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Greeting all, I'd like to use this space to announce that I am pausing and taking a break from Patreon in the month of December 2019.


Well, firstly I'm losing two weekends (my main time to work on BE related content) to family events. Secondly, I have a bunch of stuff both admin and R&D for the Grove that I want to have some time to explore without having to make the MWM and SS rewards (plus have the time to do some writing for The Pill). To be honest the prospect of exploring new avenues and hitting it again hard in the new year is pretty exciting to me.

How does this affect me!?

If you're currently a patron, you'll not be charged for the month of December. New or returning members will still be charged the sign-up amount. There won't be any guaranteed SS or MWM rewards that month either. Though I might post something small here and there.

What should I do?

If you were planning to bounce at the end of November, I'd say hang on till the end of December. It costs you nothing you and you might get a free post you'd otherwise miss. If you were planning to stay on anyway you have my gratitude.

When will you be back?

I'll be unpausing and back in action in January 2020.

What about the second November SS Reward?

It'sa comin'. It'll be a 60-70 panel growth sequence that I'm planning to release by week's end.

Are porcupines and echnidas friends or enemies?


...Do you still wish me a Merry Christmas?

That depends on whether you have been good or bad this year. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I wish you all a Merry Christmas! I'll do a small post closer to the occasion.



hope you enjoy your holidays, can't wait for you to return

Seth Smith

What did porcupines and echnidas do to hurt you?!

Mystery Guy

totally understandable to take the holidays off, take some time to recharge and step away for a bit. it helps the creative process a ton. happy holidays!


Yes Happy Holiday's! Hope there Merry!


It was during the Great Emu War... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War) we were surrounded on all sides by the vicious Emus... the echidnas were serving as their bombing battalion.... all hope seemed lost, when overhead a cry was heard - The Night of Spiky Betrayal! Their covenant shattered the porcupines betrayed their echidna cousins and speared their armaments. Spikes flew by the thousands, each side a whirling ball of pointy death. We thought our well-placed bribes had given us the breathing space we needed... then the hedgehogs arrived...


Thanks for the understanding, that's exactly my view too. Happy holidays :D


The Merriest of Christmases to you, good sir! It's been an amazing year on this patreon man! Always good to take some time to refresh, especially during the busy ass month of December! Happy Holidays and I'm looking forward to January!


Cheers TMK, and thank you for being around supporting the whole time! Your kind words are always appreciated.