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  • Voodoo_animated.mp4



This one might just lift you through your weekly grind!

An animated interpretation of the comic Voodoo, this animation will have you talking higher, jumping for joy (involuntarily) and [third pun involving helium not found].

Full res version attached!



Necrosis Bob

Rising to the occasion...


As a huge fan of pneumatic expansions, I love this. Her expression really sells it.


I knew it! I just knew this glorious day would finally come!!! A perfect animation to one of my all-time favourite comics of yours! But I think you knew that already :P Would've been great to see her bwoomf into and bounce off the ceiling a bit, but that's gotta be a pain to animate and I shan't get greedy! Now to ponder to myself whether the other female scientist could potentially see some helium butt expansion lift-offery in the future lol awesome job man!


I had a feeling you'd enjoy this one! Booping her on the roof is doable, but just a bit much for a MWM. Maybe I'd include it if she ends up going through the SuperSized process ;)