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Hey all,

Just giving you an update on the next version of The Pill and my attempts to rewrite the code into Unity. The short answer - things are going well!

I've completed a complete play loop from beginning to end. That means that the majority of the big coding pieces are now complete! About 2/3rds of the old content is in place for Trish, so all I need to do is finish that off and add in the new Trish content.

One of the new things that I'm doing in the revamp is getting rid of the old CG gallery as completion rewards and replacing it with an Achievements system. It'll mostly function the same way, but now it will unlock animations to play back once you've discovered them in the main game.

So while I'm sadly not going to have a version for you by the end of this week, I'm planning to have one by the end of next week. The following week I'll spend working on the Patreon rewards for March.

In the meantime, I've got this week's Midweek Mammaries (the SuperSized result) rendering as we speak.




Can't wait for the achievements system! The too big to stand ending sounds right up my alley! And the never ending ending has gotta be wild!


I have moderately high hopes for it too... especially as a way to fully engage with the material in the game itself.