this one, trying to make it as polished as possible. It was built in unity and should work exactly the same as The Pill in terms of running the game.

*EDIT* New versions in the link with some bug fixes:

PC Version | Mac Version | Android (experimental - videos may not work)

The idea was based on the winning vote from last month's poll and has been a fun challenge to make it a proper game in my new venture of working on the Grove full time.

It is in similar size to a new chapter of The Pill (and uses a modified version of the same engine) with a total of 69 expressions/models and 18 animations (these will be released as the second reward for this month shortly). To put that in perspective, I have done approximately 3,213 individual renders for this project this month, all at 1080p. 

So it has been a stretch, but one that has been great practice in Unity and overall game creation. At this point, the gameplay itself is very simple, but if people enjoy it I feel this could be something with growth potential to go alongside The Pill.

Let me know what you think of the game, either below in the comments or in the BE Grove Discord.




Thanks for including what fetishes are in the new game (BE not withstanding obviously). Some people may not BE into those fetishes but at least they know what to expect.


I just ran into a unique bug. Drew all height growth cards. Managed to win with them, but on the 3rd animation it played the BE2 -> BE3 animation instead of Tall2 -> Tall3.


Thanks for letting me know - I'll look in to that one. Quick question - do you recall if the last battle was a tie or just a you victory? (Different code for each).


Full me victory but both of us threw height cards


Where could I find the music from the "choose your card" phase?


Thanks for the info - I have been able to isolate the bug and have fixed. New versions are linked in the original post.


All the music in the game I have sourced from the music library "Storyblocks" (http://storyblocks.com). Same as The Pill. I'd recommend them for smaller-scale projects.


Amazing work as always! You are the only creator I consistently subscribe too.


The game was great and I always enjoy your work! Would love Change Deck to grow and be added to alongside The Pill.

Florence Erlenmeyer

are the cards random? idk how anyone's supposed to get to stage 3 if you run out of the relevant card after two.


Game is super fun, if short, but considering how much time you spent on it, it's more than understanable, I would honestly love to see more come to this game ^-^ Maybe some more kinks later on down the line? One suggestion I would like to make is, instead of just drawing 5 cards, maybe draw 7 to give you a bit more choice on what to play? Either way, you've done amazing work here and I love it ^-^

Daniel Lee

amazing, fun little game. definitely down the line if you see fit, I'd love to see some expansion upon this concept. perhaps more card choices, more turns, different kinks. the world is your playground lol


Unfortunately it still doesn't work for Android. Oh well ill just have two wait until you do the next comic


The cards are random. You could just as possibly get 5 cards of all boob as anything else.


Thanks Savage, I hope to keep on making content that'll keep you around ;)


Good to know, development will be really based on how many people are interested in keeping it going.


I could do 7, though I picked 5 as it was the first number that would give a definite result each game. Perhaps in a future version I could add a re-draw if people weren't happy with their hand?


It definitely does have potential, though I don't want to take work away from The Pill if that's where patrons would prefer to see my energy placed.


Sorry to hear that. I downloaded it to my own Android and was able to get it running, though I was able to with The Pill as well. Will it just not run for you or is a matter of the videos not working?


can't wait to try it out i wasn't sure if the game was released yet


Happy to be upfront about it, better to have people eyes open as to what they're in for.


Is there any cheat so I can uh... force the opponent to always pick boob cards 👉👈


If people enjoy it and I make another addition I'll make sure to add in an easter egg for you where Jade only plays boob cards ;)


Really great game! Very clever system. One thing i've found is that the text noise gets very annoying after a while and doesnt go down with the effects volume. The other thing i'd say is even more BE :D loads of it! But seriously dude, amazing well done!


Thanks! I believe the text beeps should go down if you reduce the 'voice' volume meter.


This definitely has some fun potential, though also have to admit that after a while some kind of way to know what kind of card she's going to draw (or a way to decide it for her) would be appreciated for finding specific combinations.


Yeah it is definitely light on the 'skill' requirement. Basically for this first version I just wanted to get the concept down solidly. If/when I make the follow up I'll either add in something that involves some sort of skill to direct the plays, or a cheat button.


The game is incredible. Would to add a different element like belly expansion. Would be cool to incorporate all three. Breast Butt and Belly. Height was very unique. Loved the game


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Belly is on the cards (heh) but one of the big obstacles for that one is that there is no pre-made content with regards to pure belly expansion (only with weight gain in general, which includes the face and IMO it doesn't look that good). I could custom make a belly one, but that takes time, so it's an effort/reward thing. I'll do a poll in the near future to see how many people are into the idea.


I like this game and have a lot of fun with it i hope you keep working on it too :)


Thanks! I do plan to, though it looks like The Pill is going to keep me busy for a little while!


This game gonna have few update or not?


This game is great. Now I keep hoping for a secret "4th" height growth transformation.


I can see that. I think the game has some great potential and could definitely have more/extra growths in the future.


I do plan on updating the game, adding in a new card or two that would give it a bit more strategy.


Wish I could but don’t have pc or android


It says no longer available


This is an outdated version which I wiped for space. The new version can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/december-ss-1-v0-60120037