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Hey folks, just giving you a sense of where the latest version is at. Right now I'm in the process of herding cats so to speak. I've got almost all the elements completed and it's just a matter of putting them in the right places. 

It's not a very creative process but needs to be done. Today for example I selected out a stash of new music tracks to go into the new chapter, continued compiling into unity and was fixing up some animations & poses that didn't end up matching the context they're used in well enough.

As is a recurring theme it's taking me longer than I'd like because of the extra finickiness of having two characters on at once so my previous time estimates are a bit off. As it stands I'd say I'm hoping to get it out by 23rd June if not sooner. That'll still give me enough time to get through the SS rewards this month as well.




Dwayne Jarrell

Fantastic News!! Thanks for the update!!


Awesome thanks


As I've said before, I'm looking forward to this.


Was wondering when the next progress report on The Pill was going to come. Thanks for providing this. The countdown has begun!


I think it's shaping up pretty well. When it drops I hope you all agree!


It has indeed. I've finally got the main conversations into Unity today so the whole arc now exists as an entity. Now to refine it into something good!

Matt K

How do you full screen the pill? ever since it updated to unity I have to play it in windowed mode and I can't make it any bigger. It's so tiny please help.


Thanks Alex for letting him know. Just a word of warning I've found sometimes that doing the alt+enter may make some elements display incorrectly (mainly the achievements notification popping in the middle of the screen). Not game-breaking though.