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Enough people have asked and it's starting to get a bit hard to track down all the comments on the 70+ comment post so rather than risk me missing someone asking and leaving them up the proverbial creek I'm going to give you all a single location for those who are struggling to find the secret ending.

Only use it if you're genuinely stuck!

Scroll down to find out how.













So the way to access it is to as your first action to back away, then play the girls off each other (pick Trish then Belle then Trish or vice versa). That will change the outcome of that ending and reveal the secret one!



any chance we can get the raw character sprites from belle/trish?


I still could not find the "crazy" and the "Lactation" ending. Can anyone help me out?


I couldn't find the "growing problem" ending😔


Well for that one I'd suggest picking Belle till Trish gets all big then swapping sides to Trish... then ending with a final Belle pick.

Michael Fox

I can't figure out how to get the good ending, I'm 6/7

Michael Fox

got it I missed the first part


Only ending I cant find is Crazy.

Ulysse Gay

I am kind of stuck, how do you get the secret ending?