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The second Patron reward for April is a tale of future wonderment! This is clearly the future of camouflage and anyone who disagrees with me will be met with a sternly coded 'dude why are you ruining this for everyone' glare.

Zip and PDF are attached!

Finally, I just wanted to give all of you a truly heartfelt thanks - April has been a goliath of a month for me, between my regular Patreon commitments, the new update of The Pill and the fact that my work has been requiring 11 hour days regularly.

May will still be a challenge, but come June I will finally be 100% working on The Grove, something a long time coming that is purely enabled by your support. That means better content, more frequent updates and time to explore new ways to make BE (The Pill came from a similar period of focus).

So once again thank you and here's to getting bigger and better.




Here is to smoother sailing


This MIGHT be the future of camouflage. I'll need to see more to know for sure. :-D


Camouflage huh? Hey, where did that girl go?😄 Well, seems to be working, but we better do some more testing.😜


I think large scale testing is the way to go. Maybe give 100 girls the suit and put them in a city wide tag game. Last girl standing wins.


The god-king graces us with another gift from on high!!! Sorry I haven't been around lately man! But the Mrs and I have certainly been popping in amidst the many lockdowns and general covid "fun" we've been having the past few months. Love Luca's chapter of The Pill! The writing was amazing! And so so SO glad to hear you're able to move onto patreon fulltime and leave your job. I know what it's like to get schedules jerked around and be on the hook for work all the time, lest the guilt consume you if you just bail on your team. It's exhausting man. I can't imagine how stressful it would be in a tv setting. Super pumped for you though! Not many get the chance to escape that and turn their time and energy toward something they love doing. And the BE community is just gonna be busting having the pinnacle of content creation churning out goodies for us full time! Best news I've heard all year! Wishing you all the best man! Thanks for everything you do!


Hey TMK, always a pleasure when you pop in. Glad you and the missus are going well. Absolutely agree with you about it being exhausting and emotionally draining. But not much longer! My contract ends soon and I'm completely amped to see where going full time on Patreon will take me. I presume somewhere busty.